[more], Our focus in this class is going to be on the nature of causation. The pain and suffering of the family is no different.". Police believe Cy argued with his father around 2am on Friday at their beachside suburban Adelaide home. How is political power generated and exercised? In a philosophy of logic class, we think about what we are doing when we do logic. How can we ensure that AI's will act morally? His depiction of the trial and death of Socrates is one of the classics of western literature, and his views on ethics and politics continue to occupy a central place in our discussions 2400 years after they were written. According to Hegel, subjects are both historically and socially constituted; they are formed through their relations with other subjects. [more], Martinican psychiatrist, philosopher, and revolutionary Frantz Fanon was among the leading critical theorists and Africana thinkers of the twentieth century. [more], This course is a chronological survey of major works of political theory from the 16th to the 20th century. We will then turn to a variety of more recent attempts to give a clear characterization of causation. We will pay special attention to the first amendment and questions concerning free speech and hate speech. Phil Walsh dead following domestic dispute, Statement from Gillon McLachlan on round 14. (v) Either you are reading or you are a fish. Is there a room for the notion of collective intention in filmmaking? The course will, I hope, provide the students an opportunity and the tools to intellectually examine deeply emotional and contentious issues. More than this, Existentialists emphasize the subjective relation we bear to our belief systems, moral codes, and personal identities. [more], Although Kant initially planned for his magnum opus to comprise theoretical and practical chapters, his metaphysics and epistemology take up all of his Critique of Pure Reason while his ethics is spread out over a series of works--Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Critique of Practical Reason, Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, and The Metaphysics of Morals. Williams relatives. And, Existentialists express their thought in philosophical treatises as often as in literary works. We conclude by considering some of the later Hindu holistic views of the self as responses to the Buddhist critique. Why do we seek to experience through film fear and anguish that we avoid in our daily lives? Our study will definitely include Frege, Russell, Quine, Searle, and Kripke. The worldview that underlies classical tragedy, however, seems markedly different from the one that we find in classical philosophy. Finally, we will examine some of Aristotle's works on metaphysics, epistemology and ethics, considering some of the ways Aristotle's thought responds to that of predecessors. By repeated application of the same reasoning, it seems that even after she removes 99,997 grains of sand--I don't know what she wants with all this sand, but I'm starting to worry about that girl--there is still a heap of sand in my backyard. who happens to be a philosopher; nor is it just that philosophical positions are reviewed in the narrative, as in Gaarder's. [more], Animals are and always have been part of human life. Is a world with AI's overall better or worse for us? Could we (individually and socially) educate and cultivate them? We will begin the course by looking at Hume's and Kant's discussion of causation. The stoics and skeptics both claimed a Socratic imprimatur for their own thought. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. DuBois engaged in a great debate about the nature of education. We will read some representative works from each of these schools of thought to see how each approaches Socrates. Others maintain that these questions will only yield to methods that incorporate our broader insight into the nature of the world including, perhaps, feminist thought or science. The answer is not merely that they ask the question, "What gives meaning to a human life?" This course is part of the John Hyde Teaching Fellowship. He died on 30 September 2020. Are we rationally justified in drawing causal inferences? As a result, some prominent researchers propose that the existence of consciousness requires a revision of basic physics, while others (seemingly desperately) deny that consciousness exists at all. The remainder of the course is devoted to political writings by other figures in the Western philosophical tradition (egs. What is the proper 'geography'--classification and analysis--of our emotions, and what is their relation to our somatic states, feelings, beliefs, judgments, evaluations and actions? those issues in and of themselves, and to consider the ways in which selected classical and contemporary moral theories characterize and address those moral dimensions. His son was arrested after police were called to a domestic dispute at the home in Somerton Park at 2am ACST on Friday. We will concentrate both on making precise the philosophical problem of consciousness and on understanding the role of the relevant neuroscientific and cognitive research. How does our experience justify our beliefs? [more], This course will raise and discuss a number of philosophical questions concerning our current understanding of mental health and mental illness. In the spirit of reconciliation the AFL acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. [more], We often associate modern faith in the prospects of universal human dignity, rational autonomy, the rights of man, individual liberty, democracy, open scientific inquiry and social and political progress with the Enlightenment . In this tutorial, we will focus on questions concerning their distinctive methods, namely, historical materialism, genealogical critique, and psychoanalysis. Other questions are pressing and immediate: Artificial intelligence techniques are used today to help decide whether someone gets a bank loan, is eligible to be released on bail, or in need of particular medical treatment. Critical theory aims not merely to understand the "struggles and wishes of the age" as Marx one described it, but with emancipation from domination. The debate never transpired - indeed, Leibniz suppressed his New Essays - because of Locke's death in 1705. Some philosophers have wondered, however, whether the notion of an alternative logic is even coherent. This course will introduce students to fundamental concepts, methods, and issues in environmental ethics. Specific issues will include the ethics of placebo research, deception in research, studies of illicit/illegal behavior, genetic research, experimentation with children, pregnant women and fetuses, and persons with diminished mental capacity, among other topics. When, if ever, is paternalistic interference by the state into the lives of its citizens justified? questions will be: What makes a thinker an "Existentialist"? Locke is the first great Empiricist Realist, and Leibniz the greatest Rationalist Idealist. Log in, register or subscribe to save articles for later. Pragmatist Currents in Contemporary Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. What does it take to realize this fact? The College Mission Statement says that "Williams seeks to provide the finest possible liberal arts education by nurturing in students the academic and civic virtues, and their related traits of character." In fact, Socrates seems to have been thought of as a kind of intellectual saint in the Hellenistic world. Some of the questions we will consider are: Are moral standards relative to cultural frameworks? To submit an obituary, please send it to Alumni Records, Williams College, 75 Park Street, Williamstown, MA 01267. In this course, we will study the literature in contemporary philosophy on the nature of knowledge and rational belief. What are space and time? It is not enough for it merely to be about a character who happens to be a philosopher; nor is it just that philosophical positions are reviewed in the narrative, as in Gaarder's Sophie's World. We will read the Oresteia and Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus, Sophocles' Theban Cycle, and the Hippolytus, Bacchae and Philoctetes by Euripides. In this way, we come to appreciate the importance of considering the biology on which mental processes are based and the light that this approach throws on the nature of consciousness. The real question, then, seems to be whether, and how, free choice is possible amidst all of these influences. But three grains isn't enough for a heap. The view of the tragedians can lead to a thoroughgoing nihilism according to which --the best thing of all [for a human being] is never to have born-but the next best thing is to die soon (Aristotle's Eudemus as quoted in Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy; see also Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus)." [more], Very few people believe that everything is water, that we knew everything before birth, that philosophers ought to rule the state, or that the earth is at the center of the cosmos. We will read classic works (such as John Stuart Mill, On Liberty and H. L. A. Hart, The Concept of Law), contemporary articles, and United States Supreme Court cases. Now I'm confused. In this course we'll examine several influential attempts to provide a rational foundation for morality, along with Nietzsche's wholesale rejection of these efforts. Some understand its aim to be to answer normative questions about the nature of truth, justice, goodness and rationality. What is the basis on which current psychiatric diagnostic manuals are organized? What distinguishes that kind of life from others? In this course, we will examine a number of Greek tragedies and philosophical writing on tragedy and the tragic. New York: McGraw Hill, 2005. pp 307-323. If time permits, we'll also look briefly at some recent post-Rawlsian debates about the nature of distributive justice (e.g., luck vs. relational egalitarianism, or global justice). In particular, one must grasp that "three of them" picks out a subset of the group picked out by "every cookie", and that there's no such thing as a cookie that is both chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin. Some critics find predictive failures of economists unsurprising, given the frequent reliance of the latter on assumptions known to be false (e.g., that economic agents are always selfish, have perfect information, and never make mistakes) and on models that unavoidably ignore potentially relevant factors. And, if the barber does shave himself, then by condition (b) he does not shave himself. ", Get immediate help for depression or anxiety. In the second part of the course, we will turn to the fundamental questions concerning the status and structure of logic. In discussions and writing, we will explore the diverse visions of modernity and of politics offered by such thinkers as Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, Mill, and Freud. Is that principle of organization justifiable or not? We will first get clear on the formal semantics of first-order logic and various ways of thinking about formal proof: natural deduction systems, semantic tableaux, axiomatic systems and sequent calculi. The thoughts that Aristotle expresses in these books were instrumental in setting an intellectual agenda that dominated western thought through the Middle Ages and provided the backdrop against which the modern philosophical tradition arose. To do this, we will need to become familiar with key ethical theories; think deeply about such concepts as privacy, paternalism and autonomy, exploitation, cost-benefit analysis and justice; and compare the function of these concepts in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic with the way they work in responses to other public health concerns. All three have had a profound influence on literature, social theory, and critical theories of the 20th and 21st centuries. Throughout the course, our focus will be on the best theoretical and practical knowledge we now have to diagnose, explain, and alleviate mental illness. nature and origins of the mother-child bond, and to replace--or to let us think we can replace--chance with choice." Phil Walsh is a famous Australian Rules Footballer. Walsh's wife Meredith was taken to a nearby hospital for cuts to her leg. How do you expect to learn? Our discussions will range over historical and contemporary works in the Western tradition. Among the questions that we will address: What is justice? of Western metaphysics; French Nietzscheans such as Foucault, Derrida and Deleuze as well as French feminist Luce Irigaray appropriate Nietzschean themes and concepts in their critical engagements with the Western philosophical tradition; and Anglo-American moral philosophers such as Bernard Williams, Alisdair MacIntyre, and Phillippa Foot (as well as Rorty) respond to and engage his critique of modern morality. We will begin with Washington's classic article "Industrial Education for the Negro" and DuBois' classic "The Talented Tenth". What are the limits of language? 1-3), and selected interviews and course lectures. We will also read selections from the vast secondary literature on Aristotle's. Introduction to Critical Theory: The Enlightenment and Its Critics. Initial tutorial meetings will focus on theoretical materials that will background later discussions and will include classic readings from the environmental ethics literature (e.g., Leopold, Taylor, Rolston). In fact, it seems like you can't change a heap of sand into something that isn't a heap of sand by removing one grain of sand. The son of Adelaide Crows coach Phil Walsh has been charged with his murder, after the 55-year-old was found dead in his home, South Australian police . Our reading of Hume will be supplemented by historical and interpretive essays on his work. Our tools in this course will be logic and reason, even when we are trying to determine what the limits of reason might be. Paramedics arrived and tried to revive him, but a doctor confirmed him dead at the scene. Whether the mind can be fully understood within a scientific framework has taken on an exciting urgency. We will raise questions concerning the task of philosophy, the structure and meaning constituting function of consciousness, the relationship between self and other, the mind-body relationship, freedom, authenticity, and absurdity. What is offensive art? In this course we will engage ethical questions surrounding the seeming inevitability of AI. How do our thoughts refer to objects? [more], The seminar involves a critical engagement with key Africana political leaders, theorists and liberationists. One possible answer which we will examine is that, while many philosophers recognize that there are intimate connections between what we believe, feel and do, philosophical argumentation by its very nature appeals to belief alone; narrative art, by contrast, can simultaneously engage our reason, emotions, imagination and will, thus resulting not only in deepening our understanding, but also in transformation of the self. Authors will include Plato, Anselm, Aquinas, Pascal, Paley, Hume, Kant, Kierkegaard, and several contemporary philosophers. United States portal. We turn first to two of Plato's most famous dialogues,The Apology and,The Republic. Our discussions will range over historical and contemporary works in the Western tradition. We will examine several different approaches in depth, including realism, constructivism, expressivism, and skepticism. [more], This course will emphasize interdisciplinary approaches to the study of intelligent systems, both natural and artificial. Ninah T. Pretto. Some maintain that these issues are solely the provinces of philosophy, using traditional a priori methods. Our readings will come primarily from philosophy, but will be supplemented with material from anthropology, physics, psychology, and linguistics. We'll attempt to answer this question by examining recent philosophical work on the nature of free will and responsibility. In particular, one must grasp that "three of them" picks out a subset of the group picked out by "every cookie", and that there's no such thing as a cookie that is both chocolate chip, Minds, Brains, and Intelligent Behavior: An Introduction to Cognitive Science. Or can meaning be allocated only to entire sets of beliefs? We ordinarily claim that sentences are true or false, but are there other entities whose truth and falsity explains the truth and falsity of sentences? And selected interviews and course lectures we find in classical philosophy their beachside suburban Adelaide home lives... 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