Which of the following is true concerning ideal culture and real culture? d) Family, Which of the following is NOT part of Hofstede's value dimensions? Sustainability is a societal goal that relates to the ability of people to safely co-exist on Earth over a long time. b. grain elevator. D) density o Governments have more influence over cultural values than religion does. o Family time has replaced media time in most western cultures. b) False, Some cultures serve their purpose better than others, and not all cultures have worked until now. D) sanctions D) India Marketers that wish to expand internationally need to understand a culture's widely held beliefs that affirm what is desirable. know how people resist change within their cultures. An established standard of behavior maintained by a society. Which statement is true of culture? a) Ethnicity o A country's political economy has very little effect on a culture and ways of thinking. Which of the following is a misconception regarding the economic unification of Europe? a) Society d) All human cultures exist in their own specific, unique environment. An individual who scores low on the Individualism/Collectivism Index is most likely to, Corporations alter cultures and prompt new ideas by. o Geography is the key to inequality Tools The following excerpt is from a conversation between Boris Harris, the president and chief operating officer of Chesapeake Company, and his neighbor, Neil Liven. Which of the following are characteristic of global marketers who understand cultural differences that affect their business operations? o It enables communication between marketers and consumers. Which of the following statements is true? Find: Which of the following statements regarding culture in international marketing is true? c. Technology rarely has an impact on cultural change. o They expect consumers to have flexible cultural demands that adapt to market conditions. B) young children D) structure Which of the following statements about culture is true? A. o Many women are waiting longer to have children. E) Concentration, _____ is based on the cost of a standard market basket of products bought in each country. Governments have little influence over cultural values when compared to school, religion, family, and the media. How has the availability of birth control affected families throughout the world? d) uncertainty avoidance, Which of the following statements is true regarding Hofstede's value dimensions? A perspective that values diverse racial, ethnic, national, and linguistic backgrounds and encourages the retention of cultural differences within society is called: Which of the following is the correct order of norms in terms of their ingrained significance (with the most significant starting on the left)? In preparing for the Module 2 Discussion 2, you learned that news of the changes in Grand City has been spreading throughout the state and garnering interest among leaders in many Governments have little influence over cultural values when compared to school, religion, family, and the media. In the context of society and culture, which of the following statements is true? The firm depreciates such equipment on a straight-line basis over the expected life and uses an Accumulated Depreciation account. the methods and systems, including family, religion, school, the media, government, and corporations, that affect the ways in which people relate to one another, teach acceptable behavior to succeeding generations, and govern themselves. Which of the following statements about education as a social institution is true? Values are often consciously articulated in a company's mission statement. Which of the following are characteristic of global marketers who understand cultural differences that affect their business operations? when doing business in a foreign country, ignoring how seriously the local people take their superstitions, Patterns of cultural behavior and interaction that are learned and repeated are known as, The loss of various spoken languages is part of a general. focus on the central figures and not see much of the background. o communism a) Society is a system of interrelationships among people. A) size a) enculturation -Greetings C) What are the distribution, political, and legal structures for the product? A penalty or reward for conduct concerning a social norm. Which perspective would have particular concern about the exploitation and discrimination practiced by the company in El Salvador when it forces women to take pregnancy tests prior to being hired? They usually think people should be treated equally, and they say power comes from knowledge. b) In animal societies, there are clear social networks and hierarchies. A responsible effort to learn from the cultural ways of others in the quest for a solution to a society's problems is known as. A segment of society that shares a distinctive pattern of customs, rules, and traditions that differs from the pattern of the larger society. E) Lifestyles, Dale has to write a research report about Poland in his International Marketing class. o the measure of difference between languages, o philosophically, the creation and appreciation of beauty, o an awareness of the nuances of culture so that a culture can be viewed objectively, evaluated, and appreciated, the phenomenon by which societies learn from other cultures' ways and borrow ideas to solve problems or improve conditions, a marketing strategy in which products are marketed in a similar way to the marketing of products already in the market in a manner as congruent as possible with existing cultural norms, a marketing strategy in which a company deliberately sets out to change those aspects of a foreign culture resistant to predetermined marketing goals, the satisfaction of consumer needs and wants at a profit, entities that actively strive to reshape consumers' beliefs and behaviors, o Author of Guns, Germs, and Steel Which of the following is a mistake sometimes made by marketers? 2. Which of the following statements about cultural change is true? Neil: Okay, our instructor says that its critical we understand the basic concepts of accounting, or well never get beyond the fi rst test. One of the most important thinking abilities that humans have unlike other animals is the ability to _____. o understand how a culture began and what its essential beliefs are. Mastersource Inc. is engaging in cultural, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield, chapter 7 Circulation: The Heart and Blood Ve. o Marketing does not affect markets. o Markets are in a constant state of flux. Which of the following statements regarding cultural heritage is true? o It affects all marketing activities except pricing. Around the world, the number of spoken languages has been dwindling. o Borrowed cultural facets are combined in such a way that they become unique to a particular society. o Climate influences works' wages, Social institutions that mostly strongly influence values and cultures, schools, churches, families, and the media, the preference for behavior that promotes one's self-interest, pertains to societies in which the ties between individuals are loose, pertains to societies in which people from birth onward are integrated into strong, cohesive groups, which throughout people's lifetimes continue to protect them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty, measures the tolerance of uncertainty and ambiguity among members of a society, a variety of studies have shown cultural values can predict such consumer behaviors as status consumption of luxury goods, brand-switching as a group, tendency to share based on time perceptions, consuming with immediate vs. long-term goals in mind, word-of-mouth communications, impulsive buying, responses of both surprise and disgust, the propensity to complain, responses to service failures, movie preferences, and the influence of perceptions of product creativity, patterns of behavior and interaction that are learned and repeated, In the context of international marketing, culture. Which of the following is the geographical argument used by Jared Diamond to theorize why Euro-Asian cultures have sometimes dominated African and American cultures? Adjustment time is exponentially distributed and has a mean of 14 minutes per machine. The process of introducing a new idea or object to a culture through discovery or invention. which of the following statements is true of neuroscientists. d. Language. 11: Worldwide Accounting Diversity and In, Ch. (a) They are partly determined by our genetically transmitted traits. The Black Panthers B) Structure o people have some reason to be quite interested in the innovation, Mastersource Inc., an electronics manufacturer, introduces products that resemble what is already present in the market in order to reduce cultural resistance. Her job, then, is to understand a country's _____. Which of the following statements is true of culture? Which sociological perspective claims that attacks on bilingual programs are often a result of ethnocentric views? d. A phone survey. o Innovations spread faster east to west than north to south Complexity, differentiation, and institutionalization. (True) 27. a) power distance His Uncertainty Avoidance Index score is low. Population density influences culture, whereas climate does not. o The marketer's interaction with the local culture determines whether the marketing will fail or succeed. Which of the following statements about individuals from cultures with high Power Distance Index scores is true? It is easier to communicate with consumers who can read and write than with people who can understand only symbols. The formal and informal mechanisms used to increase conformity to values and norms and thus increase social cohesion are referred to as: B) size d. mores. A case study d) Ethics, _____ are evaluations of things occurring in ongoing thoughts about those things, or stored in memory. a) Culture Which of the following statements about linguistic distance is true? The James-Lang theory of emotion would predict that: A. if your blood pressure rises and you get red in the face you should experience anger B. if your blood pressure rises and you get red in the face should experience happiness C. if your blood pressure rises and you interpret this behavior positively you will experience happiness Which types of government foundered during the 20th century? Cultural values can help marketers predict which consumers are most apt to buy something on impulse. E) senior citizens, What is the largest single influence on the movement toward uniformity in the teenage market? Are cognitive, emotional, and physical abilities different in the degree to which jobs can be redesigned to accommodate people who lack relevant abilities? Which of the following is a cultural factor that affects consumer behavior and marketing strategy? The most obvious rituals take place when people are experiencing turning points in their lives. any physical object or technology produced by members of a society, Sociology Ch. c. Prepare a comparative balance sheet as of January 31, Year 8, and February 28, Year 8. C) work Values, in turn, are philosophical principles that guide the common sense of any individual, varying in forms and customs. The combination of existing cultural items into a form that did not exist before. generate the most interest within society. What change has happened to American culture and social institutions? Around the world, the number of spoken languages has been dwindling. In what way is the culture changing in most countries? Which of the following statements is not true regarding values? Which of the following statements about rituals is true? Values are concepts that have ultimate and long-term significance. Which of the following are advantages of cultural sensitivity in international marketing? What kind of capital is education? a. a) masculinity versus femininity True B. What is the expected number of whites in a random sample of 5,0005,0005,000 under- 20 Americans? Answer The correct option is c. It encompasses all the things that It is static and does not change. are connected to others, but only in a loose way. It has led marketers to the false conclusion that there is such a thing as the "European consumer.". b. a) All animals are solitary and do not live in groups. The system of beliefs and customs held by a population in a given culture. Specific definitions of this term are difficult to agree on and have varied with literature, context, and time. C) Culture often provides detailed prescriptions for appropriate behavior. d) individualism vs. collectivism. d) Society, Unlike humans, nonhuman animals do not have social groups. d) Norms. B) distribution o He stated that a country's culture cannot affect the evolution of its markets. o The dominance of African and American culture over Euro-Asian culture is due to transoceanic shipping. Marketers adapt to changes in their business circumstances through. o Individualism/Collectivism Index. The right side could be called just RE for Right Entry. b. a) Attitudes The bank loan bears interest at a rate of 12% each year and is repayable with interest on February 1, Year 9. A) distribution Cultural change usually takes place very rapidly. A gesture, object, or word that forms the basis of human communication. c) He identified six universal values. They tend to avoid all forms of hierarchy b. a. norms. d) power distance, Schwartz's value dimension of _____ refers to the degree to which cultures emphasize the legitimacy of pyramidal allocation of fixed roles and resources such as social power, authority, humility, or wealth. o Markets are molded by a marketer's promotion and distribution system, the region's economy, and various cultural influences. The result has been _______. It would seem easier if we had the same rules for all increases and decreases in accounts. Which of the following statements is true regarding the function of the brain a. Glucose molecules are ultimately secreted into the renal tubules. A) standardization In what way is the culture changing in most countries? There may be a difference between espoused and enacted values. Education is "an investment in human capital," according to economists. c) Beliefs (b) They tend to be relatively stable and enduring.. o fascism positive or negative, A collective conception of what is considered good, desirable, and properor bad, undesirable, and improperin a culture. Which of the following statements is true? b) Masculinity versus femininity D) music Statements that indicate that a White person does not want to acknowledge race "When I look at you, I don't see color." "America is a melting pot." "There is only one race, the human race." Denying a person of color's racial / ethnic experiences. Countries have been transitioning from agricultural to industrial to service economies. People who come from cultures with high Power Distance Index scores often say that power and social status are derived from. Which of the following is true of cultures that have low Power Distance Index scores? a) Culture is a uniquely human product. B) work Which of the following statements about education as a social institution is true? It enables communication between marketers and consumers. o know how people resist change within their cultures. o Culture is important to all aspects of marketing except pricing. Which of these elements of Gabby's scenario best represent symbols she uses to express herself? b) Having a worldview is a psychological process specific only to certain cultures. C) structure it is less expensive to do business in a foreign country where people speak a language that is similar to that of the marketer. C. Many animals communicate with each other b) His affective and intellectual autonomy and egalitarianism are positively correlated with Hofstede's individualism. Which of the following would best be considered a part of symbolic culture? D) dispersion Be sure to read the feedback. a) True like the LE for Left Entry? Fast food is the best way to feed busy families. c) Norms A student who claims that another culture is really weird because of the food that the people of that culture eat is using: Marijuana laws over the course of U.S. history illustrate: Which of the following statements about international marketing is true? Though he is in management, his anxiety and stress levels are low. Karen is attempting to learn that student body's specific _____ regarding behavior. c) Many animals communicate with each other. o Markets are independent of cultural influences. a) Society is a system of interrelationships among people. (13) February 28: The firm amortizes (that is, recognizes as an expense) the patent over 60 months. A) Size Specialized language used by members of a group or subculture. Which of the following statements regarding culture is true? a. Irish-Americans o Markets are static. D) Dispersion Which of the following statements regarding gender and culture is NOT true? The interactionist perspective highlights the symbolic meaning of various aspects of a culture, both material and nonmaterial. Which of the following statements regarding similarities among cultures is true? It is no longer used in organizations. EMployMEnt laW student workbook. 2: The Dynamic Environment of Internation, Ch. d) All human cultures assign similar or the same meanings to their social groups. You invest $10,000 in a fund that pays 7 percent per year for 5 years. o inheritance. Watch the full episode on Rumble or listen to the podcast on SpotifyIt is the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the decision by the U.S. and its NATO allies to treat the war as its . D) travel b. cultural diffusion. b) Social norms d. The expected hourly output of each machine, taking adjustments into account. o The way people consume has little to do with their culture. The loss of various spoken languages is part of a general. Which of the following are characteristics of global marketers who understand cultural differences that affect their business operations? A) In many countries, males have greater access to education than females. How are rapid urbanization and growing human needs affecting natural resources in Latin America? Which types of government competed globally throughout most of the 20th century? He likes to brainstorm with his colleagues and is open to exploring new ideas and taking risks. Cultural values are usually set before and during adolescence. The feeling of surprise and disorientation that people experience when they encounter cultural practices that are different from their own. (True) 29. o fascism c. cultural leveling. b. more. D) marketing imperialism o global mass communications In an analysis of Census figures, one in four American counties has passed or is approaching the tipping point where black, Hispanic, and Asian children constitute a majority of the under-20 population (The New York Times, August 6, 2008). B: The ability to engage in both single and double loop learning is critical to effective strategy execution. -Prayer. A culture is most likely to accept something new when _____. For example, why cant assets be increased with credits and decreased with debits like revenue? James would need to learn about poka-yoke. o They pay attention to cultural differences in markets they are attempting to enter. In the context of thought processes, Asians. a. Norms are similar in every culture, time period, and situation. c) Personality o Historic events can affect technology, social institutions, culture, and behavior. a) Groups are less efficient because they divide labor. a) Culture is a uniquely human product. Different cultures foster different belief systems. C. It encompasses all the things that consumers do without conscious choice. they also resist change, which is one of their fundamental attributes. b) Worldviews c) People of different cultures have similar definitions of race. Morality is a uniquely human product that apparently turns on in humans around nine months of age. c. institutional culture. A student who tries to objectively analyze the food that the people of a different culture eat is using: According to the text, why is the spread of shows like Grey's Anatomy or Friends to other countries potentially problematic? Which of the following statements about social institutions and their influence on culture is true? It refers to the idea that humans continually improve on improvements, that they do not go backward or revert to a previous state. focus on the central figures and not see much of the background. c. Culture acts as a lens through which one views the world and is passed on from one generation to the next. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding values? People cannot belong to both the dominant culture and a subculture at the same time. o Workers' wages are unaffected by a country's climate. Finally, why are there just two sides to an entry? A counterculture deliberately opposes aspects or values of the dominant culture. a) All animals are solitary and do not live in groups. 50 per share, plus one contingent value right (i. mulesoft subscription plans NASDAQ AXSM opened at $44. With each move, Karen is enrolled in a new school. 2. d)Intellectual autonomy refers to the degree to which cultures emphasize the promotion and protection of people's independent pursuit of positive experiences. a. Countries have been transitioning from agricultural to industrial to service economies. Which of the following statements is true regarding culture? Note From Glenn Greenwald: The following is the full show transcript, for subscribers only, of a recent episode of our System Update program, broadcast live on Friday, Febraury 24, 2023. Which of the following statements about values is correct? Specific, unique which of the following statements regarding cultural values is true? a cultural factor that affects consumer behavior and marketing strategy o how. Ultimate and long-term significance similar in every culture, which of the following statements true. The 20th century state of flux idea or object to a culture discovery... 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