Such questioning opens up as social workers attempt to account for their own social construction within the cultural construct of social work. Practitioners, trapped by the notion that theories can be directly implemented by the adequate practitioner, frequently feel personally responsible for limitations on their practice. Situated knowledges: The science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective. (accessed March 2, 2023). Biomedicine is a dominant and pervasive model in health care settings and there are strengths and limitations in working within the this discourse. We acknowledge a knowledge-based economy while making tuition unaffordable. Ms. M had immigrated to Canada when she was an adolescent. asserts that discourses, in Fou- cault's work, are ways of constituting knowledge, together with the social practices, forms of subjectivity and power relations. We can also assess how discourses position us in relation to other professionals and to clients. We worked to identify oppositions between competing discourses. The discourse, which spoke to girls sexuality, was born as political resistance to the heterosexist and patriarchal norms of the prevention efforts. Taylor, C., & White, S. (2000). The failures of this fantasy cause us to suffer, to apologize, to despair. Many times our investigations pointed to opposing discourses - discourses that counteract each other. the dominant discourse. Haraway, D. (1988). Ronnis insightful observation was that she found herself attempting to protect Tara from the contempt of school personnel, who blatantly denigrated Tara because of her sexual activity. In J. Butler & J. Scott (Eds. In other words, such a trajectory works to normalize a sequence of sexuality which ranges from the right time to the end-stage of heterosexual marriage. Adult Education Quarterly, 48 (3), 185-198. It was clear to me that the emotions described in these cases could only be exacerbated by introducing newer and improved practice theories, as if the proper application of such theories could have achieved different outcomes, thus alleviating individual failure. A 13-yr old girl, Tara, was referred to Ronni Gorman for counseling. Such critical analysis allows us to contemplate a major question at the heart of her practice: How can historical consciousness, left out of psychological discourses, contribute to forming relations of solidarity with our clients, thus enabling practice better aligned with justice? Foucault was interested in power and social change. The existing social work practice in the mental health field creates its boundaries within medical model and neglects a social work practice which explores critical perspective (Morley, 2003). Retrieved from Although ageism is prevalent in many forms, one significant manifestation is in and through common discourse. Jane Flax (Flax, 1992) defines discourses as follows: Identification of the place, function and character of the knowers, authors, and audiences is tantamount to understanding how social work is constructed outside the individual intentions of the social worker. Yet hegemonic discourses are never all-dominant but rather remain partial and open to challenge in the face of oppositional discourses (Williams 1 977: 113; Bonilla-Silva 201 3:9). What exactly does discourse "construct"? An ideology is defined as a system of beliefs and values that not only seek to describe the world but also to transform it. Social workers and other people working in community services have traditionally worked within the dominant discourse of "the poor." The idea of the dominant discourse is that it is often taken for granted and rarely questioned. My hope is that understanding our social construction through discourse analysis can open space for reconceptualizing the apologetic social worker by tempering the unrealistic goals of professional knowledge and valuing the intellectual interest afforded by the kinds of questions with which social work is engaged. Dominant discourse is a way of speaking or behaving on any given topic it is the language and actions that appear most prevalently within a given society. Discourse analysis is an approach to the study of language that demonstrates how language shapes reality. Taras school attendance was irregular and she was involved in conflict with her mother. She moved out on her own, successfully pursued advanced education and was on the verge of achieving professional accreditation at the time of Maxines contact with her. These discourses arguably create dominant understandings and representations, fairytales of what an "ideal" childhood should and can be. Relatively little published research explores issues pertaining to menstruation in school education. Openness to questions about the constitution of practice iscritical practice. How did particular discourses position them in relation to their client, to their organization and to their own identities? Also she is positioned as the insider in the child protection agency who must dispose of the other using her insider talents, but who cannot speak from the inside because it would challenge deep-seated power relations. A few examples include the discourse on illegal migrants, discourse on disabilities and mental illness, discourse on social behavior, discourse on the position of the youth in the society and much more. As Ronni says The realization that actually contradicting this discipline would not abolish this discipline did not cross my mind (Gorman, 2004), p. 16). The dominant understanding of empowerment in the context of international development is based on a discourse that is Western-centric and neo-colonialist. It focuses specifically on participant . Despite Maxines best efforts, this troubled relationship ended in separation when the daughter moved in permanently with a relative. In identifying this, Ronni restructures her practice in light of what has previously been left out. Social work education is aimed at helping students to meld personal, political and professional intentions, so that students can fight injustices while doing social work. Is used to explain differences in outcomes, effort, or ability. Fook, J. Marston, G. (2004), Social Policy and Discourse Analysis: Policy Change in Public Housing, Aldershot: Ashgate. What is a dominant discourse? They are criminal objects in need of control. Deconstructing dominant discourse in therapy and counseling . Finally, what does discourse analysis as critical reflection leave us with? Instead, she was interested in a more libratory approach which facilitated discussion about sexuality, pleasure, feelings and desire. This is how discourse analysis can displace the individualism of the "heroic activist" in favour of a more nuanced, complex and . However, as Healy points out, it is a model that fails to include the multiple identifications and obligations of service workers (p. 136). Maxine made extraordinary efforts to help Ms. M and her daughter, but to no avail, because her constructed participation in this reproduction process was the root of her pain. Social work practices: Contemporary perspectives on change. At no time did Ronni focus on getting her to stop.. In the book of abstracts, our abstract was 115 of 119. Her agency had neither an analysis of the sensitivity of her position in relation to immigrant clients, nor the racist assumptions that grounded these case allocations. as doctors or patients), and it is these social effects of discourse that are focused on in discourse analysis. When oppositions are in place, what boundaries are erected? Geography. Discourse typically emerges out of social institutionslike media and politics (among others), and by virtue of giving structure and order to language and thought, it structures and orders our lives, relationships with others, and society. Because discourse has so much meaning and deeply powerful implications in society, it is often the site of conflict and struggle. Yet we are also constructed from the histories of the world, and all discourses are born from history. This vantage point opens opportunities for practice that work towards Ronnis social justice goals. In the aftermath of George Floyd's murder in the streets of Minneapolis 1 and the ensuing protests against police brutality, systemic racism and racial injustice, journalists of color were speaking out against institutional racism in their own industry (Farhi and Ellison, 2020). The purpose was to analyze how such discourses produced their conceptions of the cases and how they confined their thinking about the case. We draw on theories within social gerontology whilst also . Such a process enabled them to stand back from the scope of their practice in order to understand its construction within a particular discursive space. This assessment had particular resonance due to Maxines statutory power over the disposition of the child. (1999). When we look outside the boundaries of discourses, we may discover practice questions which help us reflect on power and possibility. New York: Routledge. Crucially, it is underpinned by a critical . Perhaps an alternative way to understand burnout is to see it as deep disappointment that results when we are unable to enact the values we hold and have been encouraged to hold, and when that disappointment is interpolated as our fault or the agencys fault, at the expense of understanding the social construction of the failure. We separate those who deserve help from those who dont while believing in fair redistribution of resources. Discourse analysis is therefore a purely practical remedy of identifying silences and contradictions so that our practice better lends itself to choices based on our values and our aspirations for culture. (p. 3-4) Discourse analysis is intended to grasp how certain thoughts, feelings and actions are made possible through discourse as well as those that are precluded. Further, they suggest that reflexivity is not simply an augmentation of practice by individual professionals, but a profession-wide responsibility. 'Oh' prepares the hearer for a surprising or just-remembered item, and 'but' indicates that sentence to follow is in opposition to the one before. I had to admit that I saw both discourse from my subject position as a mother, and had to rather sheepishly admit that I wouldnt have wanted my thirteen year old daughter to be having sex at that age. In social work, critical practice is crucial because social work is a nexus where social contradictions are manifest. My view of critical reflective practice is that it must promote a necessary distance from practice in order to enable practitioners to understand the construction of practice, thus enhancing a kind of ethics or freedom, in Foucaults terms (Foucault, 1994, p. 284) which opens perspectives capable of addressing questions about social work, social justice and the place of the practitioner. Dominant is any Discourse that will help you in life, or acquire more "goods" (money, status, etc. In other words, from a poststructural point of view, discourses are the sets of language practices that shape our thoughts, actions and even our identities," as quoted from Karen Healy, 2014, p. 3. Teaching this class was a daunting prospect. Van Dijk, 1995:353; Jahedi, Abdullah &Mukundan, 2014:29). Flax, J. Lastly, dominant and nondominant fall under a secondary Discourse. Discourse transmits and produces power; it undermines and . Discourses delineate what can be said within a given set of ideas so that critical practice is exercised when we try to look at what is excluded by a particular discourse in order to alternative viewpoints. These discourses are effects of power, usually when an opposing discourse is mobilized to resist another. She has taught and researched at institutions including the University of California-Santa Barbara, Pomona College, and University of York. In this sense, sociologists frame discourse as a productive force because it shapes our thoughts, ideas, beliefs, values, identities, interactions with others, and our behavior. Discourse analysis accesses questions that help make social contradictions and ambivalence visible and it opens conceptual space regarding ones position within competing or dominant discourses. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press. Thus, I have found myself on the terrain of a kind of critical ethics that views practice theories as stories about the cultural ideals of practice, and that treats practitioners experiences as stories that can teach us about the conduct of practice in relation to such ideals. Global power dynamics play a significantly influential role in determining what discourses become dominant and inform development practice. Discourses become dominant because they are unconsciously operated daily, which inspire social inequality to take place in society (Kerry H. Robinson show more content Healy, K. (2000). These students either had significant work experience, or experience in a previous practicum to draw from. One of the strengths of working within this model, it allows you to work within . A discourse of criminality, when usedto discuss protestors, or those struggling to survive theaftermath of a disaster, like Hurricane Katrina in 2004, structures beliefs about right and wrong, and in doing so, sanctions certain kinds of behavior. When we asked the critical question about what is left out of the story of attachment, it became clear that such a story is applied to individuals without regard to history and context. We might even think of a discourse as a worldview in action. Discourse analysis can enrich progressive social work practices by demonstrating how the language practices through which organizations, theorists, practitioners and service users express their understanding of social work also shape the kinds of practices that occur (Healy, 2000). As a woman of colour from the Caribbean, Maxine shared experiences with other immigrant women of colour in Canada; shared a cultural heritage, and an insiders knowledge of the difficulties of negotiating these spaces. As such, discourse is imbued with attitudes and . Perhaps you are a teacher, youth group facilitator, student affairs personnel or manage a team that works with an . In order to achieve a critical social work practice a practice capable of grasping towards an ethics of practice - we needed to raise questions about the construction of experience in the classs case studies. Discourse typically emerges out of social institutions like media and politics (among others), and by virtue of giving structure and order to language and . Rossiter, A. These assessments can afford us more choice, or simply the awareness of the impossibility of certain choices in the conduct of practice. Abstract. We know all too well the struggles of the child protection workers, welfare workers, and hospital workers who find it difficult to face the fate of their ideals within the construction of their practice. knowledge is not simply a resource to deploy in practice. This is because Critical Social Justice separates the world into these two diametrically opposing positions with respect to systemic power, which is its central object of interest. The essential question is: If reflective practice derives theory from experience, how do we critically problematise the very experience from which we draw our conclusions? The . For example, Tonkiss considered different explanations of juvenile crime constructed within discourses In this kind of opposition, chances for dialogue about complicated issues, chances for Ronni to promote change through communication of her perspective, and to use the experience of the school personnel for her own learning and growth were limited. The social worker as heroic activist makes for a comforting conception of social work, but at the expense of learning to face the messiness of social works managed, or constructed place. So we could say that the 'dominant discourse' about children is that they're innocent. She remembered the case with a sense of failure, and her recounting of the case was marked by a kind of unexplained sorrow. I will describe two examples of discourse-based case studies, and show how the conceptual space that is opened by such reflection can help social workers gain a necessary distance from the complexity of their ambivalently constructed place. When you conduct discourse analysis, you might focus on: The purposes and effects of different types of language. In order to illustrate these contentions, I want to turn to my experience with a graduate social work class called Advanced Social Work Practice. His theory of Discourse is grounded in social and cultural views of literacy. In doing so it produces much of what occurs within us and within society. In particular, dominant structures are subject to question because of the ways in which meanings are constructed on oppositional lines (p. 203). Discourse refers to how we think and communicate about people, things, the social organization of society, and the relationships among and between all three. Cole, Nicki Lisa, Ph.D. "Introduction to Discourse in Sociology." Ronni discussed it with her supervisor who felt obliged to inform other school personnel, to Ronnis dismay. The only problematic area for all the social workers was their difficulty in naming the skills and knowledge used in their practice. Ronni came to see that this discursive position cancelled out the possibility of calling on school personnel as resources for Tara - resources that had the potential to protect her as a young girl with particular vulnerabilities. The overall question I asked students to raise in relation to their cases was what is left out? Interchanging the terms discourse and story, we talked about how stories both include and exclude, forming boundaries in meaning (Spivak, 1990), and that critical practice is the search for what is left outside the story. They also positioned Ronni in relations of opposition to school personnel. Ronnis practice with Tara was situated within her values about the need for libratory discourses of sexuality for girls. Teachers appeared to no longer know what to do with her, and asked Ronni to see her in the hopes of getting through to her. The school was particularly concerned with getting Tara to stop her sexual activity. Unpublished Ph.D., University of Toronto, Toronto. Hegemony is a concept developed by Italian communist philosopher Antonio Gramsci that understands dominant groups in society to have the power to impose its own knowledge and values onto marginalized groups. In narrative therapy, there is an emphasis on the stories that you develop and carry with you through your life. Discourse may be classified into the following varieties: descriptive, narrative, expository. London: Sage. ), Working with Experience. Finally the strengths perspective will be . A conventional course on advanced practice should explicate practice theories, perhaps compare and critically analyze them and then devise methods for their application in practice. ), Transforming social work practice: Postmodern critical perspectives. It is the place where larger cultural and social conflicts and contradictions regarding independence and dependence, deserving and undeserving, institutional and residual, difference and sameness, individualism and collectivism, authority and freedom meet unresolved but expressed through the contradictions that inhere in practice. New York: The Crossroad Publishing Corporation. Thus, the heroic activist model dooms most social workers to an ignominious less than activist status. Michel Foucault (1926-1984) was a French philosopher, sociologist, and historian interested in the construction of knowledge and power through discourse. In the ensuing months, Ronni developed a close, supportive relationship with Tara. Ronni, in identifying the prevention discourse in her school, is able to bring into view the disciplinary force of this discourse; to prevent girls from dealing with sex until the socially appropriate age thus reinforcing heterosexism and sexism. And into this breach enter social workers with our desire to make a difference, and our theories on how to do that. Attachment theories are common explanations of the parent/child conflict in some immigrant families experiences of separation and reunification during patterns of immigration. transformed, its participation in the reproduction of long-term unequal social arrangements must be eliminated. In effect she creates a new discursive position that better aligns her practice with her political commitments. Michel Foucault. 12 Resulting from Eurocentric and patriarchal discourses that focus on masculine communication that is direct, competitive, and control-oriented, directness when exhibited by an . Again, feeling subsumed by the dominant discourse. They generally represented moments of feeling as though they did not live up to the ideals and values they learned in schools of social work, and they felt a keen sense of disappointment and anger at their helplessness in complicated social, cultural and organizational conjunctures. As such, discourse, power, and knowledge are intimately connected, and work together to create hierarchies. 131-155). How did some discursive positions conflict with their own self-knowledge? In order to provide a frame for critical reflection on their cases, I chose four elements of associated with discourse analysis: 1) Identification of ruling discourses in the case studies; 2) the oppositions and contradictions between discourses; 3) positions for actors created by discourses which in turn shape perspectives and actions; 4) and the constructed nature of experience itself. Younger students enter social work education only knowing that they want to help people. Our graduating students learn that this is an uncool thing to say, so they refine this notion by saying that they want to change the world by ridding it of oppressions, and they are seduced by the image of the heroic activist. Ronnis analysis moved beyond opposition through a new discourse of health-oriented openness to girls sexuality in which protection is configured as part of healthy sexuality. Indeed, a focus in critical reflection needs to show how oppositions structure practice. Another example of a dominant discourse is the discourse around climate change. When they enter the world of practice, they are thrown into sites constructed by contradictions and ambivalences where their subjectivities as practitioners embody these contradictions, yet they still expect to enact their ideals. This vantage point enabled students to move from the need to find answers and techniques to the radical acceptance of practice as the unending responsibility for ethical relationships which are always/already jeopardized by larger social relations. We could also see how the critic of attachment position of a child protection worker positioned Maxine as participating in that reproduction of forced separation, thus rupturing her political and personal solidarity with Ms. M. It positioned Maxine as being in charge of a forced separation: of doing violence to her own people as part of the historical cover-up of the impact of the long history of white exploitation of people of colour. The knowledge she is expected to deploy is based on attachment theory the personality damage that results from interrupted early attachment. This desire is subjected to the strange twists and turns of which take place inside the institutions of practice. However, despite numerous revolutions within the field of mental health, the biological paradigm has remained largely dominant within western healthcare, especially in orientating the understanding and treatment of . Gadamer, H.-G. (1992). Indeed, Carol- Ann OBrian (O'Brien, 1999) documents the history of prevention of sexuality as the dominate focus of social work literature related to youth sexuality. In contrast, the immigrants rights discourse that emerges out of institutions like education, politics, and from activist groups, offers the subject category, undocumented immigrant, in place of the object illegal, and is often cast as uninformed and irresponsible by the dominant discourse. Her mother had immigrated years before, leaving her in the care of her paternal grandparents and a stepfather. When multiple discourses are uncovered, then we can treat our own perspective as limited, particular, local and contingent as opposed to the adoption of expert professional view as the privileged view. In turn, such assessments act against the internalization of the contradictions played out in social work practice. as "deviant," in opposition to a dominant desire for adaptation. as social subjects (e.g. I will describe two examples of discourse-based case studies, and show how the conceptual space that is opened by such reflection can help social workers live with the complexity of their ambivalently constructed place. Given the mandate of working with marginalized people, this particular nexus is a place of crushing ambivalence. Indeed, more how tos could only add to their apology stance. Underpinned by theories of social work . While she understands that such an approach is constructed a fiction it is a construction she chooses to empower because it is grounded in her social justice aspirations. Work in social psychology has shown that the stereotype of blacks as violent and criminal is alive and well in American society (Eberhardt, Goff, Purdie, & The sections below describe the dominant discourses identified in our sample by discussing the underlying categories that integrate them and illustrating each discourse with examples of coded tweets from different keywords (for a complete list of discourse categories, see Table 5). Major theorists such as Michel Foucault and Stuart Hall . With the achievement of this necessary distance Ronni was able to formulate new possibilities for practice. Social work is characterized by a biological, psychological and social framework in its understanding of human behavior and development. In our case, the class project was to scrutinize the knowledge claims embedded in cases and to understand the implication of such claims for their affective relationship to practice as well as on the experience of their clients. Carolyn Taylor and Susan White make a distinction between reflection and reflexivity where the latter adds a critical dimension by calling taken-for-granted assumptions into questions (Taylor & White, 2000). 22-40). (1992). Michel Foucault. The press of globalization means that more than ever, we interact with people whose historical formation is different from ours. You: Hmm, that's . I will outline how critical reflection based on discourse analysis may generate useful perspectives for practitioners who struggle to make sense of the gap between critical aspirations and practice realities, and who often mediate that gap as a sense of personal failure. We began to think about the history of forced separation and forced disruption of families beginning with the importation of African slaves to the Caribbean. Were asked to help but not make people dependent. Brookfield, S. (1996). 1 By providing social workers with a greater understanding of the history, epistemology, and key assumptions, this article aims to promote critical awareness and critical reflection on how the biomedical paradigm may be influencing health care environments. . 3, p. Rossiter, A. When we fail, we describe the result as burnout. Once discourses were identified, students could discover how those discourses created subject positions for themselves, their clients and others involved in the case. Conflicts between discursive fields can position practitioners in, for example, good/bad or radical/conservative kinds of splits that freeze subject positions, thus prefiguring relationships. If ideology is a worldview, discourse is how we organize and express that worldview in thought and language. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities are central to social work. This paper is based on the results of an Australian survey of 5007 young women aged 13-25, which examined their experiences of menstruation and dysmenorrhea. In recent years, I believe that the experience of asymmetry between expectations of practitioners and the possibilities of practice has become more intense as social work struggles to conceptualize how to bring practice into social movements. It is a story that cannot be told within the reigning discourse of attachment. On Critical Reflection. Assessing the impact and implications for social workers of an innovative children's services programme aimed to support workforce reform and integrated working. 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