Be mindful of your overall word count when planning your opening and concluding paragraph each one should be no more than 5% of the overall word count. For example, in my previous role I had to communicate and deal with people on a daily basis, often having to listen to them carefully, asking them appropriate questions and then thinking quickly to provide a suitable solution to their needs. It is essential that you give positive and strong impression about you right from the beginning. The last thing you want to do in your closing paragraph is to raise any suspicions about your suitability for the role or cast doubt on how serious you are about this application. DOWNLOAD MY SUPERVISOR JOB INTERVIEW SCRIPT! The NHS application form is an integral part of all the following NHS band job roles: When completing the NHS application form, you will need to demonstrate how the skills, the qualities and the experiences you have gained meet both the essential and desirable aspects of the job description. The STAR model is a useful tool for organizing your supporting statements. Also, if there even is one, take the time to read the roles person specification attentively, as this document will be crucial in putting up your supporting statement. Any Relevant Experience You Have. Dont write astatement without the help of an experienced one. Confirmation That You Have Read The Job Description. Ive honed my communication skills and customer service techniques. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. The main purpose of a supporting statement is to show your suitability for a role, so when it comes to the ending, you want to re-emphasise this. During another recent situation, I was communicating with a customer who was becoming frustrated and irate. First impressions count so make sure the opening to your supporting statement doesn't include: When you've already spent hours writing your supporting statement, it can be tempting to overlook the importance of the closing paragraph. You have the freedom to organise this section how you want, so you can do this by grouping your skills and work experience into broader themes and strengths that match the job you are applying for. Im confident that I can be a valuable asset to your team. 3. It should also reiterate your interest in the role. 2023 if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'personal_statement_writer_com-leader-2','ezslot_6',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-personal_statement_writer_com-leader-2-0');I am also proficient in QuickBooks and I have a strong understanding of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). What to Avoid at the End of a Supporting Statement. Why are the US so invested in teaching children sex at school? Note: as mentioned above, as many people use the terms supporting statement and personal statement interchangeably in this post I have used both of these terms. please I solicit your kind consideration.I will appreciate your prompt response. I strive to ensure that I am attentive to my customers needs and expectations while also performing my obligations as a Customer Service Representative. Dear Mrs Manager. My attention to detail and excellent time management skills means that every task is completed efficiently and to the highest possible standard. To apply for a job in the NHS you need to follow these steps: 1. Your supporting statement should be a concise overview of your qualifications and experience that are relevant to the role you are applying for. However, the Supporting Information section of your application is where you can sell yourself and really stand out from the crowd. When applying for a job in the non-profit/charity sectors, employers will often request you send a 'supporting statement' along with a CV or application form. I am applying for the position of Admin Assistant progressing to Client Care Coordinator because I feel it is where I would like to progress to within my NHS career. Instant access to all of the examples so you can complete your NHS application fast! 1.1 apply online nhs jobs. 14 expertly written supporting information examples not found anywhere else. What will I be doing in the role? Im interested in becoming a teaching assistant because I believe that all children should have equal access to education. Example answer: For my scientific research project, I had to present the ideas behind my thinking to the rest of the class. What the NHS Application Form assessors are looking for. Make positive statements about oneself, such as I have rather than my previous employer has Bullet points and powerful, energetic verbs can help add oomph to your application. The application is created so nurses may provide their personal information, educational background, and occupation details for a particular purpose. Wow ! How to ANSWER this COMMON Job Interview Question, WHAT IS YOUR DREAM JOB? An example of a good NHS application sample. This statement summarises my personal and professional development over the years and shows that I am keen to progress my knowledge and skills throughout my future career. Another point to consider is the order of your statement, and which competencies will be addressed first. The following is a copy of my personal statement which I have used when applying for jobs in various NHS trusts. The critical thing to do here is to pay close attention to the requirements of the role you are applying for and give good examples of your achievements for each. In respect of the supporting information aspect, there are seven things you need to include in your NHS application form: Those are the seven things you should include in the supporting information element of your NHS application form. Supporting statement for a care job application - sample 1. So, make sure you cover these. Fill Supporting Statement Example Nhs, Edit online. 4. Identify a specific reason (or if you canreasons) why the role appeals to you. Make sure the situation was challenging, something outside the day-to-day routine. We would like to help you in writing the best supporting statement. My last three job apps via nhs jobs had supporting info of about 2.5/3 pages in . Ideally, you should aim to provide one example (approximately 6 lines) for each topic heading/question asked The CAR model can help you to do this: At Acme Ltd, as Trainee Accountant, I was asked by my manager, towards year end, to make savings from the budget. Lots of people rush this part because they want to get it finished and submitted, but a poor ending can leave the hiring manager with questions about your suitability for the role. What you can specifically bring to the role. When planning how to end a supporting statement, most job seekers overlook this key point. Personal Statement on the NHS Student application form If the application form asks you to include a note for each role for which you wish to nominate, you should use the following format: Personal Statement . (Example personal statements for job roles, and college or university), WRITING A JOB APPLICATION LETTER TIPS, KEYWORDS, AND TEMPLATES. Then, using examples from your expertise, go over all of the requirements and desirables included in the person specification and describe how you satisfy them.,, Author & Editor Team:: Adila Zakir, Alexa Smith. What is supporting information? Because whilst hiring managers are primarily interested in finding people with the necessary skills, experience and knowledge for the position, they also want to find people who are enthusiastic and excited by the prospect of working in that specific role and for that particular company. Start with a strong example. This doesn't have to be too lengthy remember you have the rest of the supporting statement to detail your skills, experience and competencies. These transferable experiences will enable me to always provide a first class level of service to NHS patients.. There are various ways this can come across, but here are a few common mistakes I see: If you would like, you can add any of the following to the concluding paragraph of your supporting statement: So there you have it - everything you need to know about how to write a supporting statement for a job application. Consequently, I will be able to increase business for the company. As you will see I have worked primarily in roles which has allowed me to develop excellent skills in X, Y and Z. GMAT coaching in Chandigarh/Punjab Read More. People often struggle with knowing how to start a supporting statement, and it puts them off writing entirely. The supporting statement gives you the opportunity to show how you meet all of the critical and, if possible, desired criteria in their unique specification. Once you have read the tips carefully, take the opportunity to download our NHS APPLICATION FORM SUPPORTING INFORMATION EXAMPLES as these will provide you with numerous examples of what you may decide to include within your own NHS Job Application form. WHAT'S INCLUDED: Include details that are relevant to your strengths. Remember to match any relevant experiences or life skills you have gained to the job description. Unless the company explicitly asks you to write about this, you should stick to a short paragraph for this section. Traveling, reading, and studying more about numerous themes addressing various health issues are some of my interests and hobbies. NHS job application 'supporting information' help watch. NHS Job Application help! First ever work shift in a hospital and I feel useless, Application tips for paramedic science (mature student), Issues about references and work history - scammed by previous GP practice employer, Don't know any "professionals" for a character reference. Writing a supporting statement either for a job or any other application is very critical. I encourage my clients to brainstorm examples they could refer back to in their personal statement in order to evidence each competency. I am a strong communicator, both face-to-face and via telephone. I also believe that this position will allow me to gain this experience while simultaneously assisting youngsters with a variety of learning difficulties. If you're struggling to write your supporting statement, my personalised Supporting Statement services will give you peace of mind that your statement is fully tailored to the role and presenting your experience with maximum impact. Write an interview-winning supporting/personal statement with this best-selling 7-item bundle which includes a 900-word example supporting/personal statement for an administrative role. As there are several motives since there are transfer candidates there are many factors to change institutions. Explain how your goals, methods, and beliefs align with theirs, as well as what impresses and attracts you to the institution/organization. There are numerous things I can bring to the NHS that I believe will be of benefit to the organization. Its critical to stick to the structure of the essential criteria to avoid missing anything. . Avoid repeating yourself, and instead provide a summary of your suitability and interest in the role. It is important because the NHS assessor is looking for details and evidence of how you match the key requirements of the role. You may be asked to write a Supporting Statement, in which you'll have to demonstrate that you meet the desired criteria, and essentially show the employer why you'd be the best person for the job. You may wish to give examples from past employment, leisure interests or voluntary work experiences. can you write my personal specification for me - I am really NHS job application 'supporting information ok but this is just a statement. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. The first thing you need to cover within your NHS application form supporting Information section is confirmation that you have read the job description. This assists the sifting process. Is that too much? After youve completed it, go back and eliminate anything that isnt necessary. E.g. As you will see from my CV, I have a wide range of skills and experience that are relevant to this position. these applications is quite specific and not always easy to understand. You would be much better off focusing on extra-curricular achievements at this point to show them you are good at much more than just academic . One way to do this is to use a supporting statement example. Your statement can lead to both sides either winning the job or losing it. If they havent, read my blog post How long should a supporting statement be? It is also important to ensure that all of the information in the statement is accurate and up-to-date. How to structure your NHS Application Form supporting information to increase your chances of success. I am passionate about learning and I am confident that I will be a valuable asset to your institution.. general practice, nursing home, independent company, etc . I am knowledgeable about the [industry] industry, and Im confident that I can be a valuable asset to your team. It is important to be specific and relevant and to avoid general statements or to pad your statement with irrelevant information. The next topic to cover at the start of your supporting statement is your selling points. The 5 NHS Application Form tips that follow will help you to complete a successful job application. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'personal_statement_writer_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_18',125,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-personal_statement_writer_com-narrow-sky-2-0');Consider your language and phrases to make a great impact. Like most, you are probably asking yourself, how do I fill out an NHS job application?, well, when completing the supporting information aspect of your NHS application form, you may find it useful to use the following structure/format: The above structure is a great way to make sure you cover all aspects of the application form and that you provide sufficient details to increase your chances of being shortlisted for interview. I am a hard worker, and someone who enjoys working as part of a team to achieve a common goal. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Food safety, customer service, basic first aid, IT abilities, and customer care are all talents that I have acquired individually. It is important because the NHS assessor is looking for details and evidence of how you match the key requirements of the role. Im looking for more responsibility and believe Ive reached a point where I can manage more customer accounts or lead a team of assistants. After submitting your first application, this can be saved and reused for other NHS jobs. We recommend utilizing the template below if you havent been provided any special requirements for the supporting statement. 04:503. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). I look forward to hearing from you. Focus on what's most important. If you are not sure how to write a supporting statement, or if you need help starting, a good place to start is by using a supporting statement template. I set myself high standards and feel I can be a competent employee for the NHS who will always follow rules and procedures and make patient care priority.. This was crucial to the business as we were overspending. This can include relevant skills, knowledge, experience, voluntary activities and training etc. My current position of has strengthened my expertise in . and developed my knowledge in .. After outlining your key selling points at the start of your personal statement, you need to explain why you're applying for the role. This section is critical to complete well. Once youve decided on your structure and decided what evidence you're going to draw on, its time to start writing. Required fields are marked *. One of the more common mistakes people make when writing their NHS Application form submission is they rush it, and as a result they fail to provide sufficient details and evidence as to how their skills, qualities, and experiences match the job description. In this video, I talk you through the steps to write a successful supporting information section on NHS Assistant Psychologist job applications. using technology. Im interested in obtaining a position as a Registered Nurse at your hospital. You can see that is a comprehensive statement that demonstrates the skills and qualities you possess. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. That research has given me a glimpse of the value of differentiation, enabling me to provide essential help to slow learners while simultaneously pushing gifted students. Consider not opening with your microsoft experience, as this is probably one of the lowest level skills you are offering. I am motivated and eager to learn, and I am confident that I can make a positive contribution to your organization. Finally, I will always take responsibility within my role for maintaining competence through a process of continuous learning, improvement and development.. If there isnt a word count, 1-2 pages of writing are recommended. See section later on 'Supporting Applications'. PLUS get 50 NHS application form keywords & phrases to elevate your application to a whole new level! To avoid your personal statement becoming too descriptive, dedicate a paragraph to each competency or group of competencies. This is why I recommend leaving the opening until last. Below is a sample example to what you should write: The skills and qualities I possess include an ability to always put patients first in everything I do whilst providing safe, effective and appropriate treatment and care. Just keep in mind not to exaggerate anything and keep things to the point. I am confident that I have the skills and qualifications that you are looking for in a Junior Accountant. Despite why a student wishes to transfer to, A personal competencies statement for university is a way to tell SATAC regarding your life experiences in favor of your bachelors candidacy. Example 2: Supporting Statement for a Scholarship Application. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'personal_statement_writer_com-box-4','ezslot_15',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-personal_statement_writer_com-box-4-0');Sometimes, in order to come up with a great supporting statement, you need to first have a clear understanding of what youre trying to say. Tips in Writing Supporting Statement for Job Example. Thanks for reading this post article and i wish you success in your NHS Job Application. Tip 1: Remember to match any relevant experiences or life skills you have gained to the job description. In a good STAR example, you address all three elements concisely by writing about your previous experience. Human Resource Strategy Of The NHS. Examples of transferable skills that NHSScotland is looking for include: communication. Nhs Jobs Application Form. supporting information for job application nhs examples. Simply select your Profile at the top of the application form . If you find a job you like the sound of, or would like to be sent details of future jobs which are advertised, then your next step is to . I asked people to share their ideas and we then prioritised the best ones. Excellent top tips, thanks for sharing very comprehensive and well explained in a clear and practical manner, Good day,Richard. If you have received support to complete your statement, make sure you understand what you've written. Below is a sample example to what you should write: Over the years I have gained considerable work and life experiences that are a match for the job description. Enter Your Email Address In the Box To Get All Our Articles Delivered To You And Please Check Your Mail Immediately To Confirm It: Your email address will not be published. Administrator Cover Letter Template. Also have the ability to work alone as well as part of a team. As an external applicant you have up to 1500 words for this section to persuade and influence the recruiting manager that you could do the job and that you deserve an interview. Ive also learned about alternative teaching approaches, such as using audio, visual, and kinaesthetic elements, and Ive tailored my lesson plan to include them. If you need more help and advice, please visit the recruitment process page. How to write a supporting statement for a job application Step 1: Identify what the employer wants The letter of application is intended to provide detailed information on why you are are a qualified candidate for the job. Writing a supporting statement - A 5 minute guide Definition: A supporting statement evidences your experience matched to the accountabilities and person specification. Not only am I intelligent and have a great work ethic, but I also have the required experience. When writing a supporting statement, it is important to remember that the goal is to provide additional information that supports the application or claim. Remember to include your name and address in both the accompanying statement and your CV. Set the scene and describe your thinking process in a step-by-step way. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'personal_statement_writer_com-netboard-2','ezslot_21',126,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-personal_statement_writer_com-netboard-2-0');Explain why and how something satisfies the criteria, not just what youve done. I am confident that I have the potential to be a great nurse, and I look forward to discussing this opportunity further with you., if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'personal_statement_writer_com-sky-4','ezslot_28',131,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-personal_statement_writer_com-sky-4-0');I am writing to apply for the position of Graphic Designer that was recently posted on your website. SPECIAL OFFER $39.99 TODAYS PRICE ONLY: $7.00. Thanks, I think this site is really best for people. to state the role they are applying for and outline who they are). Application process. NHS Application Essay. I recently finished a teaching program that required me to create a lesson plan for a specific target audience. The strengths I have are many and varied, including an ability to work hard under pressure, a desire to provide a quality service, and a resourceful, and I am someone who enjoys working as part of a team a achieve a common goal. to-date job vacancies but also provides the latest news on NHS Wales, information on relevant CPD opportunities which would strengthen your CV and advice on job applications. If you are invited to an interview, save a copy of your supporting statement so you may read it and familiarise yourself with it before going. to find out how much to write. 'While working at .xxxx I quickly mastered several major updates for the payroll management systems, and this enabled me to train the rest of the team'. If youre unsure about the best order to address each competency, review the person specification to see if they are grouped into Essential and Desirable. Every one of these issues is really significant to me since I believe these are related to several areas in which I am especially interested, such as customer service and hospitality. My supporting information section of the application form is four pages long! Thats a powerful statement that explains why you are applying to join the NHS. UNLOCK THE NHS APPLICATION FORM SUPPORTING INFORMATION EXAMPLES + GET 50 NHS APPLICATION FORM KEYWORDS & PHRASES FOR FREE! It's a good idea to go beyond the job advert and description - employers often want to feel like you have chosen them above other companies. Expert advice to help your job hunting process go smoothly. Required fields are marked *. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'personal_statement_writer_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',116,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-personal_statement_writer_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');A person specification is a document that outlines the skills and abilities that the employer expects you to possess in order to complete the job successfully. A supporting statement is used to clarify or amplify the information provided in other documents or to provide information that was not included elsewhere. You should explain why you are applying for this NHS position. If you . Use an example that is at, or above, the level of the job you are going for. You should include confirmation that you have read the job description. Ideally, you should do this for all the NHS interview questions and answers. In this blog post, we share our guide on the two ways to apply for NHS jobs via direct applications and a recruitment agency. 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