But sometimes it is very difficult with those stations that have put more investment into the equipment. Find this podcast in the iTunes store or Google Play or wherever you get your podcasts. While this reality is not surprising, we . But please note that we will never create a post and product link explicitly to receive a commission. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Is that a point of pride for you from Philadelphia? HowStuffWorks may earn a small commission from affiliate links in this article. Why? We also recommend that the complainant contact the station that they are getting interference to --. Has it evolved over the years? But the easiest way to file a complaint is go online. So not only interference, but we also have issues of interference to other radio services. Total Views 29,573 (Older Stats) ITEMS. Radio plays such an important role when you talk about hurricanes striking or other natural disasters, people turn to their local broadcast, including radio for information, and to have that be interfered with is a public safety concern let alone the FAA issues which are very serious. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: So don't bother looking for it. 16 days ago. Yes, they come with weapons. MR. DOMBROWSKI: And so they said well because we were here before it was colonized our federal laws don't apply to us. "By playing nonstop current pop music in a situation where this had never before been available, Caroline had within months a larger audience than all the BBC stations combined," Moore explains. The plot is based loosely on the saga of an actual former pirate station, Radio Caroline, that was founded by an offbeat Irish entrepreneur named Ronan O'Rahilly, the inspiration for the character portrayed by Bill Nighy. (Listen to one of Ronins broadcasts below.). MR. SWARZTRAUBER: So everyone can now breathe a deep a sigh of relief, you are not going to have to go out and get a license for your security camera and you garage door opener. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes, and it's also I assume illegal for these advertisers to be advertising on pirate stations, they just might not know that they are pirates. So we would rather take one single complaint from a broadcast licensee saying, hey, I've gotten 50 listener complaints in this area, here is where we are hearing it, do a little leg work yourself and verify that it's an unlicensed station, and then we can work with them in getting the station off the air. The reason is, no matter what time of the year it is, no matter what the space weather (yes, I said space weather) or conditions of the ionosphere are--FM stations are relatively few, local, and always broadcast in the same spots on the FM dial. I mean if you are familiar with telecom you know it's an illegal radio station, but what do we mean by pirate radio. In fact, it's possibly more widespread than it was in the 1960s, even in an age when streaming internet services such as Spotify and Pandora put the equivalent of a jukebox in the pocket of everyone with a smartphone. Again, they are not law enforcement, so we don't have weapons. "I spoke with a pastor of a church in the community which had a station and the antenna was taken down by the FCC," Goren says. There were helicopters flying over and taking videos, so we got on a little TV, and that helps to go a long way when we get a little media coverage. Do you hear it on the weekends or is only a station that operates during the weekends? Sweet! So when we license stations, you know, I used to work in the FM branch so I am very knowledgeable about the process, but there is a whole legal and engineering study that has to be done before you get a license and it takes resources to do that, financial resources. (Disclaimer). I started as a field agent doing inspections and doing pirate radio enforcement was one of my jobs and then I moved into a senior agent position and then eventually the District Director, which the manager of the Philadelphia office. Hobby Broadcasting Blog: http://hobbybroadcasting.blogspot.com/. Carl McIntire, a fundamentalist preacher who briefly broadcast fire-and-brimstone sermons from a converted minesweeper off the coast of New Jersey, as this 2014 NJ.com article details. 2. In the United States, the term pirate radio implies the unlicensed broadcasting use of any part of the radio spectrum that is reserved for use by governmental, public or commercial licensees by the Federal Communications Commission. MR. DOMBROWSKI: It's not, you know, and we didn't talk about, there are other legal ways to go about it. You know, there was a glowing article in a certain New York publication that at least one FCC commissioner was irked by because it seemed to be kind of glorifying this underground practice and making it seem like some interesting thing, but you really got to keep in mind not just the radio stations that are interfered with, but emergency communications. That would allow us to increase the fine to $100,000. Well I want to, you know, just emphasize the importance of this issue. If we get that information we have a vehicle, it's called a direction-finding vehicle and it has specialized equipment in it. This includes the FM, AM and shortwave radio bands. Pirates Week: http://shortwavepirate.info. bclc lotto app not working; signs your internship will turn into a job; mary suehr schmitz. Unlicensed radio broadcasters have been around practically since governments started trying to control and regulate the airwaves. So just keep in mind next time you read some nice hipster article about how great pirate radio is in your community, that there are serious issues at play and what the FCC is doing is really important and that's why it's so great to have you on here to share your perspective and some of your history working on this and we really just want to thank you for your service. There is a reason that those devices operate in an unlicensed manner because they are not transmitting very far. More areas, more just the urban areas. Has that happened? Stations such as Weekend Rush, Kool FM, Pulse and Innocence wanted to represent the streets and promote local scenes.. Note:Even though it is illegal to broadcast on the shortwave bands without a license, and those who do so are subject to hefty fines, it is not illegal to listen or to send and receive QSL cards from such operators. And I have had to make this clarifying point on other podcasts that I have done at the FCC. 123. They can be just talk radio stations, they could be religious broadcasters, or they could be full-fledged stations that have a staffing of 20 people that make commercials, that create the jingles for their station ID, and the ones that have more money and the money advertisers are the ones that are very hard to distinguish. He got the craft back and kept at pirate radio for nearly another quarter century. Nothing. Give me an address or an intersection in the town that you are picking it up on. I mean they have a significant financial investment in their stations, they have gone through proper FCC process, and now they are competing for listeners with stations that did not go through that process, did not necessarily bear the same financial burden to get up and running, and they are not maybe just competing with listeners, as we have mentioned we've been competing with, they are competing with advertisers as well. And so he kind of gets shielded, right, you know the operators who are operating the station because they advertise their phone numbers in social media and so we can easily identify them, but you always have somebody that's the money guy that's safely hiding behind all these other staff and --. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Pirate radio. 2022-03-13 23:21:58 Storage_size 430.3 GB (in 25,377 files) Title Pirate Radio Airchecks. The HF Underground: http://www.hfunderground.com. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes, so you have options. Marshals went in with us and we seized the equipment. Pirates broadcast a wide variety of content, but are usually motivated by sharing their messageor favorite musicon the air. I mean are there tell-tale signs or are some of these stations so sophisticated that it's really hard for the average person to distinguish? Pirate radio or a pirate radio station is a radio station that broadcasts without a valid license. Gimme Radio (for online listeners) Gimme Radio is one of the more modern American rock radio stations available today. Goren, who's been monitoring the airwaves since the law was passed, notes that on a typical day, he picks up about 26 pirate stations in Brooklyn alone. They don't know how to reach us? I will put in the show notes a link to the FCC complaint page and the phone number if you would like to get involved. It's something we have been doing as long as the equipment has been available we've always had pirate radio operators. And you have tools to escalate the situation. We do let stations operate with low power transmitters but they have to comply with the technical requirements of Part 15 of our rules. While debunking myths about pirates, I can say that in my years of pirate radio listening Ive never heard a pirate intentionally jam a legal broadcaster. Buy me a coffee: https://www.paypal.me/ringwaymanchester Email: ringwaymanchester@mail.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/m3hhyofficial Facebook:. Marshals actually seize it. March 13 2022 . You have somebody that puts a station on the air and then what that person does is he leases air time for his station for other DJs and they come in and so he is getting a kickback from the DJs and he is getting advertising revenue. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes, in those dense urban areas because the FM band is already pretty clogged up with legitimate stations that might be one of the reasons that people throw up their hands and say, well, I guess I'm just do an illegal station because I am frustrated by the legal process for getting a station, but that is not a justification in any sense of the word. Collection Info. The Who actually paid homage to Radio Caroline and other offshore broadcasters by parodying them on their 1967 concept album "The Who Sell Out," as music historian John Atkins has written. And audiences can get the station on inexpensive radio receivers there's no need to have a computer or a smartphone with 5G, or to pay a monthly subscription fee or worry about blowing through their data limits. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes, everyone's dream job. Tribute to Pirate Radio, KQLZ 100.3 FM Los Angeles. Its a simple technique, and although it takes some practice, will work on most any radio with a stable BFO (beat frequency oscillator). I am Evan Swarztrauber. "Pirate radio continues to exist in the internet age for a variety of reasons," John Nathan Anderson, a broadcasting scholar and author who is working on a book about pirate radio, explains via email. So sometimes the apartment owner, the building owner, or whatever, is totally in the dark about this, didn't know about. Now this is not just a focus of the FCC, Congress is also interested in this. This station was operated in Pennsauken, New Jersey, which is right across the river from Philadelphia, and it covered the entire Philadelphia area. Now stop your Googling right now because that is illegal, right? After the reorganization and modernization of the field I then became the Regional Director and manage several offices now. And they come -- I've worked with them when they have bulletproof vests on and automatic weapons. Like if a pirate, you know, gets his station up and running, he finds that no one is in a channel, and he says, oh, I guess I'll set myself here, other than the law, which is obviously important to some people, most people it should be, but why should we care that they are using vacant spectrum? Its much better, of course, if you have a table-top receiver, software-defined radio, or ham radio transceiver with a general coverage receiver hooked up to a resonant outdoor antennaespecially if you live outside Europe and North America. Pirate radio stations are a crucial part of British music culture. Give us a little of your background. You still have to go down on foot and go out onto maybe the rooftop where the antenna is to confirm that that is the source. So that is a big concern for the broadcasters in those areas. So hopefully that's enough for them to get the station taken down and maybe share some information about who the real operator is. And that's it, we will catch you next time. Pirate stations want listeners to discover them, so they broadcast in various "watering holes." Before we talk about where to hunt pirates, however, we need to talk about the necessary equipmenti.e., your radio and antenna. So those are some of the challenges that you all have to tackle in taking on this important enforcement function. Join. And I am glad you mentioned call signs because that could be a potential suspicious signal is that pirate radio stations, because they are illegitimate by their very nature, are not doing typical radio station things like announcing their call sign at the top of the hour or doing, you know, certain regular scheduled activities, so that could be something that might mean you are listening to a pirate station. Select a station from the list and it will play on the tuner. I received this QSL from the amazing Radio Ronin Shortwave shortly before he received the knock from the FCC and stopped transmitting. The Moody Blues are one example of this." That happens a lot. They can be highly entertaining or thought-provoking, and thus are, themselves, a unique art form. So that is quite a large area. Powerful, uncertified transmitters manufactured in foreign countries easily slip through customs at U.S. ports. The antenna is not where the people are necessarily or where the rest of the equipment is. ACTIVITY. Now some folks might be asking themselves this is all great, I totally agree that pirate radio is bad, and I think that you should absolutely go after it, but what about the First Amendment? And so that impedes the investigation a little bit because it is difficult to find where that studio is located, but we do, we do a lot of interviews. April 8, 2015 - 10:43 am. But they secure the property for us so that we feel safe going in there and then we help them identify what equipment we need to seize. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Because you don't know what you are running into. This metal-focused platform is available entirely online, so you can access the music from a lot of different locations, even though the station is based in San Francisco. If they have some skin in the game, an operator or a landlord or a property owner that let somebody put a station up on their rooftop, you know, it's illegal for them to have that station there. Launched just five months ago, Internet Archive's Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications has expanded to more than 61,000 items related to amateur radio, shortwave listening, and related communications. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: So there are no doubt some good samaritans listening to this show that want nothing more than to help with the scourge of pirate radio. But most of the current American pirates are based on dry land, broadcasting from clandestine antennas on rooftops in places such as Brooklyn. They also cover your wireless routers in your house. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Ten times as much, that's big, yes. 10. Pirate radio operators usually have day jobslike most of usthus only transmit while home from work. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Sure. After that when we don't get compliance from somebody he gets a warning letter and comes back on the air and then we do get the warrant with the U.S. marshals. Across the country, FCC officials are working to identify and take action against unlicensed radio operators that illegally use the frequencies allocated for legitimate radio operators. Now I know that finding pirates is reasonably achievable; at least, it is possible to know roughly where, and generally when, to find them. We usually go with the police just for our protection and also for the protection of the occupants inside the residence. 2022-03-13 23:21:58 Storage_size 430.7 GB (in 25,393 files) Title Pirate Radio Airchecks. PROMAX designs several monitoring and spectrum surveillance systems. What can the average person do? Our agents will contact you. Addeddate 2022-03-13 23:21:58 . In the quieter winter months, stations seem to pop out of the ether. Pirate radio guru Andrew Yoder started his own pirate blog last year, and has already began populating it with regular updates, QSLs, and recordings. "Caroline now has two stations, one playing album music and one playing the original pop music for which the station is remembered," Moore explains. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Well that's what I went up with. Marshals, Department of Justice, because we are a federal agency, but have we leveraged the resources and the knowledge of local law enforcement in working on this, are there, you know, different approaches from different States? But it worked out great, it was a great career in the media bureau. He anchored the ship in international waters in the North Sea, just off Frinton, Essex, and hired a crew of DJs to play music around the clock at the time, a revolutionary concept. This little book by Andrew Yoder is the equivalent of the WRTH (World Radio TV Handbook) of the pirate radio world. Collection Info. We were able to prove that it wasn't a violation of the First Amendment rights and so that set the precedence for any future case for that argument. So you couldn't be blamed for assuming that it depicts a long-vanished phenomenon, like Nehru jackets with iridescent scarves and psychedelic-patterned paper mini dresses. Revealing the. So a transmitter that complies with the Part 15 requirements has a very small operating range, about 100 feet. 40. r/HamRadio. The Offshore Radio Museum website commemorates many of those pirates. That would be inappropriate, particularly given my employer, but is it hard for the average listener, particularly in a dense metro area, you're dialing your car radio or your home radio to even know the difference? In the U.S., pirate stations have popped up in recent years all over the country, from West Virginia to Washington state, according to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which plays a continual game of whack-a-mole in an effort to keep them off the airwaves used by licensed broadcasters. Hover over one of the three pirate radio neighborhood zones (the center zone has the most stations) and click for a list of stations that broadcast to those areas. So I have -- In terms of population I manage 20 States in the Northeast area of the United States. In the U.S., pirate stations have popped up in recent years all over the country, from West Virginia to Washington state, according to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which plays a continual game of whack-a-mole in an effort to keep them off the airwaves used by licensed broadcasters. Some pirates simply key down their mike and begin talking, sharing their political or social views; others offer near-professional music productions, complete with listener feedback, and often acknowledge listener reports with QSLs (radio postcards). But so when we say Region One I think even most people in the FCC are not necessarily aware of how the country is carved up when it comes to enforcement and the field offices, et cetera, so can you give the listeners a brief sense of what do we mean by Region One, what areas do you cover? They are very low power and the range of them are very small. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: And we talked a little bit about why this is a problem. So the avenues of working with the district attorneys is a great way to get the injunctions, the court orders, for the pirate station to cease operating permanently. Whether youre a QSL collector, a content DXer, or the casual SWLer, I find theres something in pirate radio listening for everyone. We also would be required to file a report to Congress annually on our enforcement activities in pirate radio. 1. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Well it depends what level we are at with the investigation. MR. DOMBROWSKI: There is a variety of pirate radio stations out there. But with customs and border patrol seeing so much equipment coming in through the ports it's hard to identify. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: And it's important to clarify that FCC enforcement agents are not law enforcement agents, but I was struck by how some of the work that goes into identifying and shutting down a station is like good old-fashioned police work, like knocking on doors saying, hey, have you seen anything weird, have you seen people carrying around transmitters or antennas. We get them in Virginia, we get them out in Illinois, even just remote areas of West Virginia they pop up. So if they don't meet the Part 15 requirements they need a license. If you just use an internet browser and search FCC complaint you will come to the link for filing a complaint. "In Haiti during the Duvalier regime, people depended on radio to get news from independent sources off the island. Evan is joined by David Dombrowski, Regional Director for Region One in the FCC Enforcement Bureau. Very old school, and cheap enough for anyone's budget. But the interesting thing about this was that it was operated by a group of people who considered themselves Moors, which are indigenous people of the United States who were here before the United States was colonized. Even as many legacy international broadcasters are abandoning the shortwave bands, shortwave remains active and vibrant in another quadrant: namely, on shortwave pirate radio. Thank you, too, for your support of these sites. But the FCC, Congress and the commercial broadcasting industry don't see the pirates as serving such a benign purpose. MR. DOMBROWSKI: And there is a lot of digital FM stations out there that are looking for programming so they could maybe work out at least an arrangement. All you need is a location to host the antenna and access to electricity unless you've got batteries, then just the location.". But if we sign it into law we would have some additional resources, first increasing the fines. It has a radio receiver in it, it has a computer screen with a map, and it has a little compass rose that tells us what direction the signal is coming from. Of course, it's called the PIRATE Act, and that stands for Preventing Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement Act. But merely the act of purchasing this equipment is illegal and partly that's because it comes from overseas and it's not been tested by the FCC, correct? MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Right. It offers satellite imagery, aerial photography, street maps, 360 interactive panoramic views of streets (Street View), real-time traffic conditions, and route planning . Though Channel Z was broadcasting in AM, as many do, its best to hunt pirates with an SSB-capable portable. And then they said to me well here is ten jobs that you potentially could have which one is your top choice? The Radio Informer - The latest info on the world of radio including:world,shortwave . South America was strong for a while in the 90s, but that has also fallen silent. Radio GDay came on from Australia occasionally, but no one else. The SWLing Post now participates in two affiliate advertising programs with two large retailers that still sell shortwave radios, the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and the eBay Partnership, designed to provide a means for sites like ours to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to these retailers of radio products. I am Evan Swarztrauber. The U.S. has had its share of pirate broadcasters over the years as well. David, thanks so much for joining. So we try to shut down, you know, that equipment coming in to the purchasers. I know at least in our region we get them everywhere. The BBC played catch-up launching Radio One and recruiting the same pirates for their roster. Do we have a right under the first amendment to speak via a radio station even if it is unlicensed by the FCC and is there potentially a case that can kind of exemplify why pirate radio is not protected under the First Amendment? There is always a building manager they call the supra and he has a shop down in the basement and a lot of times we find the equipment down in his shop. They can call their State Broadcast Association to get our contact information. ( Disclaimer) Transcript: MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Welcome to "More Than 7 Dirty Words," the official FCC podcast. MR. DOMBROWSKI: So we have fines that we could issue. Are we talking about U.S. marshals with machine guns kicking in doors, are we talking about politely knocking on a door and saying, hey, guys, your time is up, we found you, you know, what's the image that essentially you see when this goes down in your experience or is there kind of a spectrum of different cases, some are a little bit more intense than others? Multiply the answer from #1 by the fraction of wavelength of your antenna's design (most antennas are 1/2 (.5) or 1/4 (.25) wave; the popular Comet is a 5/8 (.625) wave antenna). The important thing here is that you invest in a receiver with a respectable degree of sensitivity and selectivity. Dont believe me? It takes a lot of time to process just one complaint and so it is distracting our agents of getting into the database and populating all the fields and calling the complainant. Right now it is $10,000 per day per occurrence. Now when we talk about enforcement actions, you know, I'd like to kind of paint a picture for our listeners. I am a Philadelphia native, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and I graduated Temple University and my first job was the FCC right out of college and interestingly --. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: So let's say that either a broadcaster or a listener files a complaint, what happens then, what tools do you, your colleagues in the FCC, have to go about finding a station, shutting it down, bringing people to justice? But they also encroach on those legitimate stations that made significant investments and secured the necessary regulatory approvals to obtain a license. Searching for an FM radio station on your car radio is quite easy. It was a three bay antenna for any of the those tech-y's out there, so it was a high efficient antenna and a very high powered transmitter. 14 July 2020. We hope you understand, and are grateful for your support. It is portable, but can also be used as a permanent FM radio station. If they are getting interference to a station they would like to listen what station is that, give the call sign. Additionally, youll find contact information for QSL requests and mail-drop addresses as well. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes. Our agents typically work in a certain area so they become familiar with all the pirate radio operators and they kind of started to notice the pattern and so we were able to gather all of the evidence and go to the U.S. Attorney's Office and seize all that equipment and get the station off the air. Our listeners and are grateful for your support we have a vehicle, it was a great in! Radio services because that is a big concern for the protection of the equipment streets and promote local scenes operates... Affiliate links in this article called the pirate radio Airchecks you are it... To make this clarifying point on other podcasts that I have done the. 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