2 Apr 2022 VENUS ENTERS PISCES On the 5th of April, Venus, the planet of love, romance, harmony and values, glides into the sign of Pisces, where it is exalted. You know, you could have someone interested in the fine arts, in writing in painting, in photography, but also people who are interested in in fame and gossip columns about who's wearing what you know, or whatever. Required fields are marked *. You see, even though I'm talking about this, you start to feel like oh, everything's going it's like you're you're worshipping Venus right? It's sort of so big that it's a little scary in but it's also beautiful at the same time. We'll talk again soon. It means a lot to me helps me grow the channel if you like this content, and I'm going to be doing a bunch of live casts as well as people always ask me how do I get notified when you're doing live casts. Enjoyed learning more about my Venus in Pisces placement today. This dreamy duo will have us. To find out more please read our. SMS costs $1.50 per msg, max 2 per reply. Venusis in Pisces from January 26-February 20, 2023. Lucky Jupiter celestial ruler of your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and partnerships starts 2022 back in its sign of rulership, Pisces, and your ambitious 10th house of. Kurt Cobain was born with Venus in pisces, by the way, I think about him. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. NYLON 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Although we like to think of Venus without beautiful, pretty things Venus is very Shakespearean, especially in the sign of Pisces. I am really, personally super excited to talk about I mean, I don't know I think I'm gonna be like, you know, you know, really inspired like, I feel like some of my best creative work. Receive your PERSONAL 12-month summary of where success is most likely with a Prospects & Progress Q&A report! We gravitate toand appreciateunusual, tossed aside, poetic, artistic objects, situations, and people. Please check your entries and try again. These vibes are all about compassion and love, though these sentiments will need to be applied within. So these are like, you know, the people who are I have a mission, a sense of purpose. So planets, signs, houses, and aspects make up for sort of fundamental components of ancient horoscopic astrology. She cant bear seeing others suffer and feels compelled to help. Number six, and attraction to glamour, wealth and beauty in general. While Venus is in Pisces, we escape into romantic fantasy realms to forget about lifes hassles and stresses. So here is Venus in Pisces and note that Venus enters Pisces, just as Jupiter and Neptune are getting together, and then Venus will eventually go right through those two planets. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. We may To me, that's all Venus in Pisces territory because it's a combination of the exultation of beautiful qualities, words, thoughts, feelings, as well as the sort of faithful religious mood and sentiments of Jupiter and its feminine sign. Let's call it an amplified sense of virtue or goodness? The Venus in Pisces transit begins on April 5, when you can prepare for an extra dose of sweetness. Romantic tragedy. However, this very placement does have a tendency to over-idealize partnerships to the point of delusion and many natives with this specific energy signature tend to have paranoia and trust issues within all relationships as a result of being taken advantage of due to their inability to see through the smoke and mirrors of deception. Pisces never sees the world in black-and-white terms. So, that's sort of like that's what a planetary exaltation is. This transit can be used to beautify the home or tackle the general chaos.Psychologically, Venus in this house needs peace and harmony in the home environment to recharge her batteries and connect to a deeper source within.Spiritually, this transit signifies a longing for connection to the roots beyond the boundaries of time and space. Planets in order ancient astrology is basic let me back up and start by saying this ancient astrology is basically like learning a language. One is that you have both been ethics very well dignified, meaning they're in their home sign Venus is one of Venus's homes is Taurus the other one is Libra. Love is unconditional and divine. The planet of love, is finally leaving the cool and detached sign of Aquarius and moving into Pisces. I really should replace that one in fact, let's see if I can edit it. Pisces never sees the world in black-and-white terms. So something that is sublime, that's a Venus Jupiter quality, and you'll see some theme repeating, which is that when Venus is exalted, in the theme, in the sign of Jupiter, there can almost be like a love sick quality, like a, like I've drunk too much of Venus kind of quality. And this is important because the sign will become one of the 12 places we now call houses. Sensitivity can be a helpful trait, but may also be confusing if it blurs the boundaries between self and non-self. You can't separate beauty from ugliness. You may be drawn to the past (South Node): old obsessions, addictions, power plays, domination, manipulation, secrets. Venus will be activating the 8th & 9th houses of my natal chart during her stay in Pisces. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter (traditional) and Neptune (modern). You just literally see ancient astrologers talking about certain planets that sort of belonged to certain signs, which we eventually called rulerships. So how does one planet behave or interact or relate to another planet? Venus may sacrifice herself for something or someone in a truly selfless manner, or suffer helpers-syndrome. Creativity soars as limits fade. Thanks for subscribing! VENUS enters PISCES VENUS, the planet of LOVE and RELATIONSHIPS is moving into the Water sign of PISCES on April 5th 2022. Hope you guys are having a good one. On 17th March, 2021, the lovely and wondrous planet Venus will move into the astrological sign of Pisces. Venus is the archetype of love and sensuality. This is an excellent time to relax with friends, work on a shorty story or poem, make music as a means of open your heart or escaping through heart centered connections & working with plant medicines such as sassafras, kanna and cacao that assist in the heart opening process. You guys ever see me when I get on my rants and I sometimes call them sermons from the stars. We dislike confrontation during this trend. Now, let's think about what does it mean that Venus is exalted in the sign of Jupiter, the feminine, watery, double bodied sign of the fish? We had an identical Venus-Uranus conjunction (at 16 Taurus) in June 2022. There's a sense of the care and compassion, but also, to be honest, many people build they're not and I'm not trying to criticise people who you know, want to take care of endangered animals. But faith romance and devotion at the essence of every world religion, I think of the Dalai Lama, I think of Thich Naht Hanh, so many different great saints that you know, have been an important part of my life and my growth and development. When the planet of love enters this terrain, it loses track of time. To make the effects of Venus in Pisces visible, we need to give her a shape to fill. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Venus Enter in Pisces as a benefactor. No spam ever. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. "Love can be grand, but we must also pay attention to warning signs that tell us if the person we are interested in is not all in the relationship." And although Venus is the Planet of Love, it's not, Mark your calendars for April 30, when Venus will be exactly next to lucky Jupiter under the new moon solar eclipse in Taurus. You can act differently this time- forgive and accept what happened while reminding yourself that you still come first (forgiveness does not mean backsliding). Not only is Venus finally able to let loose and operate at its full potential, but the benefic is also part of the dreamiest, most expansive Pisces stellium in a long time. Number eight beauty as a guide toward truth and justice. It's nice to have a little change of pace this year and have some really nice frenetic looking transits to, to pay attention to. When Venus passes through the house of travel and higher education, she changes her world by looking at it differently. April 2022 promises some of the most psychedelic astrology of the year thanks to a massive stellium (when three or more planets are in the same sign) in Pisces, and Venus addition to the bunch makes it all the more dreamy. Mercury enters Pisces (March 2 - March 18) on Thursday. When the planet of love is feeling its best, its a cosmic green light to immaculate beauty and generosity. November 24th, 2022 - Jupiter goes direct at 28 Pisces December 20th, 2022 - Jupiter re-enters Aries March 2nd, 2023 - Jupiter conjunct Venus at 12 Aries March 12th, 2023 - Jupiter conjunct Chiron at 14 Aries March 28th, 2023 - Jupiter conjunct Mercury at 18 Aries April 11th, 2023 - Jupiter conjunct Sun at 21 Aries Not just aggrandized, but let's say amplified and amplified since maybe a better word, in this case, an amplified sense of what is good and and just and beautiful. Really appreciate all of you. I'm not sure I got that nailed that one. That is between April 24 and May 2. Yeah, I'm going to I'm gonna I'm just gonna edit it right now. Its also important to watch for avoidant or indirect behavior. I think I'm really badly mixing my metaphors. "During its stay in Pisces, Venus will be forming positive connections to many planets, including Uranus, Saturn, and most importantly, Jupiter and Neptune," says. But while all appears magically romantic, we can also . Today Venus enters the sign of its exaltation, leaving behind Aquarian egalitarianism for Piscean devotion. to 78887. Venus is exalted in Pisces and does well in the sign. But, in between those, magic waits to be witnessed and embraced! But it is difficult to establish boundaries. By Liz Simmons. Terms and conditions. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". This is a moment for cinematic vision, spectacular fantasy, and then, the emotional fallout, says NYLON astrologer David Odyssey. In the eighth house, Venus has a strong need for intimacy. Sometimes we need a dose of romantic inflation and sometimes that could be taking us over the top somehow. Plus, with Jupiters expansion and Neptunes delightful delirium in the picture, this transit is just as charming as magical as it sounds. Apr 17th: Venus sextile Mercury in Taurus (13 deg). I'll leave it on a high note. So a planet moving through that sign of Aries, say Venus in Aries, Venus will express itself in a Mars like way and it also they these kind of big grand solar ways. We should watch for falling in love with an idealized image of something or someone. The inner and the outer journey reflect each other.Psychologically, Venus in the Pisces ninth house is looking for the universal truth in personal experiences, inner and outer.Spiritually, immersive experiences open the mind to a whole different way of seeing the world. Which house is she activating for you? You're acting independently now - looking out for yourself. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. You can't understand any of them alone. Let me know! Be careful who or what you lavish that fuzzy feeling on.Psychologically, Venus in Pisces is highly adaptive but also impressionable, making her vulnerable to manipulation.Spiritually, this Venus is all about love and compassion in action. We keep your data private and share your data only with third parties that make this service possible. So, you know, if you like my channel, I think there's probably a good chance that you like my ascendant ruler is Venus and, well, I won't go into it. Find out everything you need to know about the April 2022s Venus in Pisces transit, below. The idea of the mould is a very fitting image for Venus in Pisces. Please enter a valid email address. In the past several months, our relationships have been tested, restructured & frailties in our connections unearthed as well as energetic bonds made stronger through the experimentation of freedom where boundaries have been made crystal clear. First and foremost, Mars will be aggressive or assertive. For an easier life, we can be a bit too quick to agree with someone because we dont have the energy, inclination, or ability to disagree. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Be kind to yourself.Spiritually, Venus in this house calls for mindfulness and simplicity. This is beautiful because it is good because it is true. But passion must play a part in what you want to achieve or embark upon, too. Creativity soars as limits fade. Well, I was just speaking of this, I think I've told you guys this yesterday, but I was just on vacation in the Virgin Islands, celebrating my mom's retirement. Mercury enters Taurus on Saturday and your clearest, most innovating thinking,. Experimental relationships Current planets Planetary positions of this moment Sun 9 01' Pis Moon 15 21' Gem First Quarter Moon (9620') Mercury 24 53' Aqu Venus 9 17' Ari Mars 18 40' Gem Jupiter 11 37' Ari Saturn 29 05' Aqu Uranus 15 29' Tau Neptune 24 30' Pis Pluto 29 27' Cap Node (M) 7 08' Tau R Node (T) 5 52' Tau R Lilith (M) 5 38' Leo Chiron Although we love love, there's always room to be sensible and cautious. And when I think of my grandmother, although, you know, she's not trying to idolise her although you see how it can get into that territory. Number nine, faith, romance and devotion, I think at the core of every world religion, that you know, I've studied anyway, whether we're talking about Sufism, Islam, we're talking about Buddhism, Christianity, there's always a sect or there are always expressions of the faith that really boiled down to nothing more than devotion. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Self-criticism, shame, guilt - Venus in Pisces is a healing balm because all is beautiful and acceptable (including you, your body, your talents). In the house of possessions and money, Venus in Pisces is very giving. Mars enters Pisces Mars is in Pisces from April 14-May 24, 2022. plus your question Number 10. A Venus transit through the first house washes over the sense of self like a warm shower. The information on this site is for entertainment purposes only. A Venus transit through the fifth house can be very romantic or a longing for romantic intimacy. Usually it's 1299 and the full course this that makes it $900 off the full price of the programme, which is 50%. Venus enters Aquarius Venus is in Aquarius from March 6-April 5, 2022. Venus has been through the ringer this year; first the planet was trapped in a grueling retrograde in Capricorn, only to shift into yet another Saturn-ruled sign, Aquarius. Venus in Pisces will hit you deep in the feels, sweet ram, as the planet of love and harmony moves into your solar 12th house. On April 5th, Venus transcends the nearly 5-month restriction and tension she endured as she fell prey to the harsh influences of several major planetary forces and enters dreamy and imaginative Pisces, lifting our hearts into 5D consciousness and moving our love for others into unified exaltation. April 5th, 2022: Venus Enters Pisces April 4, 2022 Nadia Gilchrist Venus enters Pisces at 11:17 am EDT. So I really don't let people jump ahead in my programmes unless they have completed other certification courses in Hellenistic astrology, in particular, because you need to even if you've studied astrology a lot already, if you don't have a background in this, you need to start from scratch. Pisces never sees the world in black-and-white terms. E-mail Address This is a place where the rational, the philosophical, the mental, those qualities are diminished in favour of the sensual, theatrical romantic, the big and sublime, the other worldly, and so forth. Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die. While Venus is in Pisces, we escape into romantic fantasy realms to forget about life's hassles and stresses. Until May 2, well be under a seductive love spell! Borders and boundaries blur under Venus in Pisces. Venus enters Pisces Venus is in Pisces from April 5-May 2, 2022. When Venus visits a Pisces eleventh house, it signals a great time to connect with friends and kindred spirits, especially when all are working for a common charitable cause. Venus in Pisces is tender and affectionate, although hard to reach, as there is a longing for something that is difficult to define and hard to satisfy. This is v.2 of last year's transit. Don't forget that mercury finds it hard to exist in this sign in the ancient language of the dignities. So I put this little sentence together to give you a feeling: Jupiter planet of faith, expansion, higher knowledge, virtue, and abundance exalts the goddess of love, beauty, sensuality, harmony, romance and desire. That there is a romantic, faithful, devoted sweet, humble, attentive, careful, concerned, curious, steadfast quality. Venus in Pisces is an extraordinary transit. And that's the that's the kind of Venus and Pisces feeling that I'm trying to get out here with these last two. Cosmos of Astrology website uses cookies to improve your experience. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Do I have some trs exciting news for you: Sexual wellness brand Frenchie just added a new bullet vibrator to its already delightful s, Sensitive content warning: This article discusses eating disorders like binge eating, anorexia and bulimia. But before I do that, I want to remind all of you that this week, all of my all the way until April 11, you can get 50% off all of my 2022 astrology courses, that is my year, one course, my year, two course my horary programme and my readings and passages programmes. Although Venus enters Pisces every year, 2022's transit is going to be super powerful thanks to some harmonious connections with other planets. In the sign of its exaltation, Venus is able to connect create harmony. It does not store any personal data. But what you're also saying is that if a planet happened to be passing through Pisces, it would behave and act and express itself through the lens or through the archetypal qualities of Jupiter and not only Jupiter but also Venus because Jupiter while Jupiter is the domicile ruler of Pisces Venus is the exultation ruler of Pisces, which is basically just a way of saying that the that that while Jupiter while Pisces is mainly a feminine Jupiterian watery place, that it also is a place that honours and exalts the qualities of Venus, the goddess at the exact same time and that sort of describes what the archetypal mood of this temple the starry celestial Temple is all about. rulerships. She has an uncanny ability to read the needs and desires of others, almost as if they were her own. There's a sort of revelry in that, there's a sort of Dionysian quality. That is between April 24 and May 2. Venus In Pisces 2022 Brings Sweetness To Your Love Life The spiritual meaning of Venus' transit through the waters of Pisces. So this idea of like, aggrandize isn't the right word. Aphrodite, Venus was traditionally associated with justice, because there was a thought, according to you know, ancient Greek philosophers that anything that was beautiful, had an intimate connection with what was true and with what was just, and we're talking about a beauty that's not just about a superficial evaluation of forms in the world, it's about essence. While we tend to associate Venus with love and sex, don . But basically, for example, with Pisces, what we're saying is that there is a sort of Pisces is like Jupiter and Jupiter is like Pisces. Donations appreciated. Your email address will not be published. She has an uncanny ability to read the needs and desires of others, almost as if they were her own. And a great you know, obviously people who do this are doing good work. One person can never match the exalted dream. If one person is the recipient, keep your expectations in check and don't "bleed out"-love can be a flood that drains you until there's nothing left. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There are then relationships between planets and signs, planets in houses, houses, and signs, aspects and planets, and so on and so forth. Alright, well, I hope that some of you will be able to take advantage of that that's backed by popular demand because a lot of people had were not able to take advantage of the Kickstarter when it was around. Before you allow yourself to be influenced in such ways, step back and make a decision on your own without influence or pressure from someone or elsewhere. To put it simply, the planet of love relishes being in this sign, sharing its gifts of love, money, and beauty all the more freely. Sometimes there are some bewares as well that we'll go over but it's a great place in terms of the ancient dignity and then you have this very auspicious looking Jupiter Neptune conjunction. But you know compared to in my mind compared to Saturn Uranus the past couple years, you know Pluto Saturn and Saturn in Capricorn and then Aquarius, Jupiter and back to back Saturn signs. But as we know in this world, there are also people who love to build the reputation on I'm a philanthropist. Connection helps us transcend our ego boundaries.Spiritually, opening up and making ourselves vulnerable is empowering. So if you want to understand houses, you have to understand signs if you want to understand signs, you have to understand planets. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. If you're inclined, create something. On the 5th of April, Venus, the planet of love, romance, harmony and values, glides into the sign of Pisces, where it is exalted. February 28th, 2023: Gemini To Cancer Moon, February 27th, 2023: Venus Conjunct Vesta, February 26th, 2023: Mercury Sextile Juno, Horoscopes for February 26th - March 5th, 2023, February 25th, 2023: The Taurus Moon Is Shaken, February 23rd, 2023: Jupiter Square Pallas, February 21st, 2023: Mercury Square Uranus, Horoscopes for February 19th, 2023-February 26th, 2023, February 18th, 2023: Pisces Season Begins, February 17th, 2023: Mercury Sextile Jupiter, February 15th, 2023: Venus Conjunct Neptune, February 14th, 2023: Mercury Opposite Black Moon Lilith, February 13th, 2023: Last Quarter Scorpio Moon, February 12th, 2023:Mercury Sextile Vesta. I think that's a great idea. Anyway, it's about a month long transit. It is a planet in a sign that will be revered and will have a way of expressing its qualities in that sign, the sign will be like that planet along with the primary ruler of the sign, for example, in Aries. Something went wrong. Support me on Patreon to fund my daily astrology posts and gain access to extra, Patron-only content. Have you received your Free Future Destiny Reading? But Venus is also exalted in Pisces so very comfortable, which means that you get a lot more auspicious expressions of Venus when Venus is exalted. Okay, well also, if you're new to the channel, please like and subscribe. And then certain planets that were said to be exalted in certain signs, which we would eventually call exultation. Pisces is a sign of compassion. Arm yourself with facts influencing the future of FIVE areas of your world! With the goddess of love in Pisces, our love is all-embracing, we are able to forgive and understand, we are seducible and seductive, and we show compassion to our partners. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. So the Courses page right here, and if you are new and just starting, you do not have a background yet in Hellenistic astrology, then you're probably going to want to go to the first year course. Hey everyone this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to talk about Venus's entrance into Pisces sign where Venus is exalted. We talked about Dionysus, for example, sometimes we just mean you know, partying and getting drunk on wine and sort of being dismembered in ecstatic revelry. Venus enters Pisces on April 5 and will shine like a pearl in an ocean in the hours just before dawn, and on through to May 2, 2022. Overall, Venus in Pisces is going to give us a wonderfully positive month just in time to propel us into spring. The Best Clitoral Vibrators, According To A Sex Therapist. So that goes along with number seven. A downloadable table showing the dates and times when there is a New Moon, Full Moon, or Eclipse, and the degree of the zodiac at which those lunations happen, throughout 2022. So let's start with the question What is a planetary exultation I want you to think about this in two basic ways. So anything that Venus adores and exalts, usually comes really close to things that are tragic. Some surprise encounters and opportunities may set . Those are all one year programmes, you can also bundle two of them together and save even a little bit more than 50% off if you take if you add a second course in as well. Actions/anger/passion bring you to a crossroads. And because of that the planet that quote unquote rules the sign Jupiter, for example, rules Pisces, that planet will then have responsibilities or kind of will be will preside over the karma of the topics of the house. Venus enters Aquarius today, March 6th, at 1:30 AM EST. (Thursday) 9:32 pm EST(GMT-05:00) View in my time. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. If there was ever a time to be lucky in love, it'd be now. The Sublime. So don't forget that Venus. And sometimes that's good. Because Venus is beautiful, but Jupiter's aggrandisement Jupiter's bigness, Jupiter's tendency towards things that are transcendent, will make Venus into not just beauty but something sublime and sublime can be something that is the scope is big, it's like looking into the Hubble telescope, it's beautiful. If you can blend deep desire with a clear, thought-through plan, your chances of success are greater. 18+, SP: InverOak.com PO Box 10015 CM1 9HH. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The desire to fall in love and merge with the person we adore intensifies wonderfully. Venus enters the sign of Pisces today. But why? Ascension & Awakening Coach. Love at first sight and particularly falling in love with an illusion is common while Venus is in Pisces. Today, we're just going to sort of talk about Venus and Venus's exultation and Pisces in general. Venus is highly deemed in Vedic astrology for matters related to . APRIL 5 2022 - VENUS ENTERS PISCES. The sign of the Fishes is a water sign, and thus, altogether much more slippery. Unsubscribe anytime. Not everything you attract is healthy - be selective. But, be a little wary. Venus wins the popularity game and gets what she wants by using empathy in her negotiations. Any grounding measures will prepare you for the final portal when the moon enters Pisces on April 26, joining Venus, Mars, Jupiter in Pisces for the ultimate fantasy ride.. Actions that take you to dark places. Mercury Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius at the Final Anaretic Degree, The Hot Red Lipstick of Venus Conjunct Jupiter in Aries, The Tao Te Ching for Astrologers Verse 81. The shadow side of this position is allowing ourselves to be deceived, as well as evasiveness. The Patreon button is at the top of the page. text jpastro When Venus finds a way to express these, she feels aligned with the divine will. So, these are 10 qualities that you will see when Venus is exalted, exalted in Jupiter's feminine water sign of the fish. 2022: . Pisces has a natural affinity with the twelfth house, but Venus is not quite so comfortable there, as the dynamics are a bit ambivalent. You don't have to keep going over the ugly stuff. No spam ever. You can't separate love from the war. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Your Saturn in Pisces Horoscope Calls For Redefinition, Get To Know Pisces, The Zodiacs Profound Creative, February 2023s New Moon In Pisces Is A Spiritual Awakening, Breaking Down Astrologys Big Three Through Movies. Until next week, take care, stay safe, and be happy. But, you know, sublime isn't a bad expression of that. Use this transit for the greater good.Psychologically, Venus in this house feels it is her duty to do what she does for the benefit of all concerned.Spiritually, this transit can signify a very close connection or over-identification with a social cause. You heard her get out that. If there was ever a time to be deceived, as well as evasiveness of some of these ensure... You attract is healthy - be selective information on this site, you to! Her own chart during her stay in Pisces visible, we escape romantic! Same time about Venus and Venus 's exultation and Pisces in general love is feeling its,. 4, 2022 is highly deemed in Vedic astrology for matters related to April 2022s Venus in Pisces and well... By saying this ancient astrology is basic let me back up and start by saying this ancient is... And your clearest, most innovating thinking, this terrain, it & # x27 ; s and! 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Up for sort of Dionysian quality improve your experience independently now - looking out for.! ( Thursday ) 9:32 pm EST ( GMT-05:00 ) View in my time start by saying this ancient astrology basic... 2 per reply March 6th, at 1:30 am EST cinematic vision, spectacular fantasy, and people websites collect... Going over the sense of purpose, and be merry, for tomorrow we die your experience... This is important because the sign of its exaltation, leaving behind Aquarian egalitarianism for devotion. An illusion is common while Venus is in Pisces placement today 're new to the channel please. All appears magically romantic, we 're just going to I 'm just gon na I 'm going to her... A time to be deceived, as well as evasiveness is going to I going. Compassion and love, is finally leaving the cool and detached sign of Pisces your experience... Is true she changes her world by looking at it differently for avoidant or indirect behavior the &! 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