When you complete the registration process, your new HIP number will appear on the screen. Rule R657-23. You must also have one of these licenses before you can apply for or obtain a permit to hunt band-tailed pigeon, greater sage-grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, sandhill crane, white-tailed ptarmigan or wild turkey. For more informa- tion, visit stateparks.utah.gov/resources/ hunting-at-state-park. If you need help with your online application, please call any Division office before 5 p.m. MDT on July 20, 2022. Additionally, he oversees management of the divisions of state parks; recreation; oil, gas and mining; water rights; and the Utah Geological Survey. If you need assistance, please contact your local Division office or call 801-538-4727. In 1999, Lewis joined DNRs internal audit staff and later became the audit manager. Pitt Grewe is the Director of the Division of Recreation. If you give birds to someone at any location, you must tag the birds. Rule R651-614. Unless you have prior permission from the Division, you may access and use state waterfowl management areas (WMAs) only during the hunting season or for other activi- ties for which the WMAs have been posted open. Objective #1 for Droughts Obstruct any entrance or exit to private property. He graduated from Brigham Young University with both a bachelors and masters degree in wildlife and range resources. You must bring the tagged swan or its head to a Division officeor the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge officewithin three days of harvesting the swan. Rule R657-9-25. To report your swan harvest, simply bring the tagged swan or its head to a Division office, or the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge office, within three days of harvest. Persons possessing, transporting, or car- rying firearms on the refuge must com- ply with all provisions of state and local law. Michael Tribe joined the Utah Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in 2017 as the Human Resources Director. A person who is 14 or 15 years old must be accompanied by a person 21 years of age or older while hunting with any weapon. You can also choose to have it emailed to you. According to Lee Kay, a public shooting range facilities and grounds supervisor at Utah DWR, are voracious predators in Utah that will eat almost anything, including snakes, fish, toads. Aquatic SGCNs and key habitats persist on the landscape, despite increasing drought conditions. Justin (J) Shirley was appointed as the Director of the Division of Wildlife Resources in August 2021. Utah provides special hunting accom- modations for people with disabilities. Important: If you surrender a swan permit less than 30 days before the season opens, you will lose all of your previously accrued pref- erence points for swan, and you will not earn a point for the current year. Wildlife Technician Salt Creek and Public Shooting Grounds WMA FY18 Project ID: 4005. Hunters may not shoot or hunt within 100 yards of refuge roads open to vehicle traffic. For more details about swan-hunting opportunities for youth. Rule R657-9-13. He previously served as the director of the Utah Division of Water Resources since December 2019. Clear Lake WMAthe area known as Spring Lake, Desert Lake WMAthe area known as Desert Lake, Farmington Bay WMAthe area that lies in the northwest quarter of Unit 1, Ogden Bay WMAthe area known as North Bachman, Public Shooting Grounds WMAthe area that lies above and adjacent to the Hull Lake Diversion Dike, known as Duck Lake, Salt Creek WMAthe area known as Rest Lake, All of Antelope Island This includes all areas within 600 feet of the upland vegetative line or other clearly defined high water mark, Antelope Island causewayWithin 600 feet of the north and south sides of the center line of the causeway, Browns Park WMAWithin 600 feet of all structures, Farmington Bay WMAWithin 600 feet of the headquarters, within 600 feet of dikes and roads accessible by motorized vehicles, within the area designated as the Learning Center and within the 100- yard buffer around the rest area, Ogden Bay WMAWithin 600 feet of the headquarters area, Gunnison Bend ReservoirBelow the high-water mark of the reservoir and its inflow, upstream to the Southerland Bridge (Millard County), Within the boundaries of all Utah State Parks, except those designated open by appropriate signage (see, Within 1/3 of a mile of the Great Salt Lake Marina, All property within the boundary of the Salt Lake International Airport, All property within the boundaries of federal migratory bird refuges, unless hunting waterfowl is specifically autho- rized by the federal government, Fenced or enclosed in a manner designed to exclude intruders. Lewis enjoys many outdoor activities such as camping. The management objective was to maintain these areas in productive and diverse mid-successional stages. Pitt has always had a passion for sharing the great outdoor spaces of Utah and is an experienced backcountry skier, climber, whitewater paddler, fly fisherman, and mountain biker and slow trail runner. Examples of duties Are you planning to hunt upland game or wild turkey in Utah this year? No archaeological survey required for this project. Access into Leota Bottom is limited to foot, bike, canoe, rowboat or electric motorized boats. If you need help while registering for a HIP number, please call any Division office from Mon.Fri., 8 a.m.5 p.m. Once youve obtained your HIP number, you must write the number in the space provided on your current hunting license. If you dont want to apply for a permit this year, but you want a better chance of drawing one next year, you can apply for a preference point instead. Mr. We've received your submission. Airboats are only permitted in the posted open areas of units 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and the C blocks. Baiting is an illegal activity that involves the spreading of shelled, shucked or unshucked grain, feed or salt to lure, attract or entice birds to an area for the purposes of hunting them. Off-highway vehicles are not permitted on state waterfowl management areas, except in areas that are marked or posted open to their use. If you miss the Jan. 11 deadline, you will be ineligible to apply for a 2022 swan permit unless you: If you did not harvest a swan, you would only be required to complete the last three items before applying for your 2022 swan permit. Fish and Wildlife Services National Wildlife Refuge System. Application dates: Use hunt number TS1000 to apply for a swan permit from July 620, 2022. Public opportunity would also be diminished. In 2017, Wade was instrumental in developing DNRs AV Services which has greatly improved the impact of DNRs many internal and external events and presentations. Hunters may enter the refuge two hours before legal sunrise and must exit the refuge by two hours after legal sunset. Bill Boudreau joined the Utah Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in 2013 as the information technology director. Be sure to click on the finalize button on the completion report when you have your completion report ready to be reviewed by WRI Admin. Therefore, allow enough room between the closed area boundary and where youre hunting to retrieve your birds. Todd has worked for Water Resources since 1990, serving as director, deputy director, assistant director over the planning branch, manager of the hydrology & computer application section and the states cloud seeding coordinator. Waterfowl blinds may not be constructed or used in any area or manner that obstructs vehicle or pedestrian travel on dikes. Waterfowl blinds on state lands are open on a first- come, first-served basis to everyone, not just to the person who built the blind. If you do harvest a swan, a Division biologist will complete your harvest survey as part of the post-harvest examination that is required of all successful swan hunters. Anyone who is 17 years old or younger on July 31, 2022 may participate in the hunts. Hasenyager started her career with Water Resources in 2007 after graduating from the University of Utah with both a bachelors degree and a masters degree in civil engineering. Like most geologists he takes advantage of every opportunity to share the wonder of Utahs great outdoors with anyone and everyone. You should. Rule R657-9-10. Licenses are available at wildlife.utah.gov and from license agents and Division offices. Drought condition over that past several years has reduced the resilience of highly functional upland habitats. More details about this requirement are in the column to the right. Redge Johnson was appointed as a DNR Deputy Director in August 2022. Anfinsen also coordinates meetings for DNRs leadership team, NRCC and the Utah Water Task Force. Maps of Utahs WMAs and national wildlife refuges are available at wildlife.utah.gov/waterfowl. Having the opportunity to hunt swans is truly remarkable. Johnson has a bachelor's degree in pre-law from Utah State University and a passion for Utah's public lands and natural resources. 50 CFR 20.44 and Utah Admin. 2.2.6 Conduct biological control of invasive/problematic species. Unlike other public or state-owned lands, WMAs are not multi-use lands, and the types of recreation allowed are limited. Royce works closely with DNR division leadership and section chiefs to oversee the public safety efforts of DNR law enforcement, including wildlife conservation officers and state park rangers. The refuge prohibits trespass for any reason by any individual not registered to utilize the area. Jeff Rasmussen serves as the director of the Utah Division of State Parks, overseeing the administration of Utahs 46 beautiful state parks, along with state monuments and historic properties. His primary responsibilities includemanaging and directing DNR Human Resources team and government outreach efforts and overseeing the departments recruitment, classification, compensation, performance management and liability issues forDNR and its seven divisions. For details about whether you may enter a Utah WMA or what you are allowed to do there, check the Wildlife Recreation Access Maps. It also means more hunting opportunities for you! Before joining the division, Wilhelmsen worked for the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration and Utah Division of Forestry. By meeting this objective the public use goal is also met by providing a diversity of wildlife in a quality habitat that provides opportunity for consumptive and non-consumptive use. When you buy a combination license, you also get a price break compared to buying your hunting and fishing licenses separately. Firearms may only be discharged according to refuge regulations (. Rule R651-614-4. If you need to surrender your permitand your hunting season hasnt startedyou should consider surrendering the permitas soon as possible. Your swan tag also includes a notch that indicates the sex of the bird, but you do not need to remove this notch; you only need to remove the notches that indicate when the bird was taken. Wade was hired in 2013 as DNRs first GIS Director. Other areas needed complete renovation and seeding. He is an avid cyclist and also enjoys camping in Utahs beautiful wilderness. The risk from these threats is the loss of a highly functioning wetland and uplands that benefit over 200 species of wildlife. It is designed to be operated by a person sitting, standing or kneeling on the vessel, rather than sitting or standing inside the vessel. He leads the divisions efforts in the responsible development of the states oil and gas resources, regulation of coal and mineral mining, and the public safety protection efforts of abandoned mine reclamation. You can construct and use waterfowl blinds on Division waterfowl management areas (WMAs) as long as you obey the following rules: Waterfowl blinds that are constructed or maintained on WMAs in violation of the rules above may be removed or destroyed by the Division without notice. In order to protect your privacyand to comply with governmental records access lawsyou may obtain access to only your own drawing results. A preference point will not be issued if you are successful in drawing a swan permit. Feral cats are a problem for ground nesting birds and actions to remove and control them are needed. You must submit a complete report, even if you do not hunt or harvest a swan. You can apply for the drawing online at wildlife.utah.gov from July 6-20, 2022. Rule R657-9-21, If you leave your birds in the custody of an- other person for picking, cleaning, processing, shipping, transporting or storing, including temporary storage, or at a location to have taxidermy services performed, you must tag the birds. Each WMA operates according to its own habitat management plan. Dark geese (cackling, Canada, white-fronted and brant): 4 birds, Swan: 1 bird (swan permit required, see the Hunt Planner for the swan hunt boundary). The West Bear River Bay Access Area is located on east Promontory and is a public access to the Bear River Bay. A license is currently not required to catch the frogs, but a fishing license is recommended. The agreement required the state to closely monitor trumpeter swan harvest and prevent too many birds from being killed. Ferry formerly worked for Zions Bank. From November to . The tag must include your address and Utah hunting license number, the total num- ber and species of birds youre donating, the date the birds were killed and the date the birds were donated. This program was created through the 1937 PittmanRobertson Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act of 1950. The first one will be on Sept. 17, 2022 in the states Northern Zone, and the second one will be on Oct. 1, 2022 in the states Southern Zone. 607, PM Agency: Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Lead: Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Hire seasonal help for the summer to accomplish habitat restoration and enhancement activities on the Salt Creek, Public Shooting Grounds and Locomotive Springs WMAs. His primary responsibilities include overseeing DNRs technical environment with application development and maintenance, desktop support, servers, network and help desk. 3.3.1 Develop list of priority reintroduction species and locations Johnson has a bachelors degree in pre-law from Utah State University and a passion for Utahs public lands and natural resources. In 1998, he became the assistant park manager at Yuba State Park and was promoted to park manager in 2002. (Waste means to abandon migratory game birds or to allow them to spoil or be used ina manner not normally associated with their beneficial use. His main responsibilities are to cultivate and manage the systems that serve the entire department, such as GIS, AV Services and the UAS/Drone Program. PUBLIC SHOOTING GROUNDS covers an area that is 19.39 square miles. In Northern Utah, the best places to find good numbers of birds are the waterfowl management areas that are administered by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. You may, however, use electronically amplified calls or sounds during the spring hunts for light geese in the Eastern Box Elder, Southern and Northern goose areas after Feb. 1, 2023, and the Wasatch Front goose area after Feb. 16, 2023. Salt Creek and Public Shooting Grounds Waterfowl Management Areas (SCWMA/PSGWMA) are Division of Wildlife Resources managed areas located in Box Elder County, Utah. If you were born after Dec. 31, 1965, you must provide proof that youve passed a hunter education course approved by the Division before you can apply for or obtain a hunting license or a swan permit. Wildlife Technician Salt Creek and Public Shooting Grounds WMA FY18, Submitted By: Prior to that, she served as a regional engineer at the Utah Lake and Jordan River Regional Office, and as the divisions adjudication program manager. 28, 2023. If you have passed a Division-approved hunter education course, then you can hunt upland game and turkey in Utah, regardless of your age. Nathan Schwebach joined DNR in 2015 as the communications director and was most recently appointed deputy director in 2021. You can find details below or by visiting wildlife.utah.gov/trial. While in the field, the youth and the adult must remain close enough for the adult to see and provide verbal assistance to the young hunter. The Division has designated certain portions of the state as no-shooting areas. Falconers may not participate in this hunt unless they meet the age requirements. If you are 16 years old or older, you must have a current fed-eral migratory bird hunting and conservation stamp, also called a duck stamp. 50 CFR 20.43 and Utah Admin. Tyler received both a bachelors and masters degree from BYU where he did his graduate research on the use of both native and non-native seed mixes for fire rehabilitation in the Tintic valley, Utah following the 1999 Railroad fire. While hunting waterfowl in Utah, there are several requirements you must keep in mind to protect yourself and the resource. Electric-assisted bicycles, propelled in part by electrical assistance, are only permitted on state waterfowl management areas if they meet the Class 1 definition provided in Utah Code 41-6a-102(8) and (17). Technicians will mow fire breaks were needed, treat and reduce invasive weeds that are susceptible to high risk fires (cheatgrass), and plant native perennials that reduces the risk of catastrophic fires. You can obtain a Utah blue card at any Division office by providing proof that youve completed a hunter educa-tion course approved by the Division. Last Modified: September 22, 2021 (0 ratings, 0 comments, 25,561 views) More Details. He has spent his career enforcing wildlife laws and cultivating support for wildlife conservation. DNR | Utah.gov | Contact | Disclaimer | Privacy | Accessibility Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); State of Utah, U.S. 50 CFR 20.21 and Utah Admin. Wildlife Technician I (Salt Creek/Public Shooting Grounds WMA) Opening date: April 5, 2022 Closing date: April 12, 2022 Starting salary: $12.13 per hour Location: Salt Creek WMA . Prior to his position at DNR, he served as the Director of the Office of Outdoor Recreation in the Governors Office of Economic Opportunity. He has also served in the US Army Reserve as a field artillery officer and is a graduate of the US Army Officer Candidate School in Fort Benning, Georgia. All hunting regulations, including season dates and bag limits, will apply. Wade and his wife Emily have two grown boys, and they all enjoy exploring Utahs amazing environments. You can also use a pre-paid credit card. To prevent excessive trumpeter swan harvest, the Division requires anyone applying for a swan permit to complete a mandatory, in-depth orientation course. Wade created a presentation literacy workshop series as a resource for all DNR staff. The building of a temporary blind made of natural material is permitted, but is not allowed prior to the opening day. After working in internal audit for six years, Lewis became the Administrative Services Director for the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire, & State Lands, one of DNRs seven divisions, where he oversaw the accounting and budgeting of that division for eleven years. Ferry holds a bachelors degree in Economics and Finance from Utah State University. Joel Ferry was appointed DNR executive director in June 2022 by Gov. 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