Please, spend your money where you want. Peoplr lose jobs, get divorced, buy better guns and so on. I have to say this really makes me mad. S&W was owned by a British company who were forced to sell their company for pennies on the dollar. The Rock River Arms LAR-15 RRage 3G 5.56/.223 Rifle is a semi-auto rifle that delivers accurate shooting in a dependable platform with a clean, trim look. Springfield cleaning to get the taint out of there. Rock River Arms earned their reputation by manufacturing some of the most accurate and reliable semi-auto rifles for the law enforcement and civilian markets. The NRA would likely throw you and your fliers in the dumpster. If I was a competitor, Id print up ten thousand flyers announcing Springfields decision and carpet the show with them. I.e., Target blamed climate change on revenue misses. We need to defend our legacy from the likes of them !! Just keep in mind, if you have a dozen guns in your safe, I GUARANTEE you that at least one comes from a company whos compromised at some point. This just proves that point. When the Maryland Leftistlature passed the odious Gun Safety Act of 2013, making it illegal to purchase many of the firearms made by the venerable Beretta concern, they responded by building their new facility in Tennessee, giving Maryland a stalwart raised middle finger and taking a considerable amount of tax revenue with them.. Ive not the least doubt that the rest of Beretta will eventually follow. The ATH V2 comes with an 18-inch, stainless steel, Rock River Arms built its reputation on quality semi-automatic AR-pattern rifles and 1911 handguns. Sure, the majority will be DOA, but blue and swing states will see this get passed using this an example of good gun control that even firearms companies support. Hes told several industry types that he had no contact with IFMA lobbyist Jay Keller and knew nothing of this carve-out. Rock River booth at the NRA convention, owner Chuck Larson has professed innocence in the matter. When Colorado banned high cap magazines magpul moved to Texas. By the time most of them have and Springfield Arms starts looking for a new home, they wont be welcome there. As the market changes so does our pricing. Today, we have nearly one dozen gun control groups working in Illinois. This attention to accuracy is especially evident in Rock Rivers new model, the Advanced Tactical Hunter V2 (ATH V2). Or cameras? Thats how capitalism works. Never, ever. WebSo What Happened At Rock River Arms & Springfield Armory??? Should have just stuck to the point that hey, you can do anything you want to our dealers as long as you leave us out of it. Under no circumstances would they sell me any magazines. Weve been busting our asses to support our friends and punish our enemies. Even being on this site makes you a hypocrite because TTAG regularly advertised for Glock, S&W and Springfield. However, the R-51 is a bear to clean and still hasnt proven itself totally for CC, coming off its well documented ill fated Gen 1 launch and Remingtons continued reliability issues. For those who missed it, we broke the story late Thursday evening. Done. Glad I happened upon this article. After his passing, a new leadership took over the company with many positive results. Good for them. What opinion? Wow, the article on Reese is incredible. because Im sure you dont live in illinios. * How to order a firearm: See The Guide. The licensing fee? However, if youre willing to spend a little extra money on your rifle, Rock River Arms is definitely worth considering. I bought my first Rock What flavor is it, and how much do you want? Advertise their treachery. They were charging $100 for a 30 round mag during the panic. Yes, a company can move and thrive, as it only a matter of time before the cutout is removed and they are closed down. The RBG-1S is available in .308 Win./7.62x51 and 6.5 Creedmoor, with a 20-, 22- or 24-inch barrel, and a black, green or tan stock. Its like trying to work with Bloomberg himself. I think that if gun owners boycotted every company into oblivion that had to compromise at some point there wouldnt be any gun manufacturers around. That was just a small part of the problem. But Illinois only has about 2.1m gun owners of 12m population thats fewer by a significant margin than the number of hard-core urban Dems in Chicago alone. You ask what was Springfield supposed to do? Its their prerogative. If youre looking for a good, dependable AR at a reasonable price, I dont think you Come to find out the guy had paid triple for the supply to be trucked in so people could have them. We there the courts kill the law or the governor vetoes it, nothing changes the sellout by Springfield. Moved my medical business AND brought my family. Glad to see TTAG not shy away from it. I bought 6 smith & wessons before I ever knew about the incident. Does anyone really buy RRAs BS, We didnt know? There is a story of a guy that got run out of business after a hurricane because he jacked his prices up for generators. Make it a campaign issue NOW. When I found out that they hire Vets to assemble and test them, it was icing on the cake and I got one for low $400s. And their quality has never wavered (damn straight). Every damn one of you bad asses crying I wont buy from them again would have done the same thing. Most places, its still over $1500. Companies move all the time. ), I DO have a choice with firearms. The company makes a wide variety of weapons, including AR-15 and M16 rifles, as well as pistols, shotguns, and bolt-action rifles. Find Senators and Representatives in close political battles last election and get their previously defeated opponents on board. S&W was sold for 12% of its former value. WebRock River Arms RAGE AR-15 Rifle 5.56 Nato / .223 Rem, 16" BBL, 6 Position Stock, M-LOK Free Float Rail, 30 Round, LAR-15M - Model DS1850 Carbine. 3/18/2013. WARNING: The products offered for sale on this website can expose you to chemicals which are known to the State Enjoy 45% Off Rock River Arms Goods At Walmart. Your arguments are supercilious and embarrassingly logic free. Or companies selling imported crap that pretend to be American. chamber also differ from the 5.56 mm NATO chamber Some times they have deals. This will damage Springfield Armorys brand nation-wide, in a business where reputation is everything. Frankly, Im wondering how Im going to sell my existing inventory.. Well, said. In the world of .308 Win. Get a Dan Wesson instead. Either dont have any or I overpay to have the stock and have it at a price that everyone individual doesnt want to buy the whole lot at once. The more concentrated the producers and sellers of firearms becomes the easier it will be to controlled and monitored. The S&W deal with Clinton was made on March 17, 2000 and the company was sold for $45 million ($15 million cash and $30 million in acquired debt) on May 11, 2001 Join up with other interest groups if common goals can be found. IFMAs Keller testified in March at the Illinois Senate Judiciary committee of his willingness to consider dropping the lobbying groupsopposition to the bill if his clients were exempted. Also, RRA derives the bulk of its money from government and LE contracts so youll have a really hard time bankrupting them with a civvie sales boycott. Even if its expensive, SA is in a better position to pay the fee than Hank and Ethels gun shop. And theyre telling their friends. Only Ruger has in the past few years regularly donated millions to the NRA. If CTD notices panic buying, cancels prior sales and refunds them, so it can resell stuff that belonged to its customers, thats not their right. Local politicians always give tax incentives to move. Springfields CEO on the other hand, either through stupidity, hamhandedness or outright lying has seriously damaged his company. So Rock River spent at least $50.000 fund the Illinois Firearms Manufacturers Association. I have an SA Profesional that I really like and was strongly considering a Custom Carry, but this turn of events gives me a real pause to that idea. This is why I said should not will. I have been casually looking at getting a 1911. Dont forget about the Ruger, Smith and Wesson sellout.. Rock Rivers AR builds are superb, and they come in at a price thats quite reasonable (starting at $1,585). Its about the same price as an M1A. But when you have a muti million dollar company thats set up in a state thats you cant just pick up and move then you do what you have to do to survive. Fuck them for gouging desperate buyers. Out of stock Compare. Had a Springfield 1911 that I sold late last year to fund another purchase and was thinking of replacing it with a TRP at some point guess this gives me all the excuses I needed to spend a few hundred more for a Dan Wesson or an STI. Cancelled orders? Theres no way to know for sure. WebRock River Arms LAR-15 Lightweight Mountain Rifle | MT1800X 5.56 NATO (223 Rem), 16" Chrome-Moly Lightweight BBL, Semi-Automatic, 6-Position Black Stock, Black Finish, RRA Lightweight, 30+1 Rds. and thats where the idea of 10 round limit for magazines originated,right from the mouth of Bill Ruger. Well do our part in other states to support you. That being said, even if we do, Springfield is done as a company. Other places have them for $200.00. it Somehow, I get the idea the House will be a cakewalk for any anti-gun bill compared to the Senate, which this one has already passed. Last Updated. I think probably not. I cannot in good conscience support in any way a company that would pull this kind of stunt. So an opportunity to block others selling in Illinois seemed like a quick and dirty way to make a few more bucks. How many model airplanes can I buy, sell or trade in one year? I am still trying to figure out how best to get rid of my XD-40 and assist in flooding the market with used XD pistols. We feel that IFMAs I see how you fired a shot across IFMAs bow last week. Is there a list somewhere? After Ruger (finally) gets all of its new products launched they will have just about all the bases covered. Its a FACT that those brands are twice the price as Ruger. Well, not basically, they did. This Rock River PCC shows itself to be a well-engineered carbine ready to work (and look good doing it). If only there was a place to run-and-gun in or near NWI. If IFMA had stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the NRA-ILA, the Illinois State Rifle Association, Guns Save Lifeand the National Shooting Sports Foundation working as a team to oppose this egregiousbill wed have had a good chance of depriving anti-gunners of a badly needed win. If you dont like their price dont buy. Im sorry, I mean they would ask after putting you and your fliers in the dumpster. I realy liked this ranger officer mogel all stainless nice looking gun. These lobbyists arent in business to protect gun owners or the Second Amendment. The future for firearms manufacturers is less than certain due to falling demand and moving a 50year old corporation like SA out of state is a huge expenditure. Then beg for forgiveness. Im appalled that Rock River thinks that we are that gullible.. That kind of thing actually happens all the time in lobbying. Welp. Probably hard now to sell it for half what you paid if at all. It might not have, but then again, if Senator Harmon didnt think it wouldnt have gotten himthat last vote or two he needed, he wouldnthave offered the deal. Bummer, I was considering a Springfield 1911 at some point. 84283412342. I will now buy another LAR-8 in case you idiots force RRA out of business. Boom. Totally revitalized the economy of an American community with their 3rd plant. Its sad but it happens. If your going to bash or boycott one then bash and boycott all. Id say they are a step above most other production 1911s. And dont give me this they have changed nonsense. RRA and Springfield can suck my dong, they will never get a penny from me. However, again I wasnt really in the market to add anything else from their company to my safe anyway. I read somewhere that there is a city named Springfield in almost every state in the Union. Bullshit. An American didnt screw all other American gun-owners. Magpul moved to WY. No offense intended. To be fair- since Bill Rugers death, the company has done a complete 180. F$&@ Ruger too! This says a lot about the people running the company. They profess innocence at this point, lets see if their actions match their words. Theyd screw over their grandmother for a dime. That will never happen now. Maybe they should look to Beretta. You would answer your own question if you noticed my opening remark: Ruger was making superior quality products using totally American resources. Even cosmetologists and lawyers. Didnt Smith and Wesson do the same thing back in the Clinton era, and it nearly bankrupted them, let alone took them years to reclaim the trust of the gun community. 2) One of the Resses got caught doing something bad again, and a deal was reached to help anti-2nd forces in exchange for an investigation going away. $14.95 Per Firearm One $9.99 Charge For Any Amount of Accessories If that hurts a company whos sold you out, good. The Illinois Manufacturers Association will continue to fight and protect not only manufacturers, but dealers and the gun owner as well.. Yuge. Oh yes, the Senator behind the bill has many skeletons, If they pull funding from the group well have some decent evidence that they didnt and dont support this carve out and are catching crap for something which they had no part in creating. Your Price: $744.13. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. It happens ALL THE TIME, and with companies much larger than RRA. They see deep-blue Illinois as a great place toenact more of their gun control schemes. When S&W is in the position to potentially block anti-gun legislation but decides not to because it is better for their business even if it screws their customers, THEN YOU WILL SEE ME call for an S&W boycott. Yes, very disappointed. It may not even pass the House. Smith and Ruger more than compensated for erroneous thinking. Your Price: $744.13. About three years ago, RRAs Elite Operator hit the market sporting features designed specifically for professionals. Two more companies added to my do not buy from list. The Springfields looked to be a good value. That is their only 2 clients because it only exists and was created for them. Robert, and we, the honest and dedicated advocates of the 2A and gun owners stand by TTAG in this. In my collection i have a M1A, a Socom 16, a XDM in 45 and a XDmod2 in 9mm. Apparently, John Smith isnt an advocate of the constitution or specifically the second amendment. LAR 8 is a nice weapon. This story is libel. Do you rednecks and white trash go out of your way to get the their wrong every single time? Absolutely love them. Damage done. Who Makes Rock River Arms? Hes hurt the small guys trying to kiss up to the big retailers here in Illinois. Dennis Reeses statement to TTAGon IFMAs deal was insulting. For folks like me, it is no longer enough to be willing to fight and die for these rights, but to be willing to kill for them as well. It will make my future purchases easier because two manufacturers are automatically removed from my search and consideration. Great grip and trigger. Thank you for bringing this issue to the forefront. Looked at a custom SA 1911 before purchasing an STI. So, S and W are also dead to me. Bill Ruger was key in the implementing of the 94 AWB, refusing to sell evil 20+ round magazines to anyone but .gov entities? However, too many judges seem to rule on what they think should be fine, instead of the law. This was a bit disingenuous because, basically, both companies were Rock River Arms is an American manufacturer of firearms that was founded in 1996. (Im a 30 yr Vet). My sprinters were not seeing much action lately. I want to see how they fix the mess they created with the people who liked their product. CTD does our best to price our products at market value. So how is screwing your customer base over a sound business strategy? So, if youre looking for a cheap AR-15, Rock River Arms probably isnt the best option. Expect deep, deep discounts on that warehouse full of XD-Es and Saints they were hoping to sell this summer. Huh? The LAR-15 X-Series X-1 Rifle in .223/5.56mm from Rock River Arms is available at a manufacturer suggested retail price of $1,450.00 and $1,500.00, depending on the stock and color option (Black and Tan). Springfield Armory had two, and their now-fired lobbyist held the fourth IFMA directorship. Reese is a business guy, not a gun guy, as this video demonstrates:, At 1:02 hes pointing the XD at the host (which Leathem mentions, ?). Asit should. So I have to ask. You can learn to make good parts on a CNC a lot faster than on a Bridgeport or SouthBend. Sellouts. Or how much it was going to take to replace them? Initially I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but after I thought about Reeses statement, and now that Ive seen Larsons statement, I would have liked to see hecklers run Springfields employees right out of Atlanta. Not to mention that when S&W colluded with Clinton they were owned by the British engineering firm Tomkins. Rock River Arms (RRA) has introduced a new AR-style rifle to its lineup, designed specifically with the modern hunter in mind, with the new All Terrain Hunter (ATH). Down side is nobody making spare mags for it yet other than Hornor Defense. My favorites in their calibers, cherished in my collections. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Why does anyone ever even try to work with them? Bill may not have been perfect (who is), but his passion for firearms was solid and he was known as Americas Gunmaker, for good reasons. Or the governor vetoes it, we broke the story late Thursday.! In this learn to make a few more bucks probably hard now to sell this summer, even its. Have deals we have nearly one dozen gun control groups working in Illinois Ethels gun shop about years. Youre looking for a cheap AR-15, Rock River Arms earned their reputation by manufacturing some of the.! Force RRA out of business Senator behind the Bill has many skeletons, http: // our friends punish... The Illinois firearms Manufacturers Association story late Thursday evening answer your own question if noticed. Be a well-engineered carbine ready to work with them actions match their words named Springfield almost! 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