Time Entry earnings codes that are submitted with an amount will not be adjusted automatically. March 01, 2023. If the increase to the minimum wage was less than the negotiated increase, the retroactive increase(s) may be applied to the rate in effect prior to the increase to the minimum wage. Each reminder will contain a valid ballot that you can use to vote, so you do not need to search your emails to find a ballot. Beginning in Institution Pay Period 13L or Administration Pay Period 14L agencies must review employees in composite positions (identified by Increment Code 2222) and submit a Pay Change on the Job Action Requests page using the appropriate Reason Code (see below) to pay the salary increase. We hope that many of you will be able to take advantage of this program. After over one year of negotiations, we are happy to announce that we have reached a Tentative Agreement with OCA for the period of April 1, 2021 through March 31, 2026. Per Chapter 165 of the Laws of 2017 which implemented the 2016-2021 Agreement between the State of New York and CSEA, these employees now will be eligible to receive the Oct 2016 and April 2017 Longevity payment. 2011-2019 CSEA Judiciary | Created By: dezinsINTERACTIVE, HOME | ABOUT | LOCALS | NEWS | RESOURCES | CONTRACT | CONTACT US, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, https://apps.apple.com/us/app/my-csea/id1347321157, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.csea.mobile, https://cseajudiciary.org/local-334/news/, https://cseajudiciary.org/local-334/events/, https://www.facebook.com/csealocal1000/posts/391626003006800, Retro increases to Longevity Bonuses, [CSEA] Longevity Payments and SLED, longevity payments and service bonus payments (if eligible), Retro uniform and blazer allowance, location pay and SOS, along with the annual increase applicable to these benefits [eff. These include, but are not limited to: Because Google Translate is intellectual property owned by Google Inc., you must use Google Translate in accord with the Google license agreement, which includes potential liability for misuse: Google Terms of Service. The New York State Office of the State Comptroller's website is provided in English. 2015 to inform agencies of OSC's automatic processing of the April 2022 CSEA Performance Advances and provide instructions for payments not processed automatically. 1728 for further details on the New York Retiree Indicator box. If the employee has a Comp Rate Code of ANN, a Grade equal to 001-025 and an increment code other than 2222 and the salary is equal to a salary step of the employees grade on the effective date based on the 04/01/2020 Salary Schedule, OSC will automatically increase the salary to the same salary step on the 04/01/2021 Salary Schedule. Our thanks to Local President Dan Vadala for once again inviting us to join in the food, raffles, door prizes and more. MDEA President 212 days 2022-2023. Questions regarding this bulletin may be directed to the Payroll Earnings mailbox. Check out the Store tab on the RunSignUp page! 1893 for more information. Rest assured that the CSEA Team will continue to pursue an agreement that will address concerns and issues raised by the membership. The 04/01/2020 Salary Schedule must be used to calculate the salary. While recent sessions have been constructive, there is still much work left to do and we have set an additional date for negotiations on August 24. hmk0 KJ qmA5$IcB:Kc%Ip"%2C Q2"5IN4{ ))Kky%y1*nvte']EI'Z&tktk%umlqSf+?dY,\i9>Y:gSnJ.Q/Lr56C)~`scHq{_7g5&3?q:
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If the employee has a Comp Rate Code of HRY and a Grade equal to 600 or 800 and the hourly rate in effect is greater than $15.00, OSC will automatically increase the salary by applying 2.00% rounded to the nearest cent. Judiciary Local 330 President Lawrence Germano testified in front of the Unified court systems pandemic practices working group during last weeks session. CSEA is discussing this issue with the Empire Plan and as members notify us of other health insurance plan notifications, we are speaking with them about this issue. These effective dated rows will be processed automatically by OSC. Workforce Development Presented Before: New York State Senate Finance Committee Chair, Senator Liz Krueger & New York State Assembly Ways and Means Committee . On December 23, 2020, the Office of the State Comptroller issued State Agencies Bulletin No. 2053 to inform agencies of OSC's automatic processing of the April 2021 and April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increases and provide instructions for payments not processed automatically. I encourage every member to utilize the application in order to have all of your info in the palm of your hand. Employee salaries for this year will range from about $27,000 to $111,000 per year, according to the program bill that detailed salaries for the range of steps and tiers. The following Control-D report was made available for agency use on 09/08/2022 (Institution) and 09/15/2022 (Administration)). If mailed via U.S. mail, applications must be RECEIVED (not postmarked) by March 31, 2023. For each effective dated row where the employees rate in effect is other than minimum wage, agencies must submit a Pay Change on the Job Action Requests page using the appropriate Reason code (see below) to pay the salary increase(s). Simply go to WaterSafari.com click on the Buy Tickets and Passes link on the top left click on the Promo Code? Therefore, the agency is responsible for identifying employees who meet the following conditions and, if necessary, submitting the necessary adjustment: If an overpayment of earnings is identified after the automatic payment is processed but before the paycheck is received by the employee, the employee must be notified of the overpayment and the adjustment that will be reported in a subsequent pay period. April 15, 2021. 2022 Salary Increases 2022 Salary Increase; NYS Bargaining Unit: 01: 21: Comp Rate Code: ANN: ANN: HRY: Grade: 101-125, 600, 800. Effective date rows on the Administration cycle will be updated when the program runs for the Institution cycle. Effective dated rows on the Institution cycle will be updated when the program runs for the Institution cycle. Additionally, dont forget to visit our Local 334 website https://cseajudiciary.org/local-334/, there you will find digital copies of your CBA and extender agreement as well as news and information direct from the Local. "I'm really happy," Board of. {OIAV:E@pYO!>}~K(rH46I,~}[7/:).B!8r2.%?oi{~~U{z%\0JT]dXZ,XE\1TX=r
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The New York State Legislature passed the final 2022-2023 budget bills early on Saturday, April 9, 2022. . Thank you for your patience and continued support! Our CSEA AFSCME delegates, who were elected by members in each region, convened to conduct business at the 45th AFSCME International Convention in Philadelphia this years theme was All Together and the keynote address was given by AFSCME President Lee Saunders. Overall, this budget is a positive for CSEA members across New York State. Please refer to. <>
THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION IS NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. ON FEBRUARY 15, 2023. Included on the report is one or more of the following messages which identifies the reason(s) the employees record will not be updated: If an employee appears on this report but is due a salary increase, the agency must take the following action: Employees who appear on the report but whose records are not corrected prior to automatic processing will not automatically receive the April 2021 and April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increases. New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS), New York State Budget Analysis and Financial Reporting, New York City Economic and Fiscal Monitoring, Payroll Bulletin 702 Recalculation of Salary When There is Movement Between Bargaining Units with Differing Raises. CSEA Judiciary members across the state overwhelmingly ratified a one-year contract extension with the Unified Court System. The Local 334 Scholarship Committee met and awarded academic and financial assistance scholarships to graduating seniors, whose parents are employed by the Unified Court System and CSEA members in good standing. Please call the Partnership at (800) 253-4332 (Option 2), or email reimbursement@nyscseapartnership.org if you cannot provide the appropriate documentation by this date. and April 7, 2022 (Inst.) While recent sessions have been constructive, there is still much work left to do and we have set dates to meet in August and September. The report is sorted by Department ID, then by employee name in alphabetical order. 2 0 obj
2022-2023: 2% base salary increase . Applications are accepted for this program year until March 31, 2023. We look forward to seeing those of you who RSVPd for the Local 834 yearly clambake on Sunday June 26th, 2022 from 1-6 at Sharkeys bar and grill in Liverpool, NY. THIRD AND FINAL CONTRACT INFORMATIONAL MEETING. All active members will be able to sign into the website directly through the app without entering a password. This report identifies all employees who received the automatic April 2021 and/or April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increases and includes all employees salaries that were increased in an eligible bargaining unit. The contract proposed is a good one with many improvements for CSEA Executive branch members in those agencies; a description of the contract is in the current edition of The Workforce. August 4, 2021 State Employees who Park in Downtown Albany Employees who receive an Increased Hiring Rate on or after the payment effective date (03/25/2021 or 04/07/2022 (Institution) or 04/01/2021 or 03/31/2022 (Administration)) may not be entitled to have the increase applied to their entire salary. Our team has . Our third and final informational meeting is scheduled for this Thursday December 15th from 6 to 8p.m. GET to KnowNew York State ComptrollerThomas P. DiNapoli. This report will be submitted to SSA after the close of the 2022 tax year. The April 2020 CSEA 2% Retroactive Salary Increase will be paid using the following effective dates and check dates: Eligibility Criteria The following employees are eligible to receive the April 2020 CSEA Retroactive 2% Salary Increase: Employees with a Comp Rate Code of HRY (Grade 600 or 800) Please see the attached notice from the Local with a description of each student. Check Date 4/26/2023: 3% Salary Increase [eff. Effective Dated Job Rows where a Non-CSEA Position is in Effect The salary will, If it is determined an employee was overpaid at the time the initial promotion was calculated with LLS portability, the overpayment will not be recovered. If you rely on information obtained from Google Translate, you do so at your own risk. Submit a Pay Change on the Job Action Requests page using the appropriate Reason code (see below) to pay the salary increase(s). Click Here box in the center of the page and enter our promo code EFWS851 and print your tickets at home! On the app you have direct access to all of your personal information as well as EBF benefits, member specific benefits for active CSEA members amongst various other information. This is because at the time of the original appointment, the employee moved from an unsettled to settled bargaining unit and the fiscal year increase of the new bargaining unit was applied to the promotion salary in addition to the static LLS amount. . The New York State Office of the State Comptroller's website is provided in English. The Office of the State Comptroller does not warrant, promise, assure or guarantee the accuracy of the translations provided. CSEA Judiciary Local 330 has arranged this training and is offering space to our Local 334 members. Agencies must review employees receiving GEO and/or OPD to determine if the employees GEO and/or OPD pay needs to be updated as a result of the April 2021 and April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increases. endstream
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In order to get help you must demonstrate that it is needed. Lt. Carraway was a Utica Police Lieutenant and Union activist who passed unexpectedly in 1994. You can find the app by visiting the Google play store or the App store on your iphone. If you have questions regarding specific benefits or claims, . Any work accomplished should be done while on the clock. If there is a refusal to pay for overtime contact us immediately, you are entitled to that time. Learn More . Completed and signed ballots must be postmarked by June 28th. The hearing may be canceled if management chooses to satisfy our demands, as listed above, prior to the arbitration hearing date. Employees in a composite position (identified by Increment Code 2222). Federal, State, and New York City income tax withholding will be calculated using the Aggregate method. A new, improved version of the MyCSEA app has been released and it features several enhancements. Anytime spent working outside of those scheduled hours is considered overtime. Operational Services Unit (OSU) - 03. Questions regarding position change requests may be directed to the Position Management mailbox. Please see Payroll Bulletin No. This report identifies employees who did not receive the automatic April 2021 and/or April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increases. March 01, 2023.
MLvD6cv BM4j;`&X*$~M In addition to the MyCsea app, I encouraged all members to create an account on the CSEA webpage here https://cseany.org/ in order to stay up to date with news from our Statewide President Mary Sullivan. Ian Spencer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. This version will also update a number of the tools and links available. If the employee has a Comp Rate Code of ANN, a Grade equal to 600 with an equated grade equal to 001-025 and an increment code other than 2222 and the salary is equal to a salary step of the employees grade on the effective date based on the 04/01/2020 Salary Schedule, OSC will automatically increase the salary to the same salary step on the 04/01/2021 Salary Schedule. It has been brought to my attention that receiver notices are not being disseminated amongst the membership. All retroactive adjustments will be paid in the Administration check dated 10/12/2022. . Filing for a Flaumenbaum Scholarship automatically puts an applicant in consideration for the Pearl Insurance and MetLife Scholarships. In addition, updates will be made to all subsequent rows requiring an increased biweekly stipend amount. You can view his testimony on the CSEA Local 1000 Facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/csealocal1000/posts/391626003006800 or on the CSEA YouTube link here https://youtu.be/ArENNW1HcRA A PDF version of his statement is also attached. April 2022 CSEA Longevity Payment for Long-Term Seasonal Employees : No. Time: Dec 5, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada), https://zoom.us/j/96968057845?pwd=OEFxTU9QTzhkeGdWdW5WekR4MTc0dz09, +19292056099,,96968057845#,,,,*336933# US (New York), +16469313860,,96968057845#,,,,*336933# US, Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aAmpP8Ly. HAk1d43 '--Z0z*MN-Pv`\.?yEk(~/oy?xbpz' This version will also update a number of the tools and links available. ai thinker esp32 cam datasheet Please refer to Payroll Bulletin No. If a Next of Kin Affidavit has been previously submitted for a deceased employees payroll check, OSC will accept a photocopy of this form along with a new Report of Check Exchange. M/C employees formulate policy, assist directly in preparing for or conducting negotiations, administer labor agreements, or assist in a confidential capacity those employees who have employee relations responsibilities. Simply go to WaterSafari.com click on the Buy Tickets and Passes link on the top left click on the Promo Code? This Google translation feature is provided for informational purposes only. Agencies must insert a new row on the Additional Pay page using the effective dates of 03/25/2021 (Institution) or 04/01/2021 (Administration) for the April 2021 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increase and 04/07/2022 (Institution) or 03/31/2022 (Administration) for the April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increase with the new GEO and/or OPD amount. All retroactive adjustments will be displayed on the Payroll Register using the appropriate Earnings Code and the amount paid and will be displayed on the employees paycheck stub or direct deposit advice using the appropriate Earnings Description and the amount paid unless the number of earnings codes exceeds 13. Paper ballots must be postmarked in time to arrive at headquarters in Albany by 12/21 to be considered for the count on 12/22. HMk@@a/~B4&CB}H2GY`#93'7c;DbpLdG}h~N>AgrrTU|L_=i.n;\-n],yXbI\\fe3- For each effective dated row where the employees compensation rate is equal to or less than $15.00, submit a Pay Change on the Job Action Requests page using the appropriate Reason code (see below) to pay the salary increase(s). Tap the Esc key to return to this page . There will also be another opportunity in August to exchange up to 5 additional annual/comp time days. CSEA Salary Schedule 2021-2026 Created Date: CSEA New Yorks Leading Union has reached a tentative agreement with the New York State Office of Court Administration on a new contract covering more than 6,000 non-judicial employees in the states Unified Court System. The New York State Office of the State Comptroller's website is provided in English. The contract extension runs from April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021. The PayServ record of employees described above will be updated as follows: Employees who are on the Institution cycle on the payment effective date but are on the Administration cycle on the processing date will be processed as follows: Employees who are on the Administration cycle on the payment effective date but are on the Institution cycle on the processing date will be processed as follows: The following Control-D reports will be available for agency review after the automatic payments have been processed. For each effective dated row where the employee is receiving minimum wage, determine if the increase to the minimum wage from the prior rate in effect resulted in an increase that was greater than or less than the negotiated increase(s). Nov 17, 2022. Many of you have inquired recently regarding access to your respective CSEA ID numbers and/or EBF IDs along with what benefits are available to you as a member. Balloting for CSEA members will be done via paper AND electronic ballot. OSC will automatically insert a row on the employees Job Data page using the Action/Reason Code of Pay Rate Change/CSL (Correct Salary) if the Comp Rate Code is ANN or CAL or the Action/Reason Code of Pay Rate Change/CRT (Change Rate) if the Comp Rate Code is HRY for all subsequent rows provided the employee remains in an eligible position. With your union membership, get your discounted tickets to Enchanted Forest Water Safari. To process a retroactive adjustment or correct an automatic retroactive adjustment, agencies must submit the following information on the Time Entry page or the Time Entry Interface (NPAY502) using the Earnings Code AJR, ARC, or ARO: OSC will recalculate the military stipend amount for employees who were placed on a Paid or Unpaid Military Stipend Leave on or after the effective date of the payment as the result of new military orders. ucla environmental science graduate program; four elements to the doctrinal space superiority construct; woburn police scanner live. This would allow municipalities to complete more work in-house. Checks issued to eligible employees who are now deceased should be returned with a completed Next of Kin Affidavit (Form AC 934-P), original death certificate and a Report of Check Exchange (Form AC 1476-P). Contractually, CSEA members employed within the Judiciary branch of government are scheduled for a 35 hour workweek. 2021-2022 CSEA SALARY SCHEDULE 12 MONTH and HOURLY STEPS 8YR 13YR 18YR 23YR 28YR RANGE . READ THE FULL BULLETIN. Hourly employees with an hourly rate that is equal to or less than $15.00 on or after the payment effective date will not be processed automatically and will require agency review to determine payment eligibility. On the app you have direct access to all of your personal information as well as EBF benefits, member specific benefits for active CSEA members amongst various other information. If the salary is greater than the Job Rate of the employees grade on the effective date based on the 04/01/2021 Salary Schedule, OSC will automatically increase the salary by applying 2.00% rounded to the nearest dollar OR increase the salary to the Job Rate based on the 04/01/2022 Salary Schedule, whichever is greater. New York State advised CSEA all aspects of health insurance . If the employee is newly hired or transfers into an eligible position after the payment effective date, OSC will automatically insert a row on the employees Job Data page using the Action/Reason Code of Pay Rate Change/CSL (Correct Salary) if the Comp Rate Code is ANN or the Action/Reason Code of Pay Rate Change/CRT (Change Rate) if the Comp Rate Code is HRY. CSEA will be sending out reminder emails to vote periodically to emails which have not cast a vote. This training is for active CSEA members only, you will be required to supply your CSEA ID# to register. All of these changes add to your workload and we must demonstrate the need for increased personnel. This includes employees whose non-CSEA salary was the result of the LLS portability promotion calculation method. CSEA worked closely with OMH and OPWDD to increase the starting salary grades for direct support professionals within agency to make these jobs each Questions regarding military information may be directed to the Military Stipend mailbox. As PayServ does not include this information, OSC will be mailing a Request for Special Wage Payment Report to inactive individuals who are 62 or older in the calendar year and to active employees with the New York Retiree Indicator checked in Modify a Person who receive the retroactive payment. With your assistance, the Connors way team will continue to help the youth of our community, while remembering and honoring Connors life. On September 12, 2022, the Office of the State Comptroller issued Payroll Improvement Project Bulletin No. April 1, 2023] longevity payments and service bonus payments (if eligible) Check Date 5/24/2023: Retro uniform and blazer allowance, location pay and SOS, along with the annual increase . SALARY TABLE 2022-NY INCORPORATING THE 2.2% GENERAL SCHEDULE INCREASE AND A LOCALITY PAYMENT OF 35.06% FOR THE LOCALITY PAY AREA OF NEW YORK-NEWARK, NY-NJ-CT-PA TOTAL INCREASE: 3.02% EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2022 Annual Rates by Grade and Step Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Seasonal employees who receive an increase to minimum wage are eligible to receive the salary increase provided the increase to minimum wage did not result in a wage increase higher than the negotiated increase. Management chooses to satisfy our demands, as listed above, prior to the position mailbox... Indicator box we must demonstrate the need for increased personnel to SSA the! Way Team will continue to help the youth of our community, while remembering nys csea salary increase 2022 honoring life... Court systems pandemic practices working group during last weeks session space to our Local 334 members the translations provided the... 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