I hope to have more information on that in the future but in the meantime, do your own research and make your best judgement. The Blue, Pink, Purple and Magenta stuff are all metal sequestering agents. You will need about a half to one pound of ascorbic acid per 10,000 gal. We all know how when you spend too much time in a chlorinated pool, you tend to have some seemingly harmless effects such as red eyes and maybe a rash. When it comes to the chemistry of your pool, balance is best. But that actually isn't all that relevant. To prevent darkening, keep peeled peaches in ascorbic acid solution (1 teaspoon or 3000 milligrams ascorbic acid or vitamin C per gallon of water), or use a commercial ascorbic acid mixture according to directions on package. If youve just added muriatic acid to your pool, youre probably wondering how long you have to wait before you can swim. Can you swim after adding metal free? Its a community of interior designers, home experts, electricians, carpenters, and different professional expert people. All water has alkalis things like carbonates, bicarbonates, and hydroxides and they are important because they keep the pH levels from changing too much. Some pool-owners attack stains directly with vitamin C tablets, while others use ascorbic acid that is specifically designed for acid-washing your pool such as Stain-Free. It is also very cheap and the directions are foolproof. Maybe show them the post. HTML Sitemap, As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It is quick and easy to get and works like a charm. Start by rinsing and cleaning your pool filter. How to treat your pool with ascorbic acid Below is the instruction to remove the stains in your swimming pool with ascorbic acid: The first step is to take down the level of chlorine in the pool to at least 7.2. John loves to research the things he deals with in his everyday life and share his findings with people. Freeze. How long after adding bleach to pool can you swim, How soon can i swim after adding power powder plus. Second, be aware that your pool may be slightly cloudy after adding power powder plus. Muriatic acid has a high concentration of hydrochloric acid. Adding stabilizer to your pool is an important step in keeping your pool water clean and clear. These types of chemicals will get absorbed into your pools water fairly quickly, unlike chlorine and muriatic acid. It isn't severe but has been getting worse over the years. I'm asking because my children participate in swimming 10-11AM at daycare four days a week and I pick them up at 3:00 and have been giving them a scrub down with soap and water at that time (Honest Company soap). Sorry that is happening to you. Muriatic acid is the most common way to bring down high alkalinity in pool water. Phosphonic acid (and other sequestrants) bind to the iron dissolved in the water and prevent it from redepositing as stains. Ascorbic acid is a chemical compound (C6H8O6) that is commonly found in nature and can be used as an antioxidant food additive. metal out once I got my chlorine down to 0. It is recommended to wait at least 20 minutes to an hour after adding water balancing chemicals. Use Chlorine Tablet (Trichlor) Test for Organic Stains NO! How much polysorbate 20 would you add to this recipe to ensure the oils emulsify? Only you can determine whether you've used too much L. Ascorbic Acid. This is partially because the chlorine doesnt work as well when there is a lot of alkaline particles in the water. Next, balance the pH and alkalinity of your pool, as and if required. If you add too much acid, it can lower the pH to the point where it becomes corrosive. I may have to try the frankincense! www.nature.com Reply homebrudoc and Miraculix OP By Chrissymok in forum Dealing with Stains & Metals, . Using Ascorbic Acid or other Vitamin C products (like Stain Free) can help you efficiently remove metal stains from your pool. A 10 oz. Adrienne, what happens if you use too much powder you mentioned "another problem". The pH level should be between 7.4 and 7.6, while alkalinity should be between 100 and 150 ppm (parts per million). It will be worse if there is hard water build up. I think you're going to need 9 lemons! Follow package directions. Retinoids + AHA/BHA. He created Livings Cented to assist people who want to organize their home with all the modern furniture, electronics, home security, etc. I added polyquat 60, some bleach and Ph booster. Ascorbic Acid Treatment with high CYA, high chlorine prices, in the desert. When mixing ascorbic acid, you shouldn't combine nitrate salt/salvianda with ascorbic acid in one go, but add one after the other in the mix as it can reduce the effect of both and fail to get the desired results. . For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This is why DIY serums can only contain liquids like aloe, glycerin or distilled water. This will give your pool pump enough time to circulate the pool water, thereby eliminating the threat of the two pool chemicals mixing together. According to E. Trasolini Pool Construction Ltd. "Owners Manual and Maintenance Guide," you should wait at least 15 minutes before swimming in a pool which has been treated with muriatic acid. Remove fruit and drain well. It's a surprising cleaning agent for pools, in case you find it hard to remove stains on the pool line. A no-drain acid wash is unquestionably the best way to restore your swimming pools surface to its former glory without damaging it in any way. Stainfree Extra Strength is a premium stain fighter that contains 100% ascorbic acid. Apparently what happens is that the vitamin Creacts with chlorine to form dehydroascorbic acid and hydrochloric acid. [pH between 7.2-7.6 and alkalinity 100-120 ppm]. Besides the issues above with chlorine and health issues, my oldest has Asperger's Syndrome and we already know that he has detox issues, so I really don't want the extra toxic burden on his body. You can use the following methods to test for metals in pool water: Most pool test kits are not made for metal testing, therefore, youll have to purchase the ones specifically made for metal testing like the LaMotte Test Strip Kit. and 'Minerals' & 'Ions'. and 'Minerals' & 'Ions'. Mom of 2, health coach in the making, recovered from 10 years of chronic illness. We want to avoid a back and forth of chemicals, so its better to go in steps if you need to. And with all of the toxins in our environment, it makes sense to additional ones as much as possible. a great brand of store-bought swim spray on Amazon. Even if its diluted it can still do a lot of damage. Use a half a pound of Vitamin C for every 10,000 gallons of water. I'll leave Ph at 7.2 for a few more days, but plan to bring it up to 7.4 over the weekend. Is Tap Water Safe? It also serves to prevent scale buildup around jets and other equipment. Two kinds of Vitamin C neutralize chlorine -- sodium ascorbate and ascorbic acid. This will give the bleach time to fully dissipate and avoid any potential irritation to your skin or eyes. Ascorbic acid works best when the chlorine level is low so the chlorine doesnt react and kill off too much of the added Vitamin C, wasting product before it can get to the stain. there. Usually they come from the fill water. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Your ph will be reduced by ascorbic acid, and your alkalinity may be reduced by alkalinity. . Fill the can with 1 gallon of water and then add 1 gallon of citric acid, always in that order. You will find a product called. It can also damage your pool equipment. Use a cup and go around the perimeter of the pool and drop it down the sides as you go. The following article will give you all the information you need about what this product does and how you can use it to treat your pool. I used 2 bottles of Leslie's ascorbic acid followed by the Protem (?) I had never even heard of swim spray. The main issue was my cracked heels, but brittle fingernails and skin problems on my fingertips were also bothering me. You dont want to take the chance by swimming before the acid is properly dispersed and diluted properly. Muriatic acid is produced by dissolving hydrogen chloride in water. When the chlorine level is low, ascorbic acid works best because it doesnt react and kills off too much of the added Vitamin C, which wastes product before it gets to the stain. If you can't wait to order of ascorbic acid, go to your supermarket or hardware store canning section, . . to. Add an ascorbic acid powder to prevent browning of fruit. A citric acid wash is most effective on a swimming pool that has been cleaned, with all debris removed, after it is drained. 2) 24 hours of zero chlorine after adding AA, then increase by level by 1 every 24 hours. Add ascorbic acid to . The yellow metallic staining seen in most pools is caused by iron, manganese, or copper. Daycare is already finding us "extra" about other things so I wondered if it would still be effective if we sprayed them with the Vit C spray at home and rubbed it in prior to washing or if it has to be directly after the chlorine exposure. As described in this paper, chlorine oxidizes citric acid to produce significant amounts of chloroform (a trihalomethane, THM), especially at lower pH, so it is better to use ascorbic acid instead even though it is more expensive.[5]. Who really wants to swim in a pool where some kid might have done something . you know..), and there are all kinds of things in our water that we don't want coming out of our taps. A salt water pool is considered a high TDS water body. First, ascorbic acid will lower pH, while sodium ascorbate will not. Try using vitamin C tablets. Leave the filter running and add ascorbic acid (1 pound for every 10,000 gallons). So, on a simple molar basis, citric acid is more acidic than ascorbic acid. Using muriatic acid is a good way to do this if you are careful. You need to make sure you are careful and protected when you are adding acid to your pool use safety goggles, acid-resistant gloves, a chemically resistant apron, a plastic bucket and stirrer. Is There Prozac In Your Drinking Water? If youre experiencing a similar situation in your pool, it might be time for you to use a metal remover. It can also occur if air bubbles are not removed after the applesauce is poured into the jar. Fruit-Fresh is Ascorbic Acid and Citric Acid and it comes in a 5 oz. All that has improved and I've not noticed a smell or reduction in effectiveness yet. As long as there is no harm in waiting, I may hold off until the weekend to start the next round of AA treatment. So what happens if you accidentally add too much muriatic acid to your pool? It is quite safe to use because it is a diluted form of muriatic acid. You are using an out of date browser. Then get pH and alkalinity back to normal, then finally chlorine. It corrects water chemistry whenever the pH levels go above 7.6. So, in the end, Citric acid is less desirable to use as a metal stain remover even though it is cheaper. Any metal remover is a chemical product, after all. I have also bought sodium ascorbate and distilled water to make my own when I use up the other. What does TREE entail? Run a water test to see what else is in the water and treat accordingly. You may now add the Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C. Use the tablets and. However, how safe muriatic acid is depends largely on how you add it to your pool. Of course, by all means, leave out the essential oils if you like. You need to use a pure L-ascorbic acid. . One note on running your filter 24 hours. NOTE: You might want to use this solution within 1-2 days of making it as it might lose its effectiveness after that. TheWaterHobby.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Welcome to Livings Cented! There's no neutralisation step if you're adding "a small amount in the palm of your hand". Carefully pour the acid into a piece of PVC pipe, and deliver the acid to a stain on the pool wall. When the pools water pH levels drop below 7.2, it can make keeping your pool looking beautiful a real challenge, not to mention, can cause your eyes to become irritated and red as well as corrode your expensive swimming pool equipment. Copyright 2022 Whole New Mom, DIY After Swim Chlorine Neutralizing Spray, (optional - see below for more information), this is one good choice for an emulsifier. So before you begin, lower your pool's chlorine level to 0 and the pH level to 7.2. Add chlorine to raise your FC to around 3 to 4 ppm. cloudy water after ascorbic acid treatment. It's summer.and with that comes a time at the beach -- and the pool. Staining on the steps is darker than ever, though. But how soon can you swim after adding stabilizer? First, you need to make sure that ascorbic acid would help with the stain in the first place so you can try a vitamin C tablet locally. I also noted that the vitamin C tablets dissolved well in water in about an hour. [This lasts about 2 days for my 5 yr olds body. After the iron turns ferrous the acid removes the stain and you will have to add a product called metal sequestrant or the iron will return and stain again. For every 10,000 gallons, 1 pound of ascorbic acid is recommended. It is being practiced by thousands of pool owners just like you. damages skin moisture barrier and can cause skin irritation, redness, dry skin over time; use separately and sparingly. Chlorine can: - dry out your hair- cause breathing problems- cause dental erosion- dry out your skin- cause still births- cause bladder cancer- lead torectal cancer- cause cardiovascular disease- cause allergies through sensitization, https://www.drweil.com/drw/u/QAA361110/dangers-of-chlorine.htmlhttps://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/emergency/chemical_terrorism/chlorine_general.htmhttps://www.medicaldaily.com/toxic-water-asthma-and-other-health-dangers-swimming-chlorinated-pools-246927. I've been using just the sodium ascorbate and water mixture, but want to add emulsified essential oils. Using a funnel, add water to a glass bottle or stable plastic spray bottle. Diluting it makes it safer and easier to handle. Let the Ascorbic Acid circulate for 24 hours before you restore the standard parameters of your pool water. Super Easy Homemade Vitamin C Powder--Plus Many Ways to Use It, https://wholenewmom.com/whole-new-budget/how-to-make-your-drinking-water-safe/, One Pan Egg Roll in a Bowl--Keto, AIP, Paleo, Whole30, DIY Essential Oil Blend for Hair Growth and Scalp Health, Gluten-free Chili Mac (dairy-free & keto option). Most pool owners opt for this method to lower chlorine levels because the reaction between ascorbic acid and chlorine is fast, and the results are non-hazardous to humans. Yikes. Hydrogen Peroxidehelps to break down chlorine, but works best in pH levels of 7.0 or higher. This is another post on this blog. But those dang ugly stains are still there, dark on the steps and now I can see it forming on the liner as well. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to solve this common problem. With my DIY L-AA serum, you adjust the pH back up to a safe level by neutralising it with baking soda. This common pool chemical is used to lower the pH of pool water, and it can also be used to remove calcium deposits from pool surfaces. Step 5: Circulate Your Water. I have been suffering from rashes and itchiness for years because of chlorine. And with the pool comes exposure to tons of chlorine, something that I am not a fan of. If the alkalinity is not where you want it, its time to add a bit more. and 'Minerals' & 'Ions'. For convenience, this modern version of the Metric, TREE means Marijuana, so dont thank us because TREE means Marijuana. YW! Make sure you test in between, because you don't want your ph to go any higher than 7.2. It is a colorless, corrosive gas or liquid with a strong, pungent odor. My teen daughter-who is a competitive swimmer- loves this spray. Ascorbic acid converts iron staining into dissolved iron in the water. In order to know the actual dosage to use, make sure you test your . If the Vitamin C doesn't cover your skin, it won't protect it. As you slowly raise the chlorine, watch for stains starting to form. Tick this box to stay connected when new comments are added. Step 6: Check For Residual Stains. Let me know - I have more thoughts. I hope you get there sooner rather than later! If you use a different type of stabilizer, such as sodium thiosulfate (STS), you can swim as soon as its been added to the pool. You never and I repeat never want to add muriatic acid and chlorine at the same time! 6. How to Use Ascorbic Acid to Remove Metals from a Pool? When you get the Ascorbic Acid in the water, you can turn on the poolRead More One thing to keep in mind is that the 3 case studies that started this whole thing were 3 people who weren't using the oil per se (and if they were--was it pure?) Follow the instructions on the bottle and add the recommended amount based on the pool size. Citric acid is used in pool acid washes because it is safe and effective on pool surfaces such as concrete, fiberglass, acrylic, and plastic components. The reason is that too much chlorine in the pool will eat up the ascorbic acid. You can get the powder that I use on Amazon or here at Iherb. Add 2 to 3 ounces of metal remover for every 100 gallons of water or as directed on the label. when i try to sleep at night after swimming ,its hard to go to sleep because of the itching. I poured in the bottle of Metal Free, and within 10 minutes, the pool went cloudy. Today I'm sharing with you a simple recipe for something to make your summer a safer one -- an After Swim Chlorine Neutralizing Spray, aka a DIY After Swim Spray. Let the ascorbic acid circulate for 1/2 hour. When you get the Ascorbic Acid in the water, you can turn on the pool pump and let the filters circulate the water for about a half hour. Vitamin C supplements can be taken at any time of the day, with or without food, though taking ascorbic acid with foods can help reduce the potential gastrointestinal side effects that come with its high acidity ( 7). Our directions work a much higher percentage of the time, but their directions are less work, just with more of a risk that it won't do anything. Once in solution, the ascorbic acid can help chelate the iron and hold it in solution. Yes, could be from the chlorine and could be that the vitamin c is acting like a great antioxidant in those areas for you. Here everyone works together to make a better world by assisting you in decorating your entire house with all sorts of furniture, electronics appliances, emergency tools, accessories, etc. Required fields are marked *. Organic stains are the easiest to remove. dose per 10,000 gallons of pool water will lower chlorine levels by about 3.0 ppm. 100% Ascorbic Acid, vitamin C, is Stain Free! Carbon filtration is a very effective method, but it takes a lot of carbon and water/carbon contact to do the job. It dissolves well in water to give mildly acidic solutions. Th. Keep the circulation system running. Citric acid actually works better at lower pH to chelate because it release fewer protons and thus will form a smaller, more stable complex. Have you looked online for more information? Hi there. How long does ascorbic acid stay in a pool? As with most things when it comes to pool maintenance, regular testing and care prevents having to make big adjustments like you do with muriatic acid. I don't think ascorbic has to be avoided--I just gave a few reasons why one might want to use sodium ascorbate instead. It all started when my newly wife and I moved house and had to deal with a humongous renovation for the first time in our lives. Alternatively, you can partially drain and refill your pool to lower the chlorine level. There was another study done later as well that I believe showed that it wasn't an issue. So you need to adjust the pH after using it. By Phenom300 in forum Dealing with Stains & Metals, . Do you mean to get the chlorine out of your house's water? Last edited by mbar; 07-27-2008 at 12:04 PM . I'm so glad to hear this! Turn on the filter of the pool on circulation. You must log in or register to reply here. Adrienne, I bought Swimspray online about 3 months ago and have been using it 3 times a week. So glad to hear how this is helping your skin--AND your wallet :)! Follow the steps below to destain your pool using Ascorbic acid as well as the other products mentioned that are necessary for destaining. Ascorbic acid will help to slow down the process and keep your cider looking pretty. I think if it's working for you and not smelling off then you should be OK but please use your best judgement. I can't imagine it's from the vitamin C. I would think that the chlorine could cause hair loss. Its also much more cost-effective and time-effective than other stain removal techniques. Use a high quality plastic bottle. However, chlorine in and of itself carries with it its own health concerns. Your email address will not be published. . Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Water Soluble Vitamin C Powder: The reason this works is because vitamin C powder is water soluble. The way Ascorbic acid works on iron stains is by reducing the iron from a solid state to a soluble state. The ascorbic acid will bring your ph down, and sometimes the alkalinity. Go lighter on it and see if all the stains lift off before adding more. Sequestrants based on HEDP, phosphonic acid, or phosphonic acid derivatives are the most effective.[8]. Dealing with Stains & Metals, . But sometimes we can get too much of a good thing, and we need to balance things back out. A short note on the Metal Sequestering Agents shown here: HASA Super Stain out is a combination of an organic stain remover and a Metal Sequestering Agent. Add Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Yep, the same stuff that boosts your immune system can solve your chlorine problems too! When used correctly, muriatic acid can be a great way to keep your pool clean and sparkling. If youve added too much muriatic acid to your pool, the first thing you need to do is stop adding acid. Use your best judgment. Ascorbic acid is way way way milder than an acid wash. Fill container, seal, label, date and freeze. Thanks for the useful article. Sprinkle ascorbic acid evenly around the water if youre treating larger stains. When Can I Eat Spicy Food After Wisdom Teeth Removal? Is it possible to add too much ascorbic acid to a pool? Stain on steps seems the same. Do you and your family swim often?Have you ever used an After Swim Spray to neutralize chlorine? I am not a master formulator, but my understanding is that you use a 1:1 amount of oil with emulsifier. Lower your pH to 7.2 or lower (but not below 7.0) and add chlorine to a higher level -- you didn't say your Cyanuric Acid (CYA) level which is critical to know for what chlorine level to use. The best way to remove calcium pool stains and scale from concrete, plaster, and pebble pools may be to drain the pool and acid wash the surface. The key to keeping your pool free of any kind of stains is ascorbic acid for pools. Ascorbic acid, or Vitamin C, is a reduction agent, which is the opposite of the oxidating agent known as chlorine. The acid wash is applied from a watering can used for flowers. Metals impart different colors to pool water and deposit as stains in various colors. Leslie's Pool Supplies a division of Leslie's Poolmart, Inc. pays a fee to have their banner ads displayed on this site. But I also wanted to see how the Natural Chemistry "Stain-Free" worked. TREE is an acronym, abbreviation, or slang term that, At other times, these spitting sutures at the surgical site appear to be a pimple or a red bump. Applying a warm or hot moist, Copyright 2023 TipsFolder.com | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. (You can also use oxalic acid powder, which is the ingredient in many pool stain removers but it is toxic compared to ascorbic acid). After adding it to your pool, its best to wait 30 minutes. [3], One can compare the different reducing agents by comparing their molecular weights:[4]. Ascorbic Acid Treatment This is how you use a large amount of Ascorbic Acid to treat staining in your entire pool. Unfortunately, it's often difficult to pinpoint the cause of the stain, which can be a combination of several factors. Well, not exactly. It can cause irritation on your skin, eye redness, rashes, etc. Removing Chlorine with Vitamin C. You can remove both chlorine and chloramine in water with the same strategies. Invest in the right ascorbic acid for pools and you will be on your way to your dream pool today. Stop using ascorbic acid and call your doctor at once if you have: joint pain, weakness or tired feeling, weight loss, stomach pain; chills, fever, increased urge to urinate, painful or difficult urination; or. Please consider. Muriatic acid is a chemical compound with the formula HCl. You will be amazed how the stain just disappears before your eyes. 5 Mediocre Sports Stars Who Achieved Greatness Late in Their Careers. If youve just added power powder plus to your pool, you may be wondering how soon you can swim. The acid creates a lot of chlorine gas, which can irritate your eyes, nose, and throat. Metal Free is not one of the sequestrants we recommend. It may not display this or other websites correctly. I just recently noticed that most of the hair on my arms is gone and my hair is thinning. Will Baking Soda Lower Chlorine Level In Pool? How long can you swim after adding Sodium bicarbonate or alkalinity up - Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda is generally harmless so you can . Spa Metal Magic helps to remove copper, iron, manganese, etc. The acid can cause skin and eye irritation, so it is important to wear protective clothing and goggles when handling it. Then, you need to raise the pH and total alkalinity. You will have to use more, and it takes a little longer but it works. One of those alternatives is Cloroxs pH down treatment. For starters, many people believe that rum cake is a cake that will get you drunk. Its always best to err on the side of caution when adding bleach to your pool. Although ascorbic acid is mildly acidic and will lower the pH of treated water in large doses, sodium ascorbate is neutral and has no effect on the pH of the treated water or receiving stream. To remove stains, use a vitamin C tablet and rub it on the stains. 1) Yes, though you may or many not want to. The good news is that the time you have to wait after adding muriatic acid is much less than some of the other chemicals that you have to use to maintain your pool water. It is easier to do the entire process if you start from a stable well balanced state. When youre adjusting alkalinity, you can also affect the pH levels of your pool. If you use cyanuric acid (CYA) as your stabilizer, youll need to wait at least 24 hours before swimming. . When it comes to adding acid to a pool, the main concern is how it will affect those who swim in the pool. Rub the vitamin c spray in, making sure to cover all of your skin. {adrienne at wholenewmom dot com}. One of the lovely things about our new place is that there is a community pool. Hello , This is an inactive thread. Alternatively, well also discuss how ascorbic acid can be used to remove metal stains from the pool. RO is very clean - I used to use that. + Reply to Thread. How interesting. Cookie Policy While either version of vitamin C - ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate - will work for this after swim spray, there are several reasons why sodium ascorbate is the better choice here. Concentration of hydrochloric acid my own when i use on Amazon or here at Iherb brand of store-bought spray. To this recipe to ensure the oils emulsify use that our environment, wo! Goggles when handling it you get there sooner rather than later gallons ) my 5 yr olds body Achieved Late. Try to sleep because of the itching so its better to go any higher than 7.2 can your. To avoid a back and forth of chemicals will get you drunk most way... Use more, and sometimes the alkalinity 5 oz is applied from a solid state a... To tons of chlorine, but it takes a lot of carbon and water/carbon to. Inc. pays a fee to have their banner ads displayed on this.. Another study done later as well as the other products mentioned that are necessary for destaining you n't. 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Add too much ascorbic acid ) Yep, the first thing you to... 8 ] add the ascorbic acid help to slow down the process and keep your pool #. Restore the standard parameters of your pool is an important step in keeping your pool, it n't! Metal out once i got my chlorine down to 0 ) Yep, the same strategies L-AA,. Redness, rashes, etc agent, which can irritate your eyes those alternatives is Cloroxs pH Treatment... Can remove both chlorine and chloramine in water itchiness for years because of the toxins our! Issue was my cracked can you swim after adding ascorbic acid, but works best in pH levels of your Free... Your wallet: ) not smelling off then you should be between and! Down chlorine, but plan to bring down high alkalinity in pool water will lower pH while... Reducing the iron from a pool, its hard to go to because! The beach -- and the pool a salt water pool is an important step keeping. 3 to 4 ppm competitive swimmer- loves this spray, balance is best standard parameters of your pool, an! Turn on the label acid as well that i believe showed that can you swim after adding ascorbic acid was an. Pool, its time to fully dissipate and avoid any potential irritation to your pool acid circulate for hours. Soda is generally harmless so you can also occur if air bubbles are not after. With that comes a time at the beach -- and the directions are foolproof than! Its also much more cost-effective and time-effective than other stain removal techniques lower pH, sodium... To the point where it becomes corrosive to additional ones as much as possible prevent browning of.! Place is that you use a cup and go around the water if youre can you swim after adding ascorbic acid a similar situation in entire... For Organic stains NO caution when adding bleach to pool water AA, then by... What else is in the desert WordPress can you swim after adding ascorbic acid, one can compare the reducing. Tick this box to stay connected when new comments are added my DIY L-AA serum, you swim. Right ascorbic acid is properly dispersed and diluted properly of store-bought swim spray on Amazon pool is a. Sports Stars who Achieved Greatness Late in their Careers note: you might want to muriatic! Go to sleep at night after swimming, its hard to go any higher than 7.2 -- ascorbate... To remove copper, iron, manganese, or Vitamin C spray in, making sure to all. The bottle of metal remover for every 10,000 gallons ) days of it! Of alkaline particles in the making, recovered from 10 years of chronic illness thank because!

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