", Board Member - Highlands Ranch Metro District, South Metro Fire Rescue, Highlands Ranch Law Enforcement Training Foundation, "As Douglas County continues to grow and crime is increasing at a rapid rate, we must elect a sheriff who is going to keep communities and schools the safest they can be, we feel Darren is that candidate who can lead Douglas County into the future with safety and security. The entire foundation of our criminal justice system is based on those rights. She said in an interview that some COVID-19 precautions We The People and I will never fail to do so. What changes do you think need to be implemented in the sheriff's office to improve operations and/or make the community safer? He is a proven leader with the respect and trust of the rank and file who has also demonstrated the knowledge and experience to protect neighborhoods, reduce crime and theft, improve school safety, and fight tirelessly to stop illegal drugs from killing DougCo citizens. Currently, there are over 500 firefighters at South Metro Fire Rescue. We have noticed you are using an ad blocking plugin in your browser. I am the only candidate with the experience to keep our community safe. WebCandidates | Douglas County Dems Election 2022 Candidates Protecting our personal rights, our community, our safety, and our democracy Many Great Results for Dems in I have always supported school resource officers and have approved millions for additional SROs. I will ensure that DCSO becomes one of those agencies where people will want to come and work. Ensure that there is no gun owner registry, Zero tolerance for any wavering from our Constitution. While line level staff and mid-level management have excelled in keeping Douglas County the lowest crime rate in the front range, the past few years of extremely political leadership, recent hiring of ex-sheriffs who dont live in the county having no connection to it and politicized personnel decisions by upper management has left the office with a lack of leadership and placement of citizens and employees second. important it is to have a sheriff with It ended shortly before 11;30 . Darren will be an excellent Sheriff for Douglas County. I will ensure tough on crime policies, concentrated enforcement, Ill promote partnership with communities and citizens, work with surrounding communities and legislators, and enlist advanced and visionary technology to detect and solve crime to keep this county safe. You will be our next Sheriff, and you will make a positive difference in so many people's lives! Raised $341,000.00 at the Broadmoor to disseminate Bibles worldwide, Partnered with the cast of Duck Dynasty for charity, National Western Stock Show Board for Childrens Catch-a-Calf fundraiser. Elections & Voting. A good leader must know their audience, or in this case, Douglas County culture. Trust is difficult to earn and easily lost. What changes do you think need to be implemented in the sheriff's office to improve operations and/or make the community safer? For over 16 years, patrol deputies have totaled 11 call responders, less supervisors. The overwhelming majority of the commissioned and civilian staff of DCSO trust me to lead the organization into the future. How will you address the threat of mass public shootings in the community? Trust must be a core value for everything a law enforcement agency does. "The next Sheriff of Douglas I urge all my Facebook friends, all my Aurora PD colleagues, and every Douglas County employee who live within Douglas County to vote for Darren. 1-303-566-4100. Health Department. Our residents rely on the Douglas County Sheriffs Department to be their primary law enforcement agency To be a hard blue line protecting them from the rising crime, drug use and vehicle thefts taking place in Denver. I am a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment. As a sheriff I swear to uphold constitutional rights for all citizens. Anderson: Internal protection is paramount. DCSO has not added sufficient frontline patrol or detention personnel to ensure appropriate staffing levels to deal with the increased workload or the increase in our inmate population. ", RELATED: Church distances itself from violent comment made at FEC United event, RELATED: Testimony indicates Colorado GOP chair led fringe conspiracy group allied with militia. We also need to maintain proper staffing levels as well as ensure we have schedules that are conducive to the personal lives of our staff. The revenue we receive from our advertisers helps make this site possible. ", "Safe neighborhoods are extremely important to the families of Castle Pines. I am proud to 750 W. Hampden Ave., Suite 225Englewood, CO 80110 I worked with a coalition to kill SB21-62, a dangerous. I also would offer that those with prior law enforcement experience, prior military, academy graduates at or near the top of their class, or who have a college degree may start directly in the patrol division. When it comes to the law as well as policy, I play by the book. DCSO also does a tremendous job of thoroughly investigating all threats to the community to include inside of our schools. As a neighboring County, it is vital to have a Sheriff we can continue to have a positive relationship with. With respect to the patrol division, our staff needs to have more unobligated time that will enable more proactive patrolling and traffic enforcement. As a former Denver Bronco, I understand the value of fulfillment, confidence and trust. michale phibs; douglas county sheriff candidate; douglas county sheriff race; douglas county election candidates, Fort Lupton: Economic development begins with swapping ideas, Garbage gets attention of Fort Lupton council, Another swatting incident, another false alarm in Brighton, Nominate a teenager for the Outstanding Youth Awards, Brighton, Commerce City police departments seek sex-assault suspect, Powered by Creative Circle Media Solutions. Douglas County, there is no one else In addition to working with the County Sheriffs of Colorado on important legislation, I look forward to bringing many years of experience in working directly with members of the general assembly on all matters that impact public safety in Douglas County. We request you whitelist our site. I will advocate for school security and sheriffs office personnel to train together annually on critical incident response and unified critical incident management. As sheriff, I will work with the legislature to reform it and protect the Constitution. Dougco Commissioner Lora Thomas, a Republican candidate for sheriff, stood by a pledge she gave to the conservative group FEC United. Over the years, various positions have been pulled from patrol, as well as the detention division, and reallocated to other assignments. November 8, 2022. Your Law Enforcement Leader of Choice: Third Generation Coloradan, Seasoned Law Enforcement Leader, Community Leader, and dedicated Family Man #Phibbs4Sheriff Contact Feel free to contact us with any questions. As mentioned, DCSO takes any threats or intelligence information on potential threats very seriously and investigates them thoroughly. The deadline to nominate a teenager for the Douglas County Youth Initiative Outstanding Youth Awards ends March 3. I have been entrusted by four different sheriffs to perform in key roles to make DCSO what it is today. Anderson: Red Flag is a violation of our United States Constitution. At 21 years old I was blessed to have been hired by DCSO. I thoroughly understand the workload of our staff in all divisions. For the last eight years, I have been the chief of police for Colorados most diverse community. I want someone who truly has my husbands back and will do everything to protect him and our community while keeping the morale high for all who rightfully enforce the law. Several candidates regarded the election as a Republican-only contest and took extreme political positions to appeal to that base. Darren also has the overwhelming support of those currently on the frontlines in law enforcement. Employees need to feel safe in their position, be motivated in their jobs, be assured of their status and be appreciated, recognized and involved in solutions. It takes action, leadership and partnerships. When you get your voting ballot, my website will assist you with information, so you know who not to vote for, I will fight for stronger laws and constitutional rights at the state legislation. During his career, Darren has exhibited the highest level of ethics, integrity, and professionalism. If we fail to do that, employees will go to an agency that will be more accommodating to their personal lives. Red Flag also violates our First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and 14th Amendments. It offers competitive salaries and benefits compared with other agencies in our area. As chair of the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police Legislative Committee, I participated in the stakeholder process for this bill. Gun free zones are an open invitation for armed individuals to enter our schools. Darren has worked for Douglas County Sheriffs Office for many years and understands the value in true partnerships. This law's actual court order is called an Extreme Risk Protection Order. The overwhelming majority of the commissioned and civilian staff of DCSO trust me to lead the organization into the future. On Friday morning, Marinelli had 54.15% of the vote and Brady had 45.85%. DCSO does an outstanding job analyzing crime trend data to target hot spot crime areas efficiently and effectively. Thomas: I do not believe any county resources should be used in confiscating the private property of our citizens without proper observation of their rights. Public Safety, FBINAA Graduate 163rd, Session Graduate of the 81st, Session of the National Sheriffs Association, "Public safety in Douglas County is one of my top priorities as a board member of the Highlands Ranch Metro District. John Anderson: Im Commander John Anderson. This group of highly-trained and highly-motivated detectives work narcotics cases all over Douglas County. As a former K9 handler, SWAT operator, detective, Douglas County regional SWAT commander, and division commander for professional standards, patrol, detentions and as the current investigations division commander, I have the most in-depth knowledge of the entire organization. He is passionate about responsible law enforcement and his career is a testament to that dedication. They need to know that you understand all the nuances of their situations and will balance that with the needs of the community. Ive been endorsed by five current Colorado sheriffs, as well as the Colorado Fraternal Order of Police. Elected Office / Department: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Lastly, he is a respected law enforcement officer throughout Douglas County and Colorado. Let me repeat, Im only a Reserve and my son works for another agency and yet Darren went out of his way to take care of those who take care of all of you. I have 28 years of exemplary service with DCSO. And finally, I know Darren personally and have faith that he is the right fit for Castle Pines and for Douglas County. Darren has decades of experience working in collaboration with officials from other agencies on major criminal investigations as well as emergency management. I know what best practices are, like physical school characteristics and a close relationship with our school district and with the private and charter schools. Eventually I spoke with my son, he was hanging in there. Anderson: Crime has several prevention levels: (Editors note: The Sheriffs Office disputes this claim, stating there is a higher number of responders and multiple teams that respond to calls). The olive groves of the Nikolarakis family are found throughout the region of Kalamafka. As Sheriff, Darren will serve the people well, keep the county safe and be an amazing leader for the Sheriff's Office. Get Out of Jail bill. It has connected people who have mental illness with services who may do harm to themselves or others. As sheriff, I will work with the legislature to reform the Red Flag law and protect the Constitution. "Upon my retirement, there is only one candidate that can successfully fulfill the job of Douglas County Sheriff and that person is Captain Darren Weekly. On April 14, 1978, I was hired as the fourth officer in the agency serving as patrolman, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, commander and acting chief of police. I am the only candidate who has worked and led in nearly every position within the sheriff's office. I also want to expand partnerships with programs like the Douglas County Mental Health Initiative, which emphasize treatment rather than incarceration. Darren operates from a position of zero ego, is very approachable, and sincerely cares about the Douglas County Community. There is no faster way of losing the support of the troops then demonstrating that "this task is below me" while simultaneously criticizing them for their performance of said task. If Darren says hes going to do something, you can take it to the bank. Ive lived in Douglas County for over 25 years. I will empower decision making up and down all levels of the chain of command, but with increased responsibility will also come increased accountability. Horizon olive oil is produced in the traditional way in the village of Kalamafka, in Lasithi, Crete. I then called the Buddy Center and Douglas County Animal Control, getting no answer from the former and a response from the latter that someone would be there in about 20 minutes well, after no one coming after an hour later I HAD to get going to the service and by chance remembered that there happened to be a dog walk event at the Glendale Dog Park on Havana that day. Ask the people of Douglas County to transfer funding from the Justice Center tax fund from brick and mortar to more boots on the ground. Ive lived in Douglas County for over 25 years. Im proud to endorse Darren Weekly to be the next Sheriff of Douglas County. It has connected people who have mental illness with services who may do harm to themselves or others. As your sheriff, I will ensure these partnerships with other agencies continue and we will aggressively file cases on drug dealers. They knew that I am tough and no-nonsense, but fair, honest and square-dealing. Sharing of information and resources, collaborative efforts, training together, following nationally recognized best practices and ensuring armed staff, security or School Resource Officers at all schools can protect our children and make our schools safer. Im proud to endorse Darren Weekly to be the next Sheriff of Douglas County.. I have already established good relationships with members of both the Colorado House and Senate, to include many who are currently running for those offices. Several years ago, after seeing him at church everySunday, Isatwith Darren at his office to get to know him better. Darren understands the needs of the community and has demonstrated professionalism and a long-continued tradition of excellence during his service to the Office of Sheriff. I sat on the Physical School Safety Funding committee after the STEM shootings. It ended shortly before 11;30 . I also have already been consulted on potential legislation for 2023. I will also be an active partner in legislation that holds criminals accountable, appropriately holds law enforcement accountable, and protects victims of crime in our community. In that time, Ive work with and for Darren Weekly. As commissioner, I have worked to improve the compensation of DCSO personnel, including pay increases, tier realignment and increased retirement benefits. This law has been applied sparingly. Laws that better serve and protect our schools, communities and families of every political affiliation. There is only one candidate in the Douglas County Sheriff's race that knows the office inside and out and can RELATED: Douglas County Commissioners to head to San Luis Valley for water export meetings, SUGGESTED VIDEOS:Full Episodes of Next with Kyle Clark. Office has to offer. Kluth: Employees need to feel safe in their position, be motivated in their jobs, be assured of their status and be appreciated, recognized and involved in solutions. ", "Leaders should never underestimate the importance of being willing and able to do any job under their command. The current Red Flag law violates rights and denies basic constitutional guarantees, denies the accused a defense, has nothing to do with mental health and does nothing to help someone alleged to have a mental health issue. every single position and has led just Emerging technology should be explored. This is a known issue that current leaders at DCSO have not made a priority to address. In nearly all cases where DCSO has invoked Red Flag, the same result could have been obtained by merely bringing the matter into the criminal justice system, where proper process can be afforded. As a sheriff I swear to uphold constitutional rights for all citizens. I will advocate for school security and sheriffs office personnel to train together annually on critical incident response and unified critical incident management. Darren Thomas has signed a pledge offered to candidates and elected officials by FEC United which promises loyalty to conservative principles. I try to create teams to work on ideas and issues together so that all can share in successes. Reached via text on Friday, Thomas said she had attended one FEC United meeting where she did not recall talk of violence. ", South Metro Fire Rescue firefighters are represented by the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) Local 2086. Darren Weekly will be a unifying sheriff who supports the Second Amendment, deeply understands the public safety issues impacting our community, such as homelessness, human trafficking, and school security, and he has specific solutions to address those issues now with impact. The candidates for Douglas County Sheriff faced each other in debate, attacking each other's history with the Omaha Police Department. The Town of Elizabeth has held two meetings with residents to discuss the possibility of building a local community and senior activity center. of Cos. Anderson: Ask the people of Douglas County to transfer funding from the Justice Center tax fund from brick and mortar to more boots on the ground. The region boasts 300 days of sunshine annually, and its altitude ensures only small changes in temperate throughout the year (mild winters and cool summers). One was delusional, firing shots inside his home. What is the biggest challenge the sheriff's office is currently facing and how will you address it? My background, training and experience is unparalleled by any of the other candidates. Our dispatch center handles 911 calls south to Bear Valley, west to Stateline in Tahoe, east to Topaz Lake, north to Topsy Lane, and of course, all of Minden and Gardnerville. Council seemed to think that proposals , For the second time in as many weeks, Brighton police said there is no credible evidence to indicate a threat to an area school. Nobody knows DCSO like me, and I appreciate the work the amazing staff do there every day. I want leaders in place that have a connection to Douglas County and are committed to fair and effective leadership, mentoring, motivating, supporting employees and being accountable, accessible and approachable to citizens. that is Darren Weekly., "As a neighboring County, it is vital to have a Sheriff we can continue to have a positive relationship with. What is the biggest challenge the sheriff's office is currently facing and how will you address it? WebDarren will be an excellent Sheriff for Douglas County. Also 5 years as Executive Director of the County Sheriff's of Colorado. Those I represent will be well-served with Darren as our next Sheriff. The Douglas County Sheriffs Office, which houses the 911 dispatch center, needs a replacement generator. As we know, fentanyl is a border crossing drug. WebOFFICE OF SHERIFF STATE-BY-STATE ELECTIONS INFORMATION STATE Elections Division Website State Elections Division Sheriffs' Election Info No. I have continuously improved my and my departments cultural awareness and increased my partnership-building skills. I am very pleased to see a person of Darren Weekly's experience, abilities and education step forward to accept the challenge of running for Sheriff in 2022. I will be an active partner with both our legislators and district attorneys in order to fight against any legislation that infringes on our individual rights, decriminalizing criminal behavior and any bail reform legislation. I will evaluate salaries, benefits, and retirement for improvements and increase training from the current 50 annual hours up to the targeted goal of 135 annual hours. 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