When Carrie reveals that she has been asked to go to the Prom and that she said yes, Margaret tells her not to go, which forces Carrie to throw her on to the bed. Margaret White in Carrie was portrayed by Julianne Moore. She then made plans to move to Florida and start her life with the help of Sue Snell who felt sorry for her. While Carrie is putting on her make-up, Margaret tells her desperately not to go, but Carrie slides her mother across and out of the room and slams the door. Throughout much of the movie, there were segments where different characters gave their accounts of the Ewen High prom night incident. In the second section of the story, Carrie attempts to fix herself up on the night of the Prom and makes an effort in enchanting her appearance, she is described as actually looking pretty, for the first time in her entire life. While this happens, she always shows this smile. Angered, Carrie caused his ashtray to fall down and be knocked out by Carrie, after the principal kept calling her "Cassie". At Prom night, Margaret approached Carrie, stating that she knew Carrie would wear "red", while her dress was actually pink. Now there are instanceswhere Carrie's special abilities manifested all by itself without her even trying. This is an adaptation of Stephen King's novel. Here are a few characteristics of the narcissistic mother. She was a strong woman and a Christian fanatic. Don't worry about her truly hurting herself. Carrie mercilessly left the remaining Prom goers trapped inside with the now-dead Tommy to be consumed by the hellish inferno created by her telekinetic abilities and the rest was history. In the episode's very last scene, a vulnerable Zeke goes to see Carrie at her apartment, hoping to find comfort. Carrie later went on to help other teens with their telekinesis in a hidden manner. Patricia Clarkson as Carrie's mother Margaret White in Carrie (2002 remake). Patricia Clarkson portrayed Margaret White in the 2002 film remake. This Margaret is much calmer, but she also tries to kill Carrie for the same reasons, too. In this version, however, she doesn't try to kill Carrie with a knife. Now she. After crying out for her mother, Carrie died in Sue's arms and as her body began to shut down, Sue also felt Carrie dying and experienced her death as well due to their psychic connection minutes prior. Compare to the 1976 Margaret who was laughing and smiling as she tried to kill Carrie. When Margaret first saw her daughter dressed up in the red gown and revealing her "dirtypillows", she immediately ordered her to take off the gown and burn it, and then she demanded that they do penance together and pray afterward. To manipulate Carrie into staying at home, Margaret began to physically hurt herself as she scratched and clawed at own her face, pulled her hair out and punched herself in the mouth, causing herself to bleed a little. Carrie was also uncoordinated in her movements and once fell flat on her face during dance class in sophomore year and chipped a tooth. Scientists begin to take the concept of telekinesis more seriously. She is portrayed as less attractive than Laurie's version of Margaret, as she looks tired and deranged throughout the film. She was admitted to Westover Doctors Hospital. Seconds after, Sue got up to fetch for help, but could feel herself miscarrying, though she initially thought that she was apparently having her period. Instead, she tries to drown Carrie in the bathtub of her home after Carrie returns from the prom ordeal, forcing Carrie to use her telekinesis to cause Margaret's heart to stop to save her life, where Sue later finds her with Carrie in the bathtub on the brink of death. She then begins to study everything she can about her power. A seamstress, Carrie made herself a dress for the night. Carrie then brought down the power lines, and when the snapped power wires hit the water and gas-soaked pavement, it ignited several wildfires that burned down the majority of the town's neighborhoods. Patricia Clarkson as Carrie's mother Margaret White in Carrie (2002 remake). Carrie rushes to her closet, carrying her mother and stayed there as the house came down, dying. Furthermore, when Carrie was almost 3 years old, she conversed with a young girl next door about her breasts, Margaret became very unhinged and started to scratch herself, howl and scream, shaking violently she grabbed Carrie and shoved her indoors/back in the house to give her a harsh reprimand for associating with their young neighbor. As with everything else, Carrie was viciously teased and mercilessly bullied by the other girls in her P.E. Carrie is so controlled by her mother she is even forced to wear unbecoming and outdated clothes and forbidden to wear the color red, as Margaret believed that red was "the Devil's color". An emotionally abusive mom will constantly put you down, shame you, and humiliate you, especially in front of others. Carrie (2013) When Carrie hugs her Mom, she says to kneel down and they talk about how she was raped. Perhaps only her soul. Since Carrie had no previous knowledge about the concept of menstruation the students rejection of Carrie became even fiercer. It was the one and only exit that Carrie forgot to seal. While Carrie is at prom Margaret slams her arm out of the crack. Then, when Carrie told her that she was invited to the Prom, Margaret became incensed and threw tea at her. She can't just leave Carrie behind, what type of person does that. After years of going back and forth, I cut my mother cleanly out of my life, 13 years before she died. During a dramatic sequence interspersed with Lily's (Cathy Ang) piano concert, Mr. Big was seen going hard at his spin class, before keeling over near the shower. As Mr. Fromm read a poem written by the popular student Tommy Ross, and sarcastically expressed his distaste for it, Carrie shyly commented that she thought Tommy's writing was "beautiful". "POWER" and oh, what a word that was! After the explosion, Carrie became weak and collapsed in the middle of the lot out of exhaustion from overusing her powers and the blood loss caused by her wound. Carrie reappears in the sequel, but only in flashbacks through a now middle-aged Sue Snell's memories about what happened regarding the events, which later lead to The Black Prom. Carrie explained that she was actually born gifted with telekinesis. Within a year, she left for good. Shes so sick with depression and emotionally imbalanced that its presenting as a physical pain. class, Carrie gets confronted by her classmates and gets her first period. One of the best parts of the novel Carrie is Carrie's dramatic inner conflict about whether or not she should go to prom. An autopsy is performed on Carrie's body. Focusing on the fire hose, Carrie opened it, washing Norma and everyone away from the door, creating a turmoil in the gym. Piper Laurie (1976 movie)Patricia Clarkson (2002 TV movie)Julianne Moore (2013 movie). Shock. While at home, Carrie is tormented by her delusional mother (Piper Laurie), The school was rebuilt elsewhere in Chamberlain and the ruins of the former school are still there. After following Carrie downstairs and trying to tempt her not to go, Carrie grabs her mother with her TK. WebAt this point in the novel, we also strongly suspect, because of evidence that Dana herself has provided, that Rufus poses a sexual threat to her. When she swam in the camp's lake, they ducked her head underwater. Status As she walks home, she unleashes her powers on the town as well, destroying several buildings and killing hundreds of people. Carrie could see with her telepathic powers where the real Miss Desjardin was and how she was still laughing like everyone else. Miss Desjardin calmed Carrie down and reassured her everything was going to be okay and that she wasn't dying. Once, Tommy had even been approached by the Boston Red Sox team, who wanted to recruit him after he graduated. If they stay here longer, they will be dead. Once the classmates found a love letter from Carrie to a boy named, One year, Carrie was given the cruel nickname "pudding pop" by everyone and the next year she became known by the cruel nickname "pizza face" by everyone. Miss Desjardin came out of her office to stop the commotion and to stop the hysterical Carrie from panicking, Miss Desjardin slapped her across the face which caused a light bulb above them to explode and a bucket of baseball bats to knock over all by itself. She was picked up by her mother at the station and sent to the closet to pray for hours. lovable mort. Carrie makes the knife fly off the desk onto the ground, without her mother noticing. Carrie mercilessly eliminated and killed anybody who had ever hurt, neglected or underestimated her before returning home after leaving a path of destruction in her wake to ultimately confront and finally kill her crazy, homicidal mother before dying on that very same night that ended up making national history. Sadly, this is also the case with the movie Carrie.. RELATED: The 10 Worst Stephen King Adaptations (According To IMDb) Though both the book and the original movie are fondly remembered as being among Why? She told Carrie that she had tried to kill her twice before during the first few years of Carrie's life, but she "backslid". She changed her mind, realizing that she had a special gift to use as a secret weapon. She feels amazing, as if her whole life has led to this moment. Carrie then questioned why she was there, and was told that it was because she liked his poem. Next, she looked up and turned on the sprinkler system to wet everyone and ruin their expensive tuxedos and gowns, the only regret she had was it was raining water and not blood. When Ralph passed away, her mother survived off the money from the insurance and by working at the local laundry. Tommy invited Carrie for a dance, which she initially declined. Tommy visited Carrie, once again insisting in taking her to the ball. This made Carrie laugh again and she used her mind to break the backstage high-voltage power cables by picturing them in her head and threw them crackling on the wet stage, causing purple sparks to fly into the air. Ralph White (Husband)Carrie White (Daughter)John Brigham (Father)Judith Brigham (Mother) Carrie's pleasure came to an end when a bucket of blood was spilled on her, much to her horror. She demands that she is going and wants to be normal. Carrie then telekinetically flies away from her, but she doesn't stop. Despite being the main antagonist, she wasn't revealed to be the true villain until the very end. If you read the book and then compare with this telefilm you will find that. Carrie (along with George, Erika, and Ms. Desjardin) is saddened by this. While Moore's Margaret is just as abusive towards Carrie, she also displays genuine love towards her. WebA slave on the Weylin estate, Carrie is Sarah s daughter and the only child Sarah has left (as the others have been sold). Eventually, Carrie made her way through the exit and out the lobby doors, losing both her high-heel shoes as if she were Cinderella fleeing from the Ball. Carrie manifests her powers in a state of trance (seen only in the 2002 film), while in the novel, she kills her bullies more consciously. She was killed by her mother who immediately got killed by a heart attack via Carrie's telekinesis and brought back to life by her best friend Sue Snell in the second adaptation (2002) and it is hinted that she lives in the 2013 adaptation as well when cracks appear on her gravestone in the closing sequence. When Carrie goes out to look for a dress and comes home late Margaret gets furious and says she worried about her and was wondering where she was. When the cables writhed in the puddles of water, there was a violent flash, like lightning and everyone was screaming all at once as they were killed. Scared, Carrie simply ran away from him. Her disorder was most likely a form of untreated schizophrenia that worsened as she aged and as a result of her untreated condition, Margaret lived a life of isolation and solitude. In the 2013 Carrie remake film, Carrie White was portrayed by Chlo Grace Moretz. She then screams in pain and agony as Carrie crucifies her, so that she won't recover from her attack and continue to try to kill her. For the shower scene, Sissy Spacek was told to react to the blood as if she was "hit by a truck". When Tommy asks her if they want to vote for themselves, Carrie is unimpressed. Carrie is shocked and stares at Tommy in disbelief. Relatives WebAn-mei's mother had returned home when her own mother, Popo, lay dying. (We probably didnt need to hear Ron Rifkin give a speech on daddy issues, but this was a backstory we could get behind After Ralph came back hours later, after heavy drinking at a roadhouse in Chamberlain, Ralph forced himself on Margaret and both engaged in intercourse in an "unearthly" form of marital rape. A loved child, but a child nonetheless. Carrie retaliates by pinning Mom to the wall telekinetically with a bunch of butcher knives. Carrie ignored her mother's crazy actions and even used her powers to physically slide her mother out the door of her bedroom and shut it in order to get ready without being distracted. Carrie's headstone makes a cameo appearance in the novel of IT, which also takes place in Maine. After Carrie returns home from the Prom, Margaret then tells Carrie that before she was born, she was raped by her father, Ralph and after gaining her trust, she stabs Carrie in the back. In the original story, instead of dying by being crucified by kitchen utensils, Carrie slowly stopped her heart, giving Margaret a heart attack. Carrie revealed she was asked to the prom by Tommy, and her suspicions that "they" were planning to humiliate her once again. It was amazing how she kept going, despite her wounds, but she still had one last thing to do to complete her final destruction. As a result, she eventually became a school counselor to help teens at a local high school. As she walked home, Chris attempted to run her down with her car, but Carrie attacked her, causing the car to keel over and explode, killing Chris and Billy Nolan. Carrie in this version is more similar to the book, but in modern terms. Before she could reach her, Carrie looked at Miss Desjardin's direction and she flew backward as if she was being pushed by an unseen force. Reluctant to vote for themselves, Tommy persuaded her to do so. Some ways to approach this: 1. Miss Collins was forced to slap her on the face and apologized, comforting her. whenever Carrie tries to stop her mom from hurting herself, Carries mom slaps Carrie with her Bible and knocks her over. Margaret mentioned that her father was taken by sin, and Carrie remarked that he had fled with another woman, something everybody around them knew. DeceasedAlive (2002 TV movie only) Carrie (1976) Carrie then told Margaret about Tommy and the Prom, and remarked that he was a good boy. #1: She always has to be right. Like Barbara Lang, she too suffers from mental illness, however, unlike Margaret, Barbara is more laid-back, as she does not abuse her daughter. Margaret was very evil and abusive to her daughter, Carrie. As Tommy arrived, Carrie mentally telekinetically pushed her mother onto the bed to contain her, and left after saying she loved her. She survives the attempted murder, but only barely, thanks to Sue who enters the house, finds her and manages to revive her. Carrie then telekinetically used the cables like slithering snakes and flung them back and forth into the air, painfully whipping people, shocking them and breaking their skin. WebCarries mom in the 2013 film is more interested in harming herself than harming Carrie White. Finished, Carrie thanked her mother and went upstairs. Carrie was, however, mocked by Chris Hargensen, Norma Watson and Sue Snell as they threw tampons all over her, ignoring her desperation. She had even tried to take part in the other camp's activities, but the jokes never stopped playing on "old praying, fart face Carrie", until she had come home on the bus a week early, her eyes, red and socket from weeping. Afterwards, she explained to Carrie what menstruation was and told her it was a natural part of womanhood. For the first time since she can remember, Carrie enjoyed herself and Tommy even became romantically attracted to her in secret. Age In fact, her abusiveness comes precisely from the fact that she does love her daughter so much and wants to do anything to protect her from harm. As Carrie screamed uncontrollably, the lamp above them exploded, much for Chris and Norma's thrill. When Carrie was almost 3-years-old, she encountered a young and beautiful neighbor girl named, The film versions of Carrie are heavily different from. Carrie makes a red dress for the Prom instead of pink, as depicted in the films. Carrie lived in the very small and peaceful town of Chamberlain, Maine, with her severely mentally unstable mother who had cut her daughter off from all social life due to her religious beliefs. Chris had Billy viciously slaughter two pigs at a local farm and drain their blood into two big metal buckets. Enraged, Carrie acts strongly similar to, Carrie is not gifted with telepathy in the films. After that it was buried. A girl named Rhonda Simard busted out in a crazed puppet dance when she accidentally stepped on one of the cables, causing her Prom gown to catch fire and burst into flames, setting her entirely ablaze. Carrie arrived home and found out that Margaret had been informed of the incident. As Norma, Freddy, and Kenny Garson left, Carrie forced the door they opened, suffocating Freddy and Kenny as Norma screamed for help. This version of the character in general was more similar to the novel than Sissy Spacek's portrayal. 17 Surprising Signs Your Mom Is Toxic. They were in the palm of her hand. When Prom Night arrived, Margaret and Carrie got into another argument about the Prom. 47 When Carrie saw her mother and vice versa, both were shocked to realize that one wanted to kill the other. This time she accepts. She evidently has the presence of mind to "fall" and not hurt herself too much. Margaret calls her a witch, but relents. Margaret then makes a crazy and wicked smile, as she follows Carrie down the stairs, ready to kill her, as though she on some sort of mission. Carrie has a slender figure in the films while in the novel, she is described as an overweight girl. She then burns the lock, so Margaret can't escape and disturb the evening. Sue wakes up screaming revealing that the arm was her mother's. Before Carrie could make it to the exit, she was deliberately tripped by someone in the crowd and fell, causing the laughter to grow even louder. During the entire event, Carrie seemed completely catatonic and was believed to even be smiling as she moved along. Angela Bettis was the actress who portrayed Carrie in 2002. She kills her mother by impaling her with the household objects. She doesn't, however, die in this position like in the original movie. This is traumatizing. Born She survived her post-prom ordeal with the help of Sue, hid in the ruins of the school and later escaped to Florida with Sues help, who drove her there. In an alternate ending, we see Sue giving birth to the baby mentioned by Carrie. She locks Carrie in the closet and scrapes her own arms with her nails until she bleeds. In sports, Carrie was always missing the ball, even in kickball or clumsily running into the net during volleyball. Before she has the chance to do it, however, Carrie sends a knife pinning her hand into the wall. She clumsily attempted to flee the blood-splattered thrones while struggling to keep her balance. When Carrie is asked to go to the prom, she tells her not to go, as though it was the end of the world, which forced Carrie to throw her on the bed. Margaret ultimately became extremely co-dependent on her daughter, Carrie who was trapped within the unhealthy and sick world Margaret had created for them both. Principal Henry Grayle also resigns for not preventing morewhat happened. In the third iteration it is unclear if Carrie survived or not and is it left to the imagination. Still, a few items on this list may have affected you. Margaret lived with her parents John and Judith Brigham in Motton, Maine until 1960, when she moved to Chamberlain with Ralph White. She has an affair with Big while he's married to Natasha and she's seriously dating Aidan, and somehow winds up feeling the most sorry for herself. Carrie was raised isolated from society by her single mother after her father Ralph White left them for another woman. 8. For the mere reason of having telekinesis she says she is a witch and witches have to die according to God. This tragic event later lead to The Black Party. In a cold rage, Carrie's mind finally snapped and she returned to the school barefooted and with a sadistic vengeance and a thirst for bloody revenge. Carrie returned the attack by using her powers to slow her mother's heart to a crawl. Not only is the movie gory and vulgar, it also contains a sex scene. She tells Sue (who didn't know) that she is pregnant with a girl before throwing her out to safety. "She literally spent her life caring after Carrie," Todd Fisher (Carrie's brother) told Good Morning America. Carrie left as Mr. Fromm burned to his death, which set the gym on fire. However, one night in December of 1963, Ralph tried to seduce Margaret and she kicked him out of the house. Carrie also used her powers to cause several fire hydrants to explode, flooding the streets. 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